When using JDK 6 (up to JDK 6 Update 3) for building ServiceMix, you will run into this LinkageError when building ServiceMix:
Up to JDK 6 Update 3, the JDK ships with JAX-WS 2.0 (which includes JAXB 2.0), but ServiceMix requires JAXB 2.1. There are two possible solutions to this problem:
- upgrade your JDK to 1.6.0_04 or above, which will include JAX-WS (and JAXB) 2.1
- copy the version 2.1 jaxb-api.jar or jaxws-api.jar (you can probably find them in your local maven repo) to <JAVA_HOME>/lib/endorsed to override the API jars that ship with the JDK