Actors represent roles within your model. To designate that a role has access to a given web service you must draw a dependency from an Actor to the <<WebService>>.

AndroMDA WebService Cartridge Profile

This profile contains all elements that can be applied on the model used as the MDA transformation process. These elements are specific to the AndroMDA WebService Cartridge component.

Stereotypes are the names you sometimes see appear in UML diagrams, they typically look like <<MyStereotype>> and can be applied on any type of UML model element.

Service(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
(From Java profile) Creates a WSDD file for each model element with this stereotype. Each method to be exposed, must be stereotyped with the <<WebServiceOperation>> stereotype.
WebService(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
Creates a WSDD service fragment and exposes ALL methods of the element as a web service.
WebServiceOperation(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Service operation
This is used in conjunction with the <<Service>> stereotype. Adds the method to the list of allowed methods which will be exposed as a web service. You MUST place this stereotype on an operation if you want it exposed as a web service (unless you add the <<WebService>> stereotype to your class).
ValueObject(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
(From Java Profile) Allows the definition of complex types. These types can be related to each other through associations and if the association multiplicity is greater than 1, then an array reference will be generated (instead of a Collection), unless using CXF or JAX-WS with useArrayWrapper=false.
Enumeration(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class
(From Java profile) Allows the definition of enumerated types. These types MUST define their attributes as frozen. Deprecated: Use UML Enumerations instead.
Nullable(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Service operation parameter
(From Java profile) Allows you to define whether or not operation parameters can be nullable or nillable (in WSDL terms). If this is NOT defined on a parameter, then a null check will be generated for that parameter on the service operation. Deprecated: Use UML2 multiplicity lowerBound = 0.
packageMap(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Package
(From XML profile) Defines a package which is mapped to a Schema Namespace, so that an .xsd file is created for this package and imported by the wsdl files that reference the schema. Deprecated: Use XMLSchema instead.
XmlSchema(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Package
(From XML profile) Defines a package which is mapped to a Schema Namespace, so that an .xsd file is created for this package and imported by the wsdl files that reference the schema. ValueObjects referenced in the service must be in a package with this Stereotype if importedXSD=true (the default).
XmlAttribute(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
(From XML profile) Attribute, parameter is rendered as an XML attribute instead of an element. Overrides global default.
XmlElement(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
(From XML profile) Attribute, parameter is rendered as an XML element instead of an attribute. Overrides global default.
NoXml(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: class, attribute, parameter
(From XML profile) Do not render class, parameter, property with Xml Jaxb annotations. Overrides global default.
WebServiceFeed(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Service operation
This is used in conjunction with the <<WebService>> stereotype. Annotates CXF REST classes producing Atom feeds with custom feed and entry properties. Adds JAX-RS annotations to the service operation. If not specified, properties must be implemented in WSDelegate implementation class. Feed Properties include author, category, contributor, generator, icon, id, link, logo, rights, source, subtitle, title, updated. Entry Properties include author, category, contributor, id, link, published, rights, summary, title, updated.
WebServiceParam(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Service operation parameter
This is used in conjunction with the <<WebServiceOperation>> stereotype with CXF. Additional Detail on WebService parameter, different than defaults, which maps Stereotype attribute values to REST values for the parameter by adding JAX-RS annotations. Attributes include: name, mode, header, partName, encoded, REST_parameter_URL, REST_path_param, REST_param_type, REST_path_segment.
WebFault(Back to Stereotypes)
Applied on: Exception referenced by Service operation
This is used in conjunction with the <<ValueObject>> and <<ApplicationException>> stereotypes with CXF. Designates an Exception class as a JAX-WS WebFault, which creates a faultBean class referenced by the service containing a fault exception and cause in the same package as the Service, plus the original WebFault exception class. JavaException name is mapped to the webservice fault name in the wsdl definition. WebService Faults must be modeled as a UML operation Exception, referencing a Class with one of the Exception stereotypes. This class must have a single association to a ValueObject that is also labeled with <<WebFault>>. This class contains the additional details returned through the webservice fault.
andromda_webservice_style(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service and WebService
Defines the style of the web service to be generated (i.e. wrapped, document, rpc). Default=wrapped.
andromda_webservice_parameter_style(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service and WebService and WebServiceOperation
Defines the parameter style of the web service to be generated (i.e. bare, wrapped). Default=wrapped.
andromda_webservice_use(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service and WebService
The use of the service to be generated (i.e. literal, encoded). Default=literal.
andromda_webservice_provider(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service and WebService
The provider to use for the service, by default is RPC which will use a plain java object as the provider. Another value that can be specified is EJB, if this is specified, then its expected that either the EJB or Hibernate cartridge is being used with this cartridge. Use JAX-WS for jaxws or cxf. Can be 'EJB' or 'RPC' or 'JAX-WS'. Default=default. Not applicable for JAX-WS.
andromda_webservice_wsdlSoapAddress(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: Service and WebService
The WSDL SOAP Address to use for the service, by default is $webserviceHost:$webservicePort/$webContext/services
andromda_role_name(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: An actor with a dependency to a <<WebService>>
Optionally allows you to define the name of the role (if it needs to be different than the name of the actor that defines the role).
andromda_xml_attributeFormDefault(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: package
XML attributeFormDefault value for on XmlSchema stereotype. XmlNsForm=QUALIFIED, UNQUALIFIED, default=UNQUALIFIED
andromda_xml_elementFormDefault(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: package
XML elementFormDefault value for on XmlSchema stereotype. XmlNsForm=QUALIFIED, UNQUALIFIED, default=QUALIFIED
andromda_schema_validation(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: service, operation
Validate incoming/outgoing XML against the declared schema. Default=false allows minor service revisions to use the same service version when optional attributes are added to the new minor revision. JAX-WS and CXF services only - sets options in Spring ApplicationContext.xml.
andromda_xml_namespace(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: package, attribute, parameter
XML package namespace, overrides default reversed package name.
andromda_xml_xmlns(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: package
XML package namespace abbreviation, overrides default sequentially numbered nsX. Each must be unique.
andromda_xml_name(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
XML attribute/element name, overrides default attribute/parameter name.
andromda_xml_adapter(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
Supplies type value for @XmlAdapter Jaxb annotation for attribute or element. Overrides global default for date, time, dateTime, integer XML types
andromda_xml_transient(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
Prevents the mapping of a Java type to XML.
andromda_xml_type(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: attribute, parameter
Overrides the default schema type for this property or parameter. i.e. mapping between from UML type to XML
andromda_jaxb_simpleBindingMode(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
If Jaxb2 SimpleBindingMode should be used when generating Java objects from the WSDL webservice definition using the wsdl2java utility. Default=true.
andromda_jaxb_xjcArguments(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
WebService stereotype: Override global default XJC arguments used when creating Jaxb XML bindings from the webservice definition through the wsdl2java utility. Default is -Xcommons-lang,-Xcommons-lang:ToStringStyle=DEFAULT_STYLE,-Xdefault-value,-Xvalue-constructor,-Xcollection-setter-injector,-simple-preserve. This creates toString methods using apache commons-lang, creates ValueObject constructor, get/set on Collection types, and allows preserving methods and some code across multiple code generation invocations. Uses JAXB2 plugin dependencies referenced by BuildWS.xml ant script.
andromda_schema_validation(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
No documentation available
andromda_serialVersionUID(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Adds serialVeraionUID to WebService class
andromda_service_logging(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Log incoming and outgoing XML messages in CXF. Configures Spring logging. default=true, but the Spring Configuration is not overwritten if changed.
andromda_webservice_serviceName(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Customize the @WebService(serviceName) annotation and wsdl bindings. Default empty uses the class name as the service name.
andromda_webservice_wsdlLocation(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Customize the @WebService(wsdlLocation) annotation and wsdl bindings. Default empty uses the URI at which the service is deployed, so the wsdl is created from the @WebService annotations dynamically.
andromda_webservice_wsdlSoapAddress(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Overrides the global wsdlSoapAddress setting for this WebService class.
andromda_webservice_operationName(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebServiceOperation
CXF and JAX-WS: Customize the exposed service operation name with @WebMethod(operationName). Can prevent conflicts due to overloaded operations, which are not allowed in JAX-WS without annotations and bindings customizations.
andromda_REST(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Implement this class as a CXF REST webservice. This is the only value required to be set, all the other REST options are set to default values unless overridden. All methods on the WebService class will be REST.
andromda_REST_consumes(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService,WebServiceOperation
Media type consumed by this service.
andromda_REST_contexts(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Adds @Context annotations to the service. Context(s) are comma or semicolon or pipe delimited, appear on separate lines within the Service class.
andromda_REST_http_method(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
Custom Http Method, something other than GET/PUT/POST.
andromda_REST_path(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService,WebServiceOperation
URL path for REST webservice. default=lowercase class name.
andromda_REST_produces(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService,WebServiceOperation
Type of service output produced by the service.
andromda_REST_provider(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService,WebServiceOperation
Marks service with @Provider annotation, used with @Produces and @Consumes
andromda_REST_request_type(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService,WebServiceOperation
andromda_REST_(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
RetentionPolicy. default=RUNTIME.
andromda_REST_target(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebService
ElementType. default=METHOD.
andromda_REST_encoded(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebServiceOperation
Adds @Encoded annotation. default=false (no annotation)
andromda_REST_part_type(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebServiceOperation
Multipart response part type annotation.
andromda_REST_suspend(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebServiceOperation
Annotates method with @Suspend(interval in ms), used for asynchronous responses and polling. default=0 (do not suspend, do not add annotation).
andromda_REST_roles_allowed(Back to Tagged Values)
Applied on: WebServiceOperation
Comma separated list of security roles. May include 'all', 'none'.