Web services with ServiceMix and CXF

This tutorial teaches you how you can use the CXF components for building a new web service in ServiceMix.

Goals of the document

This tutorial shows you how to create a new web service using the servicemix-cxf-se JBI component. You will also learn how to expose this web service to the outside world over HTTP/SOAP with the servicemix-cxf-bc. The web service we will create is a very simple greeter application: if a client sends a user name in the request, the service will respond with a friendly greeting message.

Apache CXF

The Apache CXF framework is an open source framework which helps you develop webservices using frontend programming APIs like JAX-WS.
These services can communicate over many protocols (e.g. SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTful HTTP) and transports (e.g. HTTP, JMS or JBI). You can also use interceptors to easily add behavior to the services stack.


After this tutorial...

  • you can use Maven to develop JBI service units and service assemblies
  • you can use xbean.xml files to configure the ServiceMix CXF components
  • you know how to use a WSDL file to define your web service
  • you know how to implement web services using Java classes


Before starting this tutorial, you should...

  • be able to use ServiceMix (start/stop the container, deploy service assemblies, ...) (→ tutorial 1)
  • know how to use the Maven archetypes and JBI plugin to build and deploy your projects (→ tutorial 2)
  • know how to develop Java classes and build them using Maven
  • have a basic knowledge about web services (e.g. WSDL, SOAP, ...)


Start this tutorial