Release Notes - ServiceMix Components - Version servicemix-cxf-bc-2009.01


  • SMXCOMP-111 - When deployed in Smx4, the JBI SUs do not have access to the whole JRE
  • SMXCOMP-113 - Components jars should not include the jbi descriptor
  • SMXCOMP-181 - MessageExchange (org.apache.cxf.transport.jbi.JBIDestination) not serializable
  • SMXCOMP-183 - smx-cxf-bc provider throws NPE at JbiInWsdl1Interceptor.handleJBIFault(
  • SMXCOMP-186 - Cxf BC Provider can't handle response soap message correctly if there is "whitespace" after <soap:Body> tag
  • SMXCOMP-188 - CxfBcJmsTransaction*Test hang
  • SMXCOMP-193 - INFO: Interceptor has thrown exception, unwinding now org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR:
  • SMXCOMP-194 - JBIOutInterceptor is not correctly handling outgoing WSA Headers
  • SMXCOMP-195 - JMSBroker used in the test shouldn't setTmpDataDirectory as ./target which will break the release process
  • SMXCOMP-196 - MessageExchange (org.apache.cxf.service.model.MessageInfo) not Serializable
  • SMXCOMP-197 - OutOfMemoryException (PermGen) after redeploying servicemix-cxf* and servicemix-wsn2005
  • SMXCOMP-198 - Provider fails to set proper ws-addressing To header on outbound messages
  • SMXCOMP-200 - When using bufCfg, the file is not found correctly from a JBI SU deployed in Smx4
  • SMXCOMP-202 - cxf bc provider and cxf se doesn't send DONE back when use oneway
  • SMXCOMP-203 - cxf bc with ws-security can't work with enable JDBCAuditor
  • SMXCOMP-212 - cxf-bc provider w/mtomEnabled=false talking to cxf-bc consumer w/mtomEnabled=true over jms throws Error reading XMLStreamReader
  • SMXCOMP-213 - servicemix-common and servicemix-cxf-bc component have servicemix-core dependency as provided which is only required as test dependency.
  • SMXCOMP-214 - smx-cxf-bc consumer throws NPE in CxfBcConsumer.process() for one-way request where synchronous=false
  • SMXCOMP-215 - Loading jax-ws-catalog.xml into servicemix-cxf-bc component
  • SMXCOMP-216 - need add lock for DeliveryChannel of cxf bc consumer to handle multiple client invocation
  • SMXCOMP-458 - Malformed is generated for the servicemix-http bundle
  • SMXCOMP-461 - Fix smx-cxf-bc consumer timeout property JavaDoc and code interpretation
  • SMXCOMP-470 - we need cache attachment earlier when use ws-addressing and mtom
  • SMXCOMP-476 - A CXF-BC provider used with WS-RM sends the CreateSequence request without SOAP envelope
  • SMXCOMP-478 - OSGi bundles for components should not require the jaxp-ri bundle


  • SMXCOMP-9 - if cxf endpoint use specific bus, then we should shutdown the bus cleanly when shutdown the endpoint
  • SMXCOMP-115 - Patch available for upgrading components to Spring 2.5.6
  • SMXCOMP-116 - Upgrade to spring osgi 1.2.0-m2
  • SMXCOMP-184 - Add "features" support from cxf to the smx-cxf-bc endpoint
  • SMXCOMP-185 - CXF BC Provider using JMS Transport is not scalable (locks thread waiting for external service response)
  • SMXCOMP-190 - Develop cxf-bc provider test case to verify that MTOM response is successfully handled regardless of mtomEnabled flag value
  • SMXCOMP-191 - Develop test case to demonstrate and verify that smx-cxf-bc consumer endpoint with transactional JMS transport sends transactional exchange correctly
  • SMXCOMP-192 - Excessive console output from cxfbc tests
  • SMXCOMP-204 - cxf provider should be able to extract operationName based on payload and wsdl if using doc/literal style in case that no operationName bound to the MessageExchange
  • SMXCOMP-205 - cxf-bc consumer should allow async sending of message exchanges to the NMR
  • SMXCOMP-206 - ensure OASISCatalogManager is loaded before getting wsdl definition
  • SMXCOMP-207 - remove unnecessary direct jaxws-api, jaxb dependency from servicemix-cxf-se and servicemix-cxf-bc
  • SMXCOMP-208 - remove unreachable code from JbiInInterceptor
  • SMXCOMP-450 - CXF Binding Component ships with the generated code from the hello_world.wsdl
  • SMXCOMP-464 - avoid adding xmlns for each element when using prefixes



  • SMXCOMP-187 - CxfBcJmsTest failure
  • SMXCOMP-189 - CxfBcJmsTransaction*Test is broken caused by recent change in cxf
  • SMXCOMP-201 - changes in CXF-1946 cause CxfBCSEProviderSystemTest fail
  • SMXCOMP-209 - test to ensure the different JMSConduit instance share share replyDest work correctly for cxf bc provider
  • SMXCOMP-211 - test to guarantee conduit is created for each cxf bc provider endpoint but not per request
  • SMXCOMP-466 - WS-RM : the CreateSequenceResponse body is void
  • SMXCOMP-477 - CxfBcRMSequenceTest failed due to missing configuration file