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Package: OpenID

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Element index for package OpenID

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a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w _
Variable $_attr_find
Variable $_removed_re
Stuff to remove before we start looking for tags
Variable $_re_flags
Specify some flags for use with regex matching.
Variable $_tag_expr
Starts with the tag name at a word boundary, where the tag name
Function _pct_encoded_replace
_pct_encoded_replace() in URINorm.php
Function _pct_encoded_replace_unreserved
Function _pct_escape_unicode
Miscellaneous utility values and functions for OpenID and Yadis.
Function _startswith
_startswith() in Misc.php
Variable $AUTH_KEY_LEN
Method addExtensionArg
Add an extension argument to this OpenID authentication request.
Method answer
Method answer
Class Auth_OpenID_AlreadySigned
An error that indicates that a response was already signed.
Class Auth_OpenID_Association
Auth_OpenID_Association in Association.php
This class represents an association between a server and a consumer. In general, users of this library will never see instances of this object. The only exception is if you implement a custom Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_AuthRequest
Initialize an authentication request with the specified token, association, and endpoint.
Class Auth_OpenID_AuthRequest
Auth_OpenID_AuthRequest in Consumer.php
This class represents an authentication request from a consumer to an OpenID server.
Constant Auth_OpenID_CANCEL
Auth_OpenID_CANCEL in Consumer.php
Status to indicate cancellation of OpenID authentication.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_CancelResponse
Class Auth_OpenID_CancelResponse
A response with a status of Auth_OpenID_CANCEL. Indicates that the user cancelled the OpenID authentication request. This has two relevant attributes:
Constructor Auth_OpenID_Consumer
Initialize a Consumer instance.
Class Auth_OpenID_Consumer
Auth_OpenID_Consumer in Consumer.php
An OpenID consumer implementation that performs discovery and does session management. See the Consumer.php file documentation for more information.
Class Auth_OpenID_ConsumerResponse
The base class for responses from the Auth_OpenID_Consumer.
Class Auth_OpenID_CryptUtil
Auth_OpenID_CryptUtil in CryptUtil.php
Class Auth_OpenID_DatabaseConnection
Auth_OpenID_DatabaseConnection in DatabaseConnection.php
An empty base class intended to emulate PEAR connection
Constructor Auth_OpenID_Decoder
Class Auth_OpenID_Decoder
Auth_OpenID_Decoder in Server.php
Decode an incoming Auth_OpenID_WebResponse into an Auth_OpenID_Request.
This is the characters that the nonces are made from.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanConsumerSession
Class Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanConsumerSession
Constructor Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanServerSession
Class Auth_OpenID_DiffieHellmanServerSession
Constant Auth_OpenID_digits
Auth_OpenID_digits in OpenID.php
Constant Auth_OpenID_DO_ABOUT
Auth_OpenID_DO_ABOUT in OpenID.php
Status code returned when there were no OpenID arguments passed. This code indicates that the caller should return a 200 OK response and display an HTML page that says that this is an OpenID server endpoint.
Constant Auth_OpenID_DO_AUTH
Auth_OpenID_DO_AUTH in OpenID.php
Status code returned when the caller needs to authenticate the
Constructor Auth_OpenID_DumbStore
Creates a new Auth_OpenID_DumbStore instance. For the security of the tokens generated by the library, this class attempts to at least have a secure implementation of getAuthKey.
Class Auth_OpenID_DumbStore
Auth_OpenID_DumbStore in DumbStore.php
This is a store for use in the worst case, when you have no way of saving state on the consumer site. Using this store makes the consumer vulnerable to replay attacks, as it's unable to use nonces. Avoid using this store if it is at all possible.
Class Auth_OpenID_Encoder
Auth_OpenID_Encoder in Server.php
Encode an Auth_OpenID_Response to an Auth_OpenID_WebResponse.
Class Auth_OpenID_EncodingError
An error that indicates an encoding problem occurred.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_EncodingError
Constant Auth_OpenID_FAILURE
Auth_OpenID_FAILURE in Consumer.php
This is the status code completeAuth returns when the value it received indicated an invalid login.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse
Class Auth_OpenID_FailureResponse
A response with a status of Auth_OpenID_FAILURE. Indicates that the OpenID protocol has failed. This could be locally or remotely triggered. This has three relevant attributes:
Class Auth_OpenID_FileStore
Auth_OpenID_FileStore in FileStore.php
This is a filesystem-based store for OpenID associations and
Constructor Auth_OpenID_FileStore
Initializes a new Auth_OpenID_FileStore. This initializes the nonce and association directories, which are subdirectories of the directory passed in.
