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Release notes

  • Bug
    • SM-819 - Saxon NullPointerException at INFO level
    • SM-1017 - JMS properties gets lost while using servicemix-jms component
    • SM-1354 - ServiceMix process spins to 100% CPU on CXF re-deploy
    • SM-1404 - can't init servicemix-wsn2005 in the ServiceMix 3.3-SNAPSHOT
    • SM-1407 - Memory Leak in http consumer processor when a timeout occurs
    • SM-1422 - Jetty engine not stopped when CXF BC is undeployed
    • SM-1436 - MessageExchange (org.apache.cxf.service.model.MessageInfo) not Serializable
    • SM-1473 - Camel Service Engine Component not handling error from Camel processing
    • SM-1483 - CXF BC provider setting wrong content-type for soap 1.1
    • SM-1489 - camelendpoint should transform StreamSource to DomSource which support to be consumed multiple times
    • SM-1497 - cxf bc provider should handle soap fault mesage without detail element
    • SM-1500 - Build failure: servicemix-soap doesn't compile after upgrade to wss4j 1.5.4
    • SM-1504 - Old version of wsdl4j.jar
    • SM-1508 - servicemix-cxf service with outbound attachment and jms transport generates XMLStreamReader error
    • SM-1510 - Servicemix kit size is increased from 78Mb to 132Mb in current snapshot.
    • SM-1513 - Under high load JMS in/out provider fails to receive responses.
    • SM-1525 - significant typo in servicemix classloader documentation
    • SM-1526 - MessageExchange (org.apache.cxf.transport.jbi.JBIDestination) not serializable
    • SM-1540 - servicemix-camel component should check if property value is serializable before copy it from camel exchange to servicemix exchange
    • SM-1548 - SMX-EIP AbstractAggregator timeout exchange has bad correlationId
    • SM-1550 - Exchange Listeners may not be receiving all events
    • SM-1556 - CXF BC Provider strips namespace declarations from jbi wrapper element
    • SM-1562 - each eip endpoint creates a timer thread even if it is not used at all
    • SM-1581 - cxf-bc provider jms conduit session pool highWaterMark does not bound replyTo temporary queue allocation
    • SM-1593 - memory leak in cxf bc provider
    • SM-1602 - cxf-bc provider w/mtomEnabled=false talking to cxf-bc consumer w/mtomEnabled=true over jms throws Error reading XMLStreamReader
    • SM-1612 - EIP wiretap should save operationname by default
    • SM-1622 - servicemix-eip content enricher should copy original message properties in the way the pipeline does
    • SM-1632 - Backport a change to Smx 3.2 branch to allow artifacts that use the servicemix-bean component to deploy on Smx4
    • SM-1637 - smx-cxf-bc provider throws NPE at JbiInWsdl1Interceptor.handleJBIFault(
    • SM-1658 - can't shundown container from jmx console
  • Improvement
    • SM-1271 - Make ComponentContext available to beans configured in BeanComponent service unit xbean.xml
    • SM-1364 - allow SimpleFlatFileMarshaler to use XmlEscapingCoverter
    • SM-1486 - servicemix-camel should use asynchronous messaging
    • SM-1501 - ServiceMix 3.2 should change the Jetty HttpClient from blocking mode to Non blocking (similar to 3.3 trunk version)
    • SM-1512 - update file component generated reference docs
    • SM-1515 - Allow override of SOAPAction on new HTTP provider endpoint
    • SM-1518 - Aggregator keeps a list of closed aggregations causing a slight memory leak
    • SM-1542 - Modify servicemix-web sample pom file to include jetty <stopKey> and <stopPort> configuration for gracefully stopping jetty plugin.
    • SM-1565 - Update CXF SE schema docs
    • SM-1566 - Update generated schema configuration doc
    • SM-1570 - CxfBcJmsTest fails frequently on slower machine
    • SM-1574 - Allow forced shutdown of the container by cancelling pending sendSync exchanges
    • SM-1586 - Copying properties from and to JMS messages
    • SM-1596 - The version of Spring included in ServiceMix 3.2.x contains a bug prohibiting the use of the <tx:annotation-driven> tag in XBean config files
    • SM-1601 - Excessive console output from cxfbc tests
    • SM-1603 - Develop cxf-bc provider test case to verify that MTOM response is successfully handled regardless of mtomEnabled flag value
    • SM-1610 - Upgrade ServiceMix 3.2.x branch to Spring 2.0.8
    • SM-1621 - New JMS in/out provider should support temporary queues/topics (as reply destinations)
    • SM-1640 - Backporting SM-| servicemix-drools should allow for asynchronous message handling.
  • Task
    • SM-1442 - Allow ServiceMix 3 to build using the ibm jdk.
    • SM-1498 - update cxf version to 2.0.9-SNAPSHOT for smx3.2 branch to get lastest changes in cxf
    • SM-1638 - use cxf 2.0.9 for coming smx 3.2.3 release
  • Test
    • SM-1485 - test to illustrate cxf bc can handle exception when work as proxy/bridge
    • SM-1544 - test to illustrate MessageExchange which contain cxf property and attachment can be serialize/deserialize correctly
    • SM-1553 - testEndpointDoc of CxfBcComponentTest failed due to recent changes in cxf
    • SM-1557 - CxfBCSEProviderSystemTest failed due to recent refactor of JMS transport in cxf

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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog