Uses of Interface

Packages that use Writable
org.apache.nutch.db Web database: tracks page fetches and link structure. 
org.apache.nutch.fetcher The Nutch robot. 
org.apache.nutch.indexer Maintain Lucene full-text indexes. Generic i/o code for use when reading and writing data to the network, to databases, and to files. 
org.apache.nutch.ipc Client/Server code used by distributed search. 
org.apache.nutch.mapReduce A system for scalable, fault-tolerant, distributed computation over large data collections. 
org.apache.nutch.mapReduce.lib Library of generally useful mappers, reducers, and partitioners. 
org.apache.nutch.searcher Search API   

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.db

Classes in org.apache.nutch.db that implement Writable
static class DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstruction
          Holds an instruction over a Link.
static class DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstruction
          PageInstruction holds an operation over a Page.
 class Link
          This is the field in the Link Database.
 class Page
          A row in the Page Database.
static class WebDBWriter.LinkInstruction
          Holds an instruction over a Link.
static class WebDBWriter.PageInstruction
          PageInstruction holds an operation over a Page.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.db with parameters of type Writable
 void EditSectionGroupWriter.append(WritableComparable key, Writable val)
          Add an instruction and append it.
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Page page, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void WebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Page page, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void WebDBWriter.LinkInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(SequenceFile.Writer writer, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the LinkInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile and keep the LI for later reuse.
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(EditSectionGroupWriter writer, Page page, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.PageInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(EditSectionGroupWriter writer, Page page, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the PageInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile, and keep the PI for later reuse.
 void EditSectionWriter.append(WritableComparable key, Writable val)
          Add a key/val pair
 void DistributedWebDBWriter.LinkInstructionWriter.appendInstructionInfo(EditSectionGroupWriter writer, Link link, int opcode, Writable val)
          Append the LinkInstruction info to the indicated SequenceFile and keep the LI for later reuse.

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.fetcher

Classes in org.apache.nutch.fetcher that implement Writable
 class FetcherOutput
          An entry in the fetcher's output.

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.indexer

Classes in org.apache.nutch.indexer that implement Writable
static class DeleteDuplicates.IndexedDoc
          The key used in sorting for duplicates.

Uses of Writable in

Subinterfaces of Writable in
 interface WritableComparable
          An interface which extends both Writable and Comparable.

Classes in that implement Writable
 class ArrayWritable
          A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class.
 class BooleanWritable
          A WritableComparable for booleans.
 class BytesWritable
          A Writable for byte arrays.
 class FloatWritable
          A WritableComparable for floats.
 class IntWritable
          A WritableComparable for ints.
 class LongWritable
          A WritableComparable for longs.
 class MD5Hash
          A Writable for MD5 hash values.
 class NullWritable
          Singleton Writable with no data.
 class TwoDArrayWritable
          A Writable for 2D arrays containing a matrix of instances of a class.
 class UTF8
          A WritableComparable for strings that uses the UTF8 encoding.
 class VersionedWritable
          A base class for Writables that provides version checking.

Methods in that return Writable
 Writable MapFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key, Writable val)
          Return the value for the named key, or null if none exists.
 Writable[][] TwoDArrayWritable.get()
 Writable[] ArrayWritable.get()
 Writable value)
          Read and return the next value in the file.
 Writable ArrayFile.Reader.get(long n, Writable value)
          Return the nth value in the file.

Methods in with parameters of type Writable
 void MapFile.Writer.append(WritableComparable key, Writable val)
          Append a key/value pair to the map.
 boolean key, Writable val)
          Read the next key/value pair in the map into key and val.
 Writable MapFile.Reader.get(WritableComparable key, Writable val)
          Return the value for the named key, or null if none exists.
 void SequenceFile.Writer.append(Writable key, Writable val)
          Append a key/value pair.
 boolean key)
          Read the next key in the file into key, skipping its value.
 boolean key, Writable val)
          Read the next key/value pair in the file into key and val.
 void ArrayFile.Writer.append(Writable value)
          Append a value to the file.
 void TwoDArrayWritable.set(Writable[][] values)
 void ArrayWritable.set(Writable[] values)
 Writable value)
          Read and return the next value in the file.
 Writable ArrayFile.Reader.get(long n, Writable value)
          Return the nth value in the file.

Constructors in with parameters of type Writable
TwoDArrayWritable(Class valueClass, Writable[][] values)
ArrayWritable(Class valueClass, Writable[] values)

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.ipc

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ipc that return Writable
abstract  Writable param)
          Called for each call.
 Writable param, InetSocketAddress address)
          Make a call, passing param, to the IPC server running at address, returning the value.
 Writable[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addresses)
          Makes a set of calls in parallel.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ipc with parameters of type Writable
abstract  Writable param)
          Called for each call.
 Writable param, InetSocketAddress address)
          Make a call, passing param, to the IPC server running at address, returning the value.
 Writable[][] params, InetSocketAddress[] addresses)
          Makes a set of calls in parallel.

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.linkdb

Classes in org.apache.nutch.linkdb that implement Writable
 class LinkAnalysisEntry
          An entry in the LinkAnalysisTool's output.

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.mapReduce

Classes in org.apache.nutch.mapReduce that implement Writable
 class FileSplit
          A section of an input file.
 class JobProfile
          A JobProfile is a MapReduce primitive.
 class JobStatus
          Describes the current status of a job.
 class MapOutputFile
          A local file to be transferred via the MapOutputProtocol.
 class MapOutputLocation
          The location of a map output file, as passed to a reduce task via the InterTrackerProtocol.
 class MapTask
          A Map task.
 class ReduceTask
          A Reduce task.
 class Task
          Base class for tasks.
 class TaskStatus
          Describes the current status of a task.
 class TaskTrackerStatus
          A TaskTrackerStatus is a MapReduce primitive.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.mapReduce with parameters of type Writable
 void key, Writable value, OutputCollector output)
          Maps a single input key/value pair into intermediate key/value pairs.
 void RecordWriter.write(WritableComparable key, Writable value)
          Writes a key/value pair.
 void OutputCollector.collect(WritableComparable key, Writable value)
          Adds a key/value pair to the output.
 boolean key, Writable value)
          Reads the next key/value pair.

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.mapReduce.lib

Methods in org.apache.nutch.mapReduce.lib with parameters of type Writable
 void key, Writable val, OutputCollector output)