Class Auth_OpenID_KVForm
Auth_OpenID_KVForm in KVForm.php
Container for key-value/comma-newline OpenID format and parsing
Constant Auth_OpenID_letters
Auth_OpenID_letters in OpenID.php
Defines for regexes and format checking.
Constant Auth_OpenID_LOCAL_ERROR
Status code returned by the server when the only option is to show an error page, since we do not have enough information to redirect back to the consumer. The associated value is an error message that should be displayed on an HTML error page.
Class Auth_OpenID_MalformedReturnURL
An error indicating that the return_to URL is malformed.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_MalformedReturnURL
Class Auth_OpenID_MalformedTrustRoot
This error is returned when the trust_root value is malformed.
Class Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore
Auth_OpenID_MySQLStore in MySQLStore.php
An SQL store that uses MySQL as its backend.
Class Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore
Auth_OpenID_OpenIDStore in Interface.php
This is the interface for the store objects the OpenID library
Constructor Auth_OpenID_Parse
Class Auth_OpenID_Parse
Auth_OpenID_Parse in Parse.php
Constant Auth_OpenID_PARSE_ERROR
Auth_OpenID_PARSE_ERROR in Consumer.php
This is the status code beginAuth returns when the page fetched from the entered OpenID URL doesn't contain the necessary link tags to function as an identity page.
Class Auth_OpenID_PlainTextConsumerSession
Class Auth_OpenID_PlainTextServerSession
Constant Auth_OpenID_punct
Auth_OpenID_punct in OpenID.php
Constant Auth_OpenID_REDIRECT
Auth_OpenID_REDIRECT in OpenID.php
Status code returned when there is a redirect back to the consumer. The value is the URL to redirect back to. The caller should return a 302 Found redirect with a Location: header containing the URL.
Constant Auth_OpenID_REMOTE_ERROR
Status code returned when there is an error to return in key-value form to the consumer. The caller should return a 400 Bad Request response with content-type text/plain and the value as the body.
Constant Auth_OpenID_REMOTE_OK
Auth_OpenID_REMOTE_OK in OpenID.php
Status code returned when there is a key-value form OK response to the consumer. The value associated with this code is the response. The caller should return a 200 OK response with content-type text/plain and the value as the body.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_Server
Class Auth_OpenID_Server
Auth_OpenID_Server in Server.php
An object that implements the OpenID protocol for a single URL.
Class Auth_OpenID_ServerError
An error class which gets instantiated and returned whenever an OpenID protocol error occurs. Be prepared to use this in place of an ordinary server response.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_ServerRequest
Class Auth_OpenID_ServerRequest
Auth_OpenID_ServerRequest in ServerRequest.php
Object that holds the state of a request to the OpenID server
Constructor Auth_OpenID_SetupNeededResponse
Class Auth_OpenID_SetupNeededResponse
A response with a status of Auth_OpenID_SETUP_NEEDED. Indicates that the request was in immediate mode, and the server is unable to authenticate the user without further interaction.
Constant Auth_OpenID_SETUP_NEEDED
Auth_OpenID_SETUP_NEEDED in Consumer.php
This is the status code completeAuth returns when the Auth_OpenID_Consumer instance is in immediate mode, and the identity server sends back a URL to send the user to to complete his or her login.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_Signatory
Create a new signatory using a given store.
Class Auth_OpenID_Signatory
Auth_OpenID_Signatory in Server.php
Responsible for the signature of query data and the verification of OpenID signature values.
Class Auth_OpenID_SigningEncoder
An encoder which also takes care of signing fields when required.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_SigningEncoder
Class Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore
Auth_OpenID_SQLiteStore in SQLiteStore.php
An SQL store that uses SQLite as its backend.
Constructor Auth_OpenID_SQLStore
This creates a new SQLStore instance. It requires an established database connection be given to it, and it allows overriding the default table names.
Class Auth_OpenID_SQLStore
Auth_OpenID_SQLStore in SQLStore.php
This is the parent class for the SQL stores, which contains the logic common to all of the SQL stores.
Constant Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS
Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS in Consumer.php
This is the status code returned when the complete method returns successfully.
