Release Notes - ServiceMix Components - Version servicemix-shared-2009.01


  • SMXCOMP-113 - Components jars should not include the jbi descriptor
  • SMXCOMP-226 - AsyncBaseLifeCycle should catch all throwables when processing a given exchange
  • SMXCOMP-460 - The TCCL is not set to the correct value after deploying a service unit
  • SMXCOMP-469 - Terminated exchanges are sometimes sent when handling an exception, leading to errors
  • SMXCOMP-478 - OSGi bundles for components should not require the jaxp-ri bundle


  • SMXCOMP-115 - Patch available for upgrading components to Spring 2.5.6
  • SMXCOMP-116 - Upgrade to spring osgi 1.2.0-m2
  • SMXCOMP-170 - SoapEndpoint loadWsdl() does not support importing from relative paths
  • SMXCOMP-179 - Add better documentation around attributes & elements for the servicemix-file component
  • SMXCOMP-225 - Add additional Log output to the SimpleEndpoint methods

New Feature

  • SMXCOMP-155 - Support WS-Addressing for the new http endpoints