CXF Client Project

This project verifies that the generated webservices (wsdl/xsd, and service implementation/configuration) will work properly as both a client and a server project. Clients given just the wsdl, or the ?wsdl URL, will be able to use standard webservice utilities such as wsdl2java and java2ws.

The ObjectFactory and Fault classes are copied to the common project. The default stubbed service implementation is copied to the CXF project. This is because the default CXF generated implementation sets all parameters and return values to null, resulting in NullPointerException when we try to test.

The generated webservice web project can be run manually from the command line as a standalone web project, with the standard command: mvn jetty:run. By default the server runs with the URL http://localhost:8080/{projectname}. The services listing will be available at index.html. Each service metadata wsdl can be accessed through the standard URL servicename?wsdl. Services and service implementations are available for any client to develop and test against.

The generated webservice web project can also be run manually from the command using Tomcat, with the standard command: mvn tomcat:start. By default the server runs with the URL http://localhost:8080/{projectname}. The services listing will be available at index.html. Each service metadata wsdl can be accessed through the standard URL servicename?wsdl.


Next section: JAXB Bindings.