Class Auth_OpenID_SuccessResponse
A response with a status of Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS. Indicates that
Class Auth_OpenID_TrustRoot
Auth_OpenID_TrustRoot in TrustRoot.php
A wrapper for trust-root related functions
Constructor Auth_OpenID_UntrustedReturnURL
Class Auth_OpenID_UntrustedReturnURL
An error that indicates that the given return_to is not under the given trust_root.
Function Auth_OpenID_urinorm
Auth_OpenID_urinorm() in URINorm.php
Constructor Auth_OpenID_WebResponse
Class Auth_OpenID_WebResponse
A web-capable response object which you can use to generate a user-agent response.
Method autoCommit
Sets auto-commit mode on this database connection.
File Association.php
Association.php in Association.php
Variable $body
Method begin
Start the OpenID authentication process. See steps 1-2 in the overview at the top of this file.
Method begin
Auth_OpenID_DatabaseConnection::begin() in DatabaseConnection.php
Starts a transaction on this connection, if supported.
Method beginWithoutDiscovery
Start OpenID verification without doing OpenID server
Method blobDecode
Method blobEncode
Variable $code
Method clean
Remove expired entries from the database. This is potentially expensive, so only run when it is acceptable to take time.
Method commit
Commits a transaction on this connection, if supported.
Method complete
Called to interpret the server's response to an OpenID request. It is called in step 4 of the flow described in the consumer overview.
Method createAssociation
Make a new association.
Method createAuthKey
Generate a new random auth key and safely store it in the location specified by $this->auth_key_name.
Method createTables
Method create_assoc_table
Method create_nonce_table
Method create_settings_table
File Consumer.php
Consumer.php in Consumer.php
File CryptUtil.php
CryptUtil.php in CryptUtil.php
Variable $dumb_key
Method decode
Given an HTTP query in an array (key-value pairs), decode it into an Auth_OpenID_Request object.
Method decodeRequest
Decodes a query args array into the appropriate Auth_OpenID_Request object.
Method defaultDecoder
Method deserialize
Parse an association as stored by serialize(). This is the inverse of serialize.
Method destroy
File DatabaseConnection.php
DatabaseConnection.php in DatabaseConnection.php
File DumbStore.php
DumbStore.php in DumbStore.php
Method encode
Sign an Auth_OpenID_Response and return an Auth_OpenID_WebResponse.
Method encode
Encode an Auth_OpenID_Response and return an Auth_OpenID_WebResponse.
Method encodeResponse
Encodes as response in the appropriate format suitable for sending to the user agent.
Method encodeToKVForm
Encodes the response to key-value form. This is a machine-readable format used to respond to messages which came directly from the consumer and not through the user-agent. See the OpenID specification.
Method encodeToURL
Encodes this error's response as a URL suitable for redirection. If the response has no return_to, another Auth_OpenID_ServerError is returned.
Method equal
This checks to see if two Auth_OpenID_Association instances represent the same association.
Method extensionResponse
Extract signed extension data from the server's response.
Method extractSecret
Method extractSecret
Method findFirstHref
Method findLinksRel
Method fromQuery
Method fromQuery
File FileStore.php
FileStore.php in FileStore.php
Method getAll
Run an SQL query with the specified parameters, if any.
Method getAssociation
Retrieve an association. If no handle is specified, return the association with the most recent issue time.
Method getAssociation
This method returns an Association object from storage that matches the server URL and, if specified, handle. It returns null if no such association is found or if the matching association is expired.
Method getAssociation
Given an association handle, get the association from the store, or return a ServerError or null if something goes wrong.
Method getAssociation
Method getAssociation
This implementation always returns null.
Method getAssociationFilename
Create a unique filename for a given server url and
Method getAuthKey
Method getAuthKey
This method returns a key used to sign the tokens, to ensure that they haven't been tampered with in transit. It should return the same key every time it is called. The key returned should be AUTH_KEY_LEN bytes long.
Method getAuthKey
Retrieve the auth key from the file specified by $this->auth_key_name, creating it if it does not exist.
Method getAuthKey
This method returns the auth key generated by the constructor.
Method getBytes
Get the specified number of random bytes.
Method getExpiresIn
This returns the number of seconds this association is still valid for, or 0 if the association is no longer valid.
Method getOne
Run an SQL query and return the first column of the first row of the result set, if any.
Method getRequest
Method getRequest
Method getReturnTo
Get the openid.return_to argument from this response.
Method getRow
Run an SQL query and return the first row of the result set, if any.
Method handleRequest
Handle a request. Given an Auth_OpenID_Request object, call the appropriate Auth_OpenID_Server method to process the request and generate a response.
