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Release notes
- Bug
- SM-854 - LogService uses hard-coded path to the log4j.xml file
- SM-937 - Poller polls subdirectory even though recursive is set to false
- SM-959 - ssl truststore is not set for unmanaged
- SM-960 - JSR181 Orchestration sample doesn't work (Current state not START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT or ENTITY_REFERENCE )
- SM-963 - NullPointerExceptions during JMS component initialization
- SM-969 - JBIMarshaler doesn't copy Subject from NormalizedMessage to SoapMessage
- SM-972 - authenticationService is null - Several SA deployed on the same instance of Smx
- SM-977 - wsdl-first example fails: XFireFault (could not unmarshal type)
- SM-982 - memory leak in org.apache.servicemix.bean.BeanEndpoint
- SM-991 - servicemix-saxon component lacks ServiceUnit analyzer which results in generating incomplete jbi.xml
- SM-1004 - File poller deletes files, even if errors occur while processing
- SM-1006 - 0 byte files written when message contains invalid content
- SM-1012 - Possible resource leak in FilePoller
- SM-1014 - WSDL-first example fails javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException: Do not understand pattern: null
- SM-1016 - Environment Context ComponentMBeanImpl Removal
- SM-1020 - Invalid query.xq generated by servicemix-saxon-xquery-service-unit archetype
- SM-1023 - correlationId and senderEndpoint properties are not set on jsr181 (using the proxy) and jms consumer endpoints
- SM-1024 - Archetype generates invalid brokerURL
- SM-1026 - CorrelationId and senderEndpoint properties are not setted on the lightweigth components using the TransformComponentSupport
- SM-1029 - Bug in HTTP BC when configuring managed keystore for SSL
- SM-1043 - Poller sends invalid MessageExchange when file has been deleted
- SM-1050 - Memory Leak in http consumer processor when using SSL
- Improvement
- SM-965 - Allow use of -Dhost, -Dport, -Dusername and -Dpassword on jbi:projectDeploy
- SM-986 - The maven jbi plugin should not fail it the SU jbi descriptor generation fails but only displays a warning
- SM-1049 - Raise the number of http requests that can be send concurrently by servicemix-http
- New Feature
- SM-958 - Allow the connections element of the JBI.xml for a Service Assembly to be provided
- SM-1045 - Servicemix tooling changes to generate JBISharedLibraryDescriptor
- Task
- SM-1028 - Ease the release process by avoiding manual changes in the source files
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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog