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Release notes
- Bug
- SM-410 - Component Uninstallation : ClassLoader not removed from JVM
- SM-482 - Missing jars in the BPE component
- SM-494 - Problems with JMSFlow and sendSync in start() callbacks.
- SM-536 - The defaultMep is a mandatory attribute on consumer endpoints and should be checked
- SM-559 - WSDL-First example in JBoss
- SM-570 - HTTP connector can blow up while trying to report a problem
- SM-571 - Memory leak in DeliveryChannelImpl
- SM-572 - servicemix-wsn2005 always use the anonymous publisher
- SM-576 - XBeanProcessor does not skip comments
- SM-577 - JSR 181 fault message does not respect WSDL message fault definition
- SM-583 - Jetty context Path verification
- SM-584 - Servicemix archive for Jboss
- SM-585 - Deadlock on BoundedLinkedQueue
- SM-589 - The SourceTransformer should not log a warning when calling toResult with a null Source
- SM-592 - missing from DefaultState
- SM-593 - Jetty jars missing when running servicemix-web example
- SM-597 - Drools xpath expression does not use the namespaces defined
- SM-598 - MTOM attachments are not output by the jsr181 component
- SM-599 - bridge sample client.html providing no status info
- SM-600 - Compilation error in Geronimo ServiceMixGBean
- SM-603 - NullPointerException at org.apache.servicemix.jms.standard.StandardConsumerProcessor.doStart(
- SM-604 - Allow servicemix-http managed mode to dynamically determine the server, port, and context path it is running on when generating jsr181 WSDLs
- SM-608 - Maven based examples should include the needed repositories
- SM-610 - The ServiceAssembly mbean should return the names of the ServiceUnits
- SM-621 - Issues with ServiceMix startup shell script on Solaris
- SM-622 - JCAFlow with Howl Log throws STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION exception
- SM-668 - JCAFlow should reject synchronous exchanges
- SM-669 - Statistic file should be named stats.csv instead of stats.cvs
- SM-674 - jbi:installComponent (and others) fails authentication against default SM container
- SM-676 - In the instance2 of the ws-notification example, the org.apache.servicemix.tck.ReceiverComponent should be removed
- SM-677 - FTP connection not recovered after ftp server failure/recovery
- SM-678 - Jsr181Component not using SU classloader to load service interface
- SM-691 - Client.html pages do not work in IE
- SM-692 - http endpoint activation ordering
- SM-697 - Using XSLT servicemix component causes a " Too many open files"
- SM-700 - ClientFactory should log problems at warning level as they are not critical
- SM-707 - Subscription Manager and Flow MBeans do not get unregistered.
- SM-722 - ExtendedXMLStreamReader strips whitespaces, which breaks servicemix-http when a SOAP invocation contains whitespace nodes
- SM-723 - ServiceMixClientFacade should not call "done" method
- SM-727 - Schema Import problem in a WSDL which doesn't let the service to be doployed on Servicemix
- SM-732 - Fault-messages cause JbiChannel to throw NullPointerException
- SM-736 - JcaConsumerProcessor.start() fails after subsequent stop()
- SM-738 - Invalid jbi.xml when using maven. no description element
- SM-739 - wsdl for pojos exported by jsr181 endpoint is missing complextypes from other namespaces than the service itself
- SM-742 - JdbcAuditor fails on JBoss
- SM-743 - Deadlock in JBoss Deployer during shutdown
- SM-746 - JettyContextManager does not set the truststore parameters for unmanaged ssl endpoints
- SM-748 - Restart of ServiceUnits using PollingEndpoints fails
- SM-754 - Issues with jsr181 proxies using jaxws + doc/lit wrapped
- SM-757 - Pipeline throws NPE when configured in synchronous mode and an exchange in ERROR status is received
- SM-758 - JBoss Deployer 3.0 Snapshot classloading issues
- SM-759 - Error "Attempted read on closed stream" thrown from jsr181 proxies when dealing with streams
- SM-763 - XPathPredicate should not copy the in message before processing it
- SM-764 - Jsr181 does not respect the transaction semantic (sync + tx)
- SM-765 - JCA provider should close the session after use
- SM-766 - Error whit chracters latin1 when send message in JbiChannel. For example "á"
- SM-771 - An IllegalStateException is generated when using an http provider endpoint when it is deployed using the Servicemix Web war (managed mode).