Method hasReturnTo
Returns the return_to URL for the request which caused this error.
Method headFind
Method htmlFind
Method invalidate
Invalidate a given association handle.
Method isDumb
This method must return true if the store is a dumb-mode-style store. Unlike all other methods in this class, this one provides a default implementation, which returns false.
Method isDumb
This store is a dumb mode store, so this method is overridden to return true.
Method isError
Returns true if $value constitutes a database error; returns false otherwise.
Method isSane
Is this trust root sane?
File Interface.php
Interface.php in Interface.php
File KVForm.php
KVForm.php in KVForm.php
Method linkHasRel
Method match
Does this URL match the given trust root?
File MySQLStore.php
MySQLStore.php in MySQLStore.php
File Misc.php
Misc.php in Misc.php
Variable $normal_key
File OpenID.php
OpenID.php in OpenID.php
File Parse.php
Parse.php in Parse.php
Method parseLinkAttrs
Find all link tags in a string representing a HTML document and return a list of their attributes.
Method query
Auth_OpenID_DatabaseConnection::query() in DatabaseConnection.php
Run an SQL query with the specified parameters, if any.
Variable $responseFactory
Method randomString
Produce a string of length random bytes, chosen from chrs. If $chrs is null, the resulting string may contain any characters.
Method readAuthKey
Read the auth key from the auth key file. Will return None if there is currently no key.
Method redirectURL
Compute the appropriate redirection URL for this request based on a specified trust root and return-to.
Method relMatches
Method removeAssociation
Method removeAssociation
This implementation always returns false.
Method removeAssociation
This method removes the matching association if it's found, and returns whether the association was removed or not.
Method removeAssociation
Remove an association if it exists. Do nothing if it does not.
Method removeQuotes
Function remove_dot_segments
remove_dot_segments() in URINorm.php
Method replaceEntities
Method reset
Removes all entries from the store; implementation is optional.
Method reset
Resets the store by removing all records from the store's tables.
Method resultToBool
Converts a query result to a boolean. If the result is a database error according to $this->isError(), this returns false; otherwise, this returns true.
Method rollback
Performs a rollback on this connection, if supported.
Variable $session_type
Variable $session_type
An object that knows how to handle association requests with the Diffie-Hellman session type.
Variable $session_type
Variable $session_type
An object that knows how to handle association requests with no session type.
Variable $status
Variable $status
Variable $status
Variable $status
Variable $status
File Server.php
Server.php in Server.php
File ServerRequest.php
ServerRequest.php in ServerRequest.php
File SQLiteStore.php
SQLiteStore.php in SQLiteStore.php
File SQLStore.php
SQLStore.php in SQLStore.php
Method serialize
Convert an association to KV form.
Method setSQL
This method should be overridden by subclasses. This method is called by the constructor to set values in $this->sql, which is an array keyed on sql name.
Method setSQL
Method sign
Given a response, sign the fields in the response's 'signed' list, and insert the signature into the response.
Method storeAssociation
Method storeAssociation
This method puts an Association object into storage, retrievable by server URL and handle.
Method storeAssociation
This implementation does nothing.
Method storeAssociation
Store an association in the association directory.
Method storeNonce
Mark this nonce as present.
Method storeNonce
This implementation does nothing.
Method storeNonce
Stores a nonce. This is used by the consumer to prevent replay attacks.
File TrustRoot.php
TrustRoot.php in TrustRoot.php
Method tableExists
Method tagMatcher
Returns a regular expression that will match a given tag in an SGML string.
Method toString
Returns this error message.
Method toString
Method toString
File URINorm.php
URINorm.php in URINorm.php
Method useNonce
Method useNonce
This method is called when the library is attempting to use a nonce. If the nonce is in the store, this method removes it and returns a value which evaluates as true. Otherwise it returns a value which evaluates as false.
Method useNonce
Return whether this nonce is present. As a side effect, mark it as no longer present.
Method useNonce
In a system truly limited to dumb mode, nonces must all be accepted. This therefore always returns true, which makes replay attacks feasible.
Method verify
Verify, using a given association handle, a signature with signed key-value pairs from an HTTP request.
Method whichEncoding
Returns one of $_Auth_OpenID_Encode_Url, $_Auth_OpenID_Encode_Kvform, or null, depending on the type of encoding expected for this error's payload.
a b c d e f g h i k l m n o p q r s t u v w _

Documentation generated on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 20:51:46 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.3.1