Writing a http upload application
| What are the requirements for this tutorial?
NOTE: Before beginning this tutorial, please make sure you are running at least ServiceMix version 3.2, otherwise this tutorial will not work for you. |
| Useful information
This tutorial makes use of the JAF (JavaBeans Activation Framework). If you don't know what it is you should visit http://java.sun.com/products/javabeans/jaf/ for more information and tutorials on it. |
An overview of using Maven-based tooling and archetypes to develop a http upload JBI application
Goals of the document
This tutorial provides an easy and convenient way for a new user to learn about:
- using Maven to develop JBI service units and service assemblies
- using Maven to create Eclipse projects
- using xbean.xml files to configure routes and services in ServiceMix
- writing your own http consumer marshaler
After finishing this tutorial you have a working http-uploader. Feel free to play around with it and adding improvements.