- SM-775 - Positive preliminary response from server when using FTPSender to send multiple files
- SM-778 - JCAFlow stopped working after updating to 3.1 snapshot
- SM-779 - ISO-8859-1 characters are duplicated
- SM-780 - Bug due to change in proxy support for http binding component
- SM-781 - Re: Bug in ScritpComponent when using "script" attribute
- SM-782 - Re-deploy with In-Only Mep
- SM-783 - build fails under java 6
- SM-785 - Error in method doGetIds in DefaultJDBCAdapter class
- SM-791 - Problem packaging multiple service unit dependant from the same component
- SM-793 - StandardProviderProcessor does not set exchange status to done for InOnly/RobustInOnly exchanges
- SM-794 - jsr181 proxy does not throw faults correctly when used in jaxws mode
- SM-798 - Cannot start Bridge-SA in Geronimo 1.1 + Servicemix 3.0.1 plugin
- SM-801 - can not deploy bridge-sa in apache-servicemix-3.1-incubating-SNAPSHOT + Geronimo 1.2 Beta
- SM-802 - Refactor the Auditor MBean interface to avoid method overloading (which cause problems with JMX)
- SM-804 - Documentation for XPath Router is missing examples
- SM-805 - Incompatible BPELWSDLLocator between wsdl4j-1.5.2 and wsdl4j-1.6.1
- SM-808 - Remove Xalan dependency in SourceTransformer (was: Servicemix jboss deployer)
- SM-813 - Unique Column Names for JdbcComponent
- SM-814 - Remove the CONTENT_DOCUMENT_PROPERTY property in SourceTransformer to avoid using an old message when properties are forwarded between components
- SM-816 - useless include log framwork into jboss deployer
- SM-819 - Saxon NullPointerException at INFO level
- SM-824 - Webconsole does not work in Internet Explorer 7
- Improvement
- SM-521 - Tuning parameters configuration
- SM-565 - Enhance the JSR181 Proxy so that it can proxy non WSDL publishing components
- SM-569 - Refactor servicemix-common for ease of use
- SM-578 - HttpComponent can not be deployed as managed!
- SM-581 - Use WSDL of servicemix-http endpoint if none is supplied by the target ServiceEndpoint
- SM-586 - Upgrade loan-broker example to lingo 1.1 and use different queues to avoid recieving messages from previous client runs
- SM-591 - Extend the servicemix-commons to provide better classloading semantics
- SM-595 - Replace BoundedLinkedQueue by a standard queue
- SM-596 - add throws DeploymentException to getServices() in AbstractXBeanDeployer
- SM-609 - PropertyExpression should have a default constructor + getters / setters
- SM-612 - servicemix-service-engine could set the scope of servicemix-core to provided
- SM-613 - Remove old XBean related stuff (for ServiceMix v1 compatibility and jbi descriptors parsing)
- SM-614 - Parse jbi descriptors using DOM instead of Spring to remove spring dependency for embedded deployments and add validation with xsd
- SM-615 - Update the jbi maven based samples to be able to deploy the SA from the root dir
- SM-617 - make a new base class, DefaultComponent which combines the Component and Lifecycle functionality and can deal with the SpringComponent behaviour, dealing with statically configured endpoint POJOs
- SM-670 - Including JMSFlow in default servicemix.conf
- SM-675 - MimeMailMarshaler supports multiple recipients but does not support multiple to, cc and bcc adresses
- SM-690 - add ability to setup a proxy for provider endpoints
- SM-701 - Standardized the return of exceptions from the AdminCommandsService, also extended the ANT tasks to provide a deferExceptions settings which if set to true allows you to use the same semantics as the deploy/install directories.
