Configuring Geronimo

Table of Contents

5. Core Configuration [EMPTY]
5.1. Network Configuration
5.2. Logging Configuration
5.3. Transaction Configuration
6. Database Configuration [DRAFT (1.0-pre)]
6.1. JDBC Drivers
6.1.1. Automatic JDBC Driver Installation
6.2. Database Pools as Connectors and the TranQL RAR
6.3. Easy Configuration and Deployment using the Console
6.3.1. Create a new JDBC Pool
6.3.2. Create a new XA Database Pool
6.3.3. Import a Pool from Another Application Server
6.3.4. Generate a Plan for an Application or Client Scoped Pool
6.3.5. Edit an Existing Pool
6.4. Manual Configuration and Deployment
6.4.1. Configuring a Database Pool
6.4.2. Deploying a Database Pool
6.5. Using a Database Pool
6.5.1. Updating the Module's Deployment Information
6.5.2. Application Code
6.6. Reconfiguring a Previously Deployed Pool
7. JMS Configuration [DRAFT (1.0)]
7.1. JMS Resource Groups, Connectors, and the ActiveMQ RAR
7.2. Easy Configuration and Deployment Using the Console
7.2.1. JMS Resource Group List
7.2.2. Creating a new JMS Resource Group
7.2.3. Generate a Plan for an Application or Client Scoped Resource Group
7.3. Manual Configuration and Deployment
7.3.1. JMS Resource Group Configuration
7.3.2. JMS Resource Deployment
7.4. JMS Applications
7.4.1. Updating the Module's Deployment Information
7.4.2. Application Code
7.5. Message Broker Configuration and Deployment
7.5.1. Quick Start
7.5.2. Message Broker GBean Configuration
7.5.3. Message Broker GBean Deployment
8. Additional Services [EMPTY]
8.1. J2EE Connectors
8.2. Java Mail Resources
9. Security Configuration [DRAFT (1.0-pre)]
9.1. Geronimo Security Concepts
9.1.1. Login: Authentication and Principals
9.1.2. Security Realms
9.1.3. JAAS Login Modules
9.1.4. JAAS Configuration Entries
9.1.5. Authorization
9.1.6. One Login, Multiple Destinations
9.2. Security Realm Configuration
9.2.1. Easy Configuration and Deployment using the Console
9.2.2. Manual Security Realm Configuration
9.2.3. Configuration Options for Standard Login Modules
9.3. Deploying a Security Realm
9.3.1. Server-Wide Security Realms
9.3.2. Application-Scoped Security Realms
9.4. Enabling Security for Applications
9.4.1. Selecting the Realm to Authenticate Against
9.4.2. Mapping Roles to Principals
9.5. Using a Custom Login Module
9.5.1. Implementing a Custom LoginModule
9.5.2. Packaging and Deploying a Custom LoginModule
9.6. Configuring SSL/HTTPS
9.6.1. Keystore Configuration
9.6.2. HTTPS Connector Configuration
9.6.3. HTTPS Connector Deployment