These components write messages to files in a directory or poll files or directories (possibly recursively) to send files into the JBI.
Firstly here is the poller which will poll a file or directory (recursively by default) to find files, which are then sent into the JBI bus
<sm:activationSpec componentName="filePoller" service="foo:filePoller" destinationService="foo:receiver">
<sm:component><bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.file.FilePoller">
<property name="workManager" ref="workManager"/>
<property name="file" value="target/test-data/file"/>
<property name="delete" value="false"/>
<property name="period" value="1000"/>
Then here's the sender. We're using a FileMarshaler here to turn JBI messages into files with an expression using XPath from the message content to generate the file name in the directory.
<sm:activationSpec componentName="fileSender" service="foo:fileSender">
<sm:component><bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.file.FileWriter">
<property name="directory" value="target/test-data/file"/>
<property name="marshaler">
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.components.util.DefaultFileMarshaler">
<property name="fileName">
<bean class="org.apache.servicemix.expression.JaxenStringXPathExpression">
<constructor-arg value="concat('sample_', /sample/@id, '.xml')"/>
You can if you prefer let the operating system generate temporary file names in the directory specifying an optional prefix and suffix.
Filtering inbound files
You cna configure a to only accept certain files when polling.
This can be done by configuring the filter property on the poller:
<bean class="o.a.s.components.file.FilePoller">
<property name="filter">
<bean ... />
The Jakarta ORO project contains RegExp based filters, but you can also define your own filters by implementing