- SM-702 - Components instantiated multiple times
- SM-704 - FTPPoller Improvements
- SM-706 - FilePoller needs to add check for delete file before removing the file from workingset
- SM-708 - ServiceUnitAnalyzer does not create parent spring context
- SM-709 - Upgrade to xbean 2.7 and Spring 2.0
- SM-710 - Upgrade to jetty 6.0.1
- SM-711 - Upgrade to woodstox 3.0.2
- SM-712 - Upgrade to xfire 1.2.2
- SM-713 - make some time values configurable
- SM-714 - in conf directory
- SM-717 - Upgrade to geronimo 1.2, jencks 2.0, activemq 4.1, lingo 1.1
- SM-720 - jbi:projectDeploy recurse all subdirectories for multiProject structure
- SM-726 - Upgrade to backport-util-concurrent 2.2
- SM-729 - Inverse classloader definition in xbean SU
- SM-751 - Flow tracing with correlation id
- SM-752 - Content-Enricher Implementation
- SM-755 - The EIP pipeline should have another exchange target for faults
- SM-756 - The jms/jca consumer endpoint should be able to rollback transactions when an exchange with an ERROR status comes back
- SM-769 - Authorization entries should be defined per operation
- SM-770 - HttpBridgeServlet is not initialize when using jetty 6.1pre3
- SM-773 - Ability to change the retryCount on provider endpoints
- SM-776 - Improve support for errors while processing jbi exchange and errors while deleting file
- SM-786 - EIP endpoints should extend the new ProviderEnpoint from servicemix-common
- SM-789 - Change groupId of woodstox to org.codehaus.woodstox
- SM-790 - Support for WSDL2 namespace in MEPs
- SM-815 - Externalize values from main configuration file into a single property file
- SM-818 - polymorphic javabean support
- SM-825 - Duplicated dependencies in the top pom
- New Feature
- SM-257 - WSDL 2 support with apache woden
- SM-587 - Allow the connections element of the JBI.xml for a Service Assembly to be provided
- SM-588 - Allow services element for a service unit to be provided
- SM-594 - Introduce an Executor and ExecutorFactory to configure all thread pools inside ServiceMix
- SM-601 - Xslt / XQuery SE
- SM-605 - Ability to configure jbi:projectDeploy goal to exclude updating dependencies
- SM-618 - create a file based servicemix-file service engine with nice support for URIs
- SM-619 - Allow the Maven JBI plugin to inject a default bootstrap if one isnt' specified
- SM-673 - Simplify classloader definition for xbean based SU
- SM-695 - Dynamic HTTP provider endpoint
- SM-696 - Add an operation to the EndpointMBean to allow testing the endpoint through jmx
- SM-705 - Static Parameter map injected into XsltComponent
- SM-734 - Drools 3.0 Service Engine
- SM-747 - JBI compliant SE for Quartz
- SM-753 - Provide a way to retrieve the current MessageExchange from a pure POJO in jsr181
- SM-767 - Statistics should be available at the endpoint level
- SM-777 - FTPSender could have a possibility to be configured with remote directory option
- SM-803 - Deployment events for a more pluggable hot deployer
- SM-809 - Add a way to copy properties using the EIP wire tap when using splitter / aggregator with a non well-behaving component
- SM-817 - log4j service for changing log levels at runtime
- Task
- SM-527 - Source restructuration
- SM-671 - Use RI implementations for activation and javamail instead of geronimo ones
- SM-740 - Move org.apache.servicemix.jbi.audit package in its own module
- SM-741 - Upgrade commons-logging to 1.1 and log4j to 1.2.13 to support the log4j TRACE level
- SM-760 - Use spring exploded beans instead of spring.jar to ease classloader definitions
SVN Tag Checkout
For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog