Release Notes - ServiceMix Components - Version servicemix-jms-2009.01


  • SMXCOMP-111 - When deployed in Smx4, the JBI SUs do not have access to the whole JRE
  • SMXCOMP-113 - Components jars should not include the jbi descriptor
  • SMXCOMP-126 - JmsProviderEndpointTest hang
  • SMXCOMP-127 - No rollback for failed InOnly exchange in JMS consumer endpoint
  • SMXCOMP-129 - The "Content-Type" property is used in jms messages, but it is not compliant with the jms spec
  • SMXCOMP-131 - Update servicemix-jms to use soap over jms spec property values
  • SMXCOMP-133 - new smx-jms marshaler throws exception attempting to copy property "JbiConstants.DATESTAMP_PROPERTY_NAME" from NMR to JMS
  • SMXCOMP-138 - smx-jms new, non-soap, in/out, provider/consumer endpoints do not pass JBI Faults correctly
  • SMXCOMP-140 - smx-jms new, non-soap, in/out, provider/consumer endpoints do not pass JBI Errors correctly
  • SMXCOMP-141 - smx-jms new, non-soap, in/out, provider/consumer endpoints do not pass JBI Attachments correctly
  • SMXCOMP-143 - smx-jms old, non-soap, in/out, provider/consumer endpoints do not pass JBI Faults correctly
  • SMXCOMP-145 - smx-jms provider should not create a temporary replyTo destination unless one is needed
  • SMXCOMP-458 - Malformed is generated for the servicemix-http bundle
  • SMXCOMP-478 - OSGi bundles for components should not require the jaxp-ri bundle


  • SMXCOMP-115 - Patch available for upgrading components to Spring 2.5.6
  • SMXCOMP-116 - Upgrade to spring osgi 1.2.0-m2
  • SMXCOMP-136 - smx-jms consumer endpoints should support maxConcurrentConsumers property from Spring JMS
  • SMXCOMP-148 - Refactor JmsProviderEndpoint to not use reflection to call protected method on Spring JmsTemplate class
  • SMXCOMP-150 - Added dependency to servicemix-jms POM to ensure that base endpoint properties are documented in the xbean generated XSD, Wiki, HTML