Write a Test Suite for a Package

This document presents a tutorial which guides the reader through writing a test suite for a Mynewt package (new or existing).


Writing a test suite involves using the libs/testutil package within Mynewt core os. The testutil library provides the interface to the newt command tool and also provides the compile time hooks to include test suites into your code. Review the [testutil introduction page ] (../modules/testutil/testutil.md) to learn about how the library works.

Identify Your Package

Identify the package for which you are writing a test suite. For this example we will use libs/json. To create a new package, see this Tutorial.

Modify Pkg.yml

Edit the package (pkg.yml) file for your package and add the test dependency for the Mynewt core OS libs/testutil.

   - libs/testutil

Create Your Test Suite Template

Create a subdirectory test under your package main directory. Create a file pair for your test code and header files within the test directory created above. Below shows the libs/json directory within the Mynewt core, including the test directory. In this example, we used the convention test_xxx.c/h (in this case test_json).

├── include
│   └── json
│       └── json.h
├── pkg.yml
└── src
    ├── json_decode.c
    ├── json_encode.c
    └── test
        ├── test_json.c
        └── test_json.h

Create Your Test Suite Code

Edit the test_json.c file and add your test suite definition. NOTE that the test suite code requires #include <testutil/testutil.h> to get the Mynewt testutil definitions.

Your test suite test_json.c file contains at a minimum two functions:

  1. A test Suite which is empty for now, but will contain calls to your test cases.
  2. A main function which must be #ifdef'd using MYNEWT_SELFTEST to ensure that is does not get compiled in when this test suite is run with test suites from other packages

Below shows the contents of the test_json.c file.

#include <testutil/testutil.h>

TEST_SUITE(test_json_suite) {
    /* empty for now, add test cases later */

main(int argc, char **argv)
    tu_config.tc_print_results = 1;
    return tu_any_failed;

Try It Out

At this point, you have a working test suite with no tests.
This will by default pass the test. Your output will look something like this.

You can use the newt test command to run the unit tests for any package.
Just include the package name. These unit tests run via the project unittest which is a native project automatically included in the core os package. Below shows some of the test output of this command.

$ newt test libs/json
Archiving util.a
Linking test_json
Testing package libs/json
Test .../bin/unittest/libs/json/test_json ok!

Create a Test

To create a test within your test suite, there are two things to do.

  1. Add the functions to your test suite
  2. Implement the function using the testutil macros

For this tutorial we will create two functions: one to test a simple json encode and one to test the decode of this simple message to ensure its coherent.

Follow These steps;

1. Create function prototypes in test_json.h for your test functions. A macro in testutil.h hides the actual prototype, but as of this writing the prototype is int test_func(void);.

#ifndef TEST_JSON_H
#define TEST_JSON_H


#endif /* TEST_JSON_H 

2. create a new file test_json_simple.c to define these two functions. For now you can stub these functions. Below shows the contents of this file. The functions are defined using macros which reference back to the testutil library so the test can be enumerated and recorded automatically.

#include "testutil/testutil.h"
#include "test_json.h"

TEST_CASE(test_json_simple_encode) {

TEST_CASE(test_json_simple_decode) {
#endif /* TEST_JSON_H 

3. Add the tests to your test suite in test_json.c as shown below.

TEST_SUITE(test_json_suite) {

Your test suite should still pass as shown below

$newt test libs/json
Testing package libs/json
Test .../bin/unittest/libs/json/test_json ok!

Add Contents to your Tests

At this point, you can add contents to your test and verify that the test suites pass. For now, lets just add a simple failure to show what it would look like when running from Newt.

  • Edit test_json_simple.c and add a TEST_ASSERT to a test function. The test assert will fail if its argument is false.
TEST_CASE(test_json_simple_encode) {

When running newt, you will see the test suite fails with something like the message shown below.

Testing package libs/json
[FAIL] test_json_suite/(null) |test_json_simple.c:24| failed assertion: 0
Error: Test crashed: ../bin/unittest/libs/json/test_json
exit status 1


Now you can begin the work of adding your test cases and test.

Testing on your target