AndroMDA WebService Cartridge Namespace Components

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AndroMDA WebService Cartridge Namespace Properties

These properties are specific for XFire support.

wsdls(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
Specifies the directory to which generated WSDL's will be placed. Normally webservice/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/wsdl.
java-types(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which any non implementation Java files will be generated. Normally common/target/src/main/java
configuration(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which any configuration files are generated (such as the web.xml, etc). Normally webservice/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF.
axis-tests(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The directory to which AXIS specific test classes are generated.
axis-test-impls(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The directory to which the AXIS specific test implementation classes are generated.
wss4j-configuration(Back to Outlets)
Optional property
No default value available
The directory to which any WSS4J specific configuration files are generated.
webservice-project(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The webservice maven project directory, where buildWS ant scripts will be created and run.
webservice-types(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which any extra webservice classes will be generated (i.e. an AttachmentHandler for example). Normally core/src/main/java.
webservice-tests(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which webservice tests will be generated, so that they can be run as part of the maven test phases. Normally webservice/src/test/java. Output is only generated once. Testing requires a running Jetty server.
webservice-impl(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which any extra webservice classes will be generated (i.e. an AttachmentHandler for example). Normally webservice/src/main/java.
core-tests(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which webservice impl tests will be generated (in the core project), so that they can be run as part of the maven test phases. Normally core/src/test/java. Output is only generated once.
service-impls(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which any service implementation classes will be generated. Normally core/src/main/java.
jaxb-impl(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which customized JAXB implementation classes will be generated (i.e. Adapter). Normally common/src/main/java.
jaxb-gen(Back to Outlets)
Required property
No default value available
The directory to which JAXB generated classes will be generated (i.e. package-info, ObjectFactory), and to which CXF client generated classes will be copied. Normally common/target/src/main/java.
generateRefFiles(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generates File.ref files if overwrite=false for a template output. Ref files contain what would have been generated to the original file if overwrite=true or if the file did not already exist. Can be used to replace or merge with the exiting file.
overwriteAll(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Overwrite all files when generating output. Default=false. Use for project testing where all output will overwritten.
axisVersion(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 1
The version of Axis to use when generating (if using axis). Allowable values are:
  • 1 - Axis 1.x
  • 2 - Axis 2.x
soapStack(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: axis
The soap stack to use for your webservices, valid values are:
  • axis
  • xfire
  • jaxws
  • cxf
soapVersion(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 1.1
The soap version to use for your webservices, default=1.1, valid values are:
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
cxfVersion(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 2.0
The cxf version to use for your webservices, default=2.0, determined by pom.xml property cxf.version used to determine if java2ws should be run instead of java2wsdl, and if custom adapter classes can be referenced by the jaxb bindings files. Valid values are:
  • 2.0
  • 2.1
javaVersion(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 1.6
Determines if some annotations or JDK-specific features are output such as @Override compareTo(). If 1.4, templating and generics should be turned off. Should be set by property java.version in pom.xml which is also used by the maven-compiler-plugin. Allowed values=1.4,1.5,1.6. Default=1.6.
webserviceTypesPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.webservice
The package to which extra types are generated (i.e. AttachmentHandler).
extensionInheritanceDisabled(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Whether or not inheritance using XSD extensions is disabled. If true - inheritance is "faked" in that an object inheriting from another will include its inherited properties (it will be flatted) in its WSDL schema definition.
attachmentsDirectory(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The directory where attachments end up. This should be in the syntax appropriate for the target platform.
namespacePrefix(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: impl
Defines the prefix to give to the default namespace. Can be customized for individual services through WebService stereotype.
qualifiedNameLocalPartPattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}
The pattern to use when a qualified name local part is created. {0} represents the name of the classifier (i.e. WS{0} would give all your types and services a prefix of WS).
namespacePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: http://{0}/
The pattern to use when a namespace is created. {0} represents the reversed package name of the classifier (i.e. ws.{0} would prefix all your type and service namespaces with ws.).
reverseNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Whether or not to reverse the ordering of the namespace. The namespace is typically determined by the package name of the service or type, this allows you to reverse the package name. (i.e. org.andromda.samples would become if this was set to true). Possible values are:
  • true
  • false
seiSuffix(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: SEI
Specifies the suffix to append to the service name when identifying the portType name and service endpoint interface class. default=SEI
defaultProvider(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: RPC
The default use given all web services (if not defined separately on each web service). Possible choices are:
  • RPC
  • EJB
  • JAX-WS
defaultStyle(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: document
The default style given all web services (if not defined separately on each web service). Can be customized for individual services through WebService stereotype. Possible choices are:
  • wrapped
  • document
  • rpc
defaultUse(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: literal
The default use given all web services (if not defined separately on each web service). Can be customized for individual services through WebService stereotype. Possible choices are:
  • literal
  • encoded
defaultParameterStyle(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: wrapped
The default parameter encoding style for a webservice operation. Can be customized for individual services through WebService stereotype. Possible choices are:
  • wrapped
  • bare
rpcClassNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.{1}Impl
The pattern to use for the class name for a web service using an RPC provider. It's useful to set this when your RPC service has a non typical name (i.e. you want to use the web service delegator from the spring cartridge). {0} is the service package name and {1} is the service class name.
wsdlOperationSortMode(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: name
Specifies how operations should be sorted within the WSDL. Current options are none and name.
testPackageNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.test
The pattern to use when constructing the package name to which tests are generated, where {0} is the current model element package name.
testNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}Test
The pattern to use when constructing the name's of the tests that should be generated, where {0} is the current model element name.
testImplementationNamePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}TestImpl
The pattern used to construct the test implementation name, where {0} is the current model element name.
arrayNamePrefix(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: ArrayOf
Specifies the prefix to give to names of WSDL array elements.
schemaTypeMappingsUri(Back to Other)
Required property
No default value available
URI specifying the specific mappings from UML model types to WSDL Schema types. (i.e. file:${basedir}/XmlSchemaMappings.xml)
ejbJndiNamePrefix(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The prefix given to the JNDI name of the EJB provider. This may be specified by another cartridge (i.e. the Hibernate cartridge, EJB cartridge, etc.) so it must be specified here in order to give the correct JNDI name of an EJB provider.
ejbInterfacePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.{1}
The pattern to use when determining the interface of an EJB provider: {0} represents the package name of the model element and {1} represents the name of the model element.
ejbHomeInterfacePattern(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: {0}.{1}Home
The pattern to use when determining the home interface of an EJB provider: {0} represents the package name of the model element and {1} represents the name of the model element.
testImplementationOperationNamePrefix(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: handle
The pattern used to construct the test implementation name, where {0} is the current model element name.
applicationName(Back to Other)
Required property
No default value available
The name of the application that this service will run within (i.e. Security Services}
wsdlSoapAddress(Back to Other)
Required property
No default value available
The location of where the WSDL will reside (i.e. "http://localhost:8080/security-service/services")
securityRealm(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The security realm to use for securing your web service(s). NOTE: this must be set in order to have ANY of your web services secured. A web service will be secured if it has any roles (i.e. Actors) have dependencies to it.
testServiceLocatorName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: TestServiceLocator
The name to give the test service locator.
testServiceLocatorPackage(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.andromda.webservice.test
The package to give the test service locator.
servicesPath(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: services
The path to the location of the services (relative to the web application context).
webContext(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: webservice
The web application context path http://$host:$port/$webContext/$servicesPath/ServiceName.
ejbJndiUrl(Back to Other)
Optional property
No default value available
The JNDI url to use when using EJB as your web service provider.
ejbNamingContextFactory(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
The JNDI context factory to use when using EJB as your web service provider.
sessionTimeout(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 5
The number of minutes the session can be idle before timeout occurs.
wsdlSoapNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The soap namespace.
xmlSchemaNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The XMLSchema namespace
wsdlNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The WSDL namespace
wsSecurityNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The XML WS-Security namespace
wsSecurityImportLocation(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The XML WS-Security import location. Can override the default oasis security definitions with more defined datatype values.
documentStyleTransportNamespace(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
The doc style transport namespace
xmlEncoding(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: UTF-8
Encoding for generated XML files.
generateMethodImpl(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Generate a class with service method implementation, with default/dummy values for the entire service complex hierarchy.
useArrayWrapper(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
For CXF web services, do not wrap arrays with ArrayOf class in wsdl.
useAttributes(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Output WSDL simple types as attributes instead of elements. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAttribute stereotype.
addNamespaceBackslash(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Add a trailing backslash to the namespace declaration in wsdl/xsd/annotations. Needed for backwards compatibility. Services created from URL ?wsdl will have trailing backslashes added automatically.
useEnumValueInXSD(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Java Enumeration Literals are modelled with both a key and a value. The key should be unchanging, typically an uppercase-underscore version of the human-readable value for display. Enumeration literals should be modelled with both the key and value, and both will be output in the Java5 Enum. XSD enumerations allow only a single string value list. If useEnumValueInXSD=true, the enum literal value is output in the XSD string list of values instead of the enum literal key. The key in the client generated enum will be an upper-underscore version of the literal value, and may not match what has been modelled in UML. Set this to false if you want to model a different enum literal key than what gets converted by default from the value and have that key as part of the XSD service interface definition. Set this to true or leave unset (default=true) if you want to output a human-readable display value in the enum XSD interface definition.
outputGeneratedAnnotationJavadoc(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
In Java6 or later, output @javax.annotation.Generated and javadoc @generated tags to indicate that the code is generated. Also output xmiID values as part of the generated tags. Currently, the tags are only output at the class and XML element level, but in the future they may be used to distinguish between generated and manual methods within a generated file. adding xmi:id (xmiId) to the generated annotation comments allows matching renamed and moved model elements to their original values, for bi-directional synchronization of model and code (future) or with alternate tools.
makeNillable(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
For associations of multiplicity 0, and non-required elements, output schema with nillable=true, otherwise use minOccurs=0
importedXSD(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
wsdl files import external xsd files instead of embedding schemas within wsdl. Requires 'XmlSchema' stereotype on package containing ValueObject classes, to generate xsd files containing elements from that package.
validateSchema(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
Validate the incoming XML against the wsdl/xsd schema globally. Can be turned on/off for an individual service through XmlSchema stereotype schemaValidation taggedValue. false by default because we may be using customized bindings or have an incomplete type test hierarchy.
customValidator(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Your custom validator to insert into the validation/unmarshalling process. For example, to ignore unrecognized new elements (to allow backwards compatibility).
webserviceHost(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: localhost
Webservice hostname used for CXF client and wsdl configurations
webservicePort(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: 9090
Webservice port used for CXF client and wsdl configurations. Use 9090 so that test server does not conflict with other servers that may be running on common port 8080.
persistenceContainerName(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: jboss
The default persistence container engine name. Used when specifying specific annotations for different persistence containers. Possible values are:
  • jboss
  • weblogic
  • ibm
generateIsBooleanGetters(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: false
When set to 'true' the cartridge will generate an IsAttribute(..) method for each Boolean/boolean attribute in addition to the normal getAttribute method. Jaxb/Jax-ws only generates IsAttribute() methods for webservice client objects, this is needed for ValueObject method compatibility. Set to true when cxf webservice option is selected for new application generation.
generateChainedSetters(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
When set to 'true' the setAttribute method returns 'this' instead of void, allowing setter methods to be chained together after the constructor for improved readability and reduced lines of code. For example: Type variable = new Type().setAttribute1(value1).setAttribute2(value2); etc
simpleBindingMode(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: true
Adds xjc:simple to Jaxb2.1 binding file options. Described in and in Makes all elements @XMLRootElement, pluralizes attribute/association/parameter names of multiplicity *. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
xjcArguments(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value: -Xts,-Xts:style:simple,-Xdv
Add additional CXF xjc arguments to the wsdl2java command, to customize the Jaxb2 generated classes. XJC plugins are available under Jaxb2 Commons: . The default XJC arguments value does not require downloading any Jaxb commons plugins. Plugins must be added to CXF_HOME\lib directory or JAXB_HOME\commons directory. Suggested value: -Xcommons-lang,-Xcommons-lang:ToStringStyle=DEFAULT_STYLE,-Xdefault-value,-Xvalue-constructor,-Xcollection-setter-injector,-simple-preserve" Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype. />
XMLDateAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
XMLDateTimeAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
XMLTimeAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Date<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs java.util.Date or java.util.Calendar instead of XMLGregorianCalendar. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
XMLBooleanAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Boolean<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Boolean instead of boolean. Primitive boolean can cause issues with XML return values. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
XMLIntegerAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Integer<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Integer instead of BigInteger. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
XMLDecimalAdapter(Back to Other)
Optional property
Default value:
Class which extends Jaxb2 javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlAdapter>String, Decimal<. Handles parse/print of customized String formats. Outputs Decimal instead of BigDecimal. Can be customized for individual attributes through XmlAdapter stereotype.
axis2WrappedMessageReceiver(Back to Axis2)
Optional property
No default value available
The message receiver used in the Axis2 service.xml for "wrapped" style services. If this is not specified, the wrapped message receiver generated by this cartridge is used.
axis2DefaultMessageReceiver(Back to Axis2)
Optional property
Default value: org.apache.axis2.rpc.receivers.RPCMessageReceiver
The message receiver used for any services other than "wrapped" style.
axis2GeneratedWrappedMessageReceiverRendersFaultsAsBeans(Back to Axis2)
Optional property
Default value: false
When the generated wrapped message receiver is being used it will render faults as strong-typed beans into the 'details' section of the SOAP body. Exceptions from the JDK will only have their 'message' and 'stackTrace' properties rendered, while custom exceptions only include the properties which have been modelled on them. Setting this property to 'false' will have each exception rendered as a plain text Axis fault in which you will only find the stacktrace.
springVersion(Back to XFire)
Optional property
Default value: 2
The version of Spring being used. Valid values are:
  • 1
  • 2
signedRequest(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
Default value: false
True or false on whether or not the webservice will expect signed requests. If true, a WSS4J Axis handler will be added to provide decryption of signed requests (if this is set to true the following properties below MUST be specified.
encryptedRequest(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
Default value: false
If true, causes generation of necessary code to that expects the request to be encrypted
encryptedResponse(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
Default value: false
If true, causes generation of necessary code that encrypts the response.
signedResponse(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
Default value: false
If true, causes generation of necessary code that signs the response.
cryptoKeyStore(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
No default value available
The location of the key store file (i.e. keys/authorization-service.jks).
cryptoKeyStoreType(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
No default value available
The key store's type (i.e. jks).
cryptoKeyStoreAlias(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
No default value available
The key store alias name.
cryptoAliasPassword(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
No default value available
The alias password.
cryptoKeyStorePassword(Back to WSS4J)
Optional property
No default value available
The key store password.