A summary of the concepts that were introduced in this tutorial
In this tutorial...
...you learned how to:
- install and start ServiceMix
- install JBI components to enhance the JBI container's functionality
- deploy applications, packaged as service assemblies
- connect to ServiceMix using JMX
We also introduced some core JBI concepts:
- JBI container
- JBI components
- Service Engines (SE) provide additional ways of building business services
- Binding Components (BC) add the necessary transports to have our ESB communicate with the rest of the world
- Service assemblies (SA), which contain service units (SU)
- Internal and external endpoints
What's next?
Now that you have mastered the basics, it is time to start developing your own service assemblies. Our next tutorial will teach you have to use the Maven tooling and archetypes to develop and deploy your SUs and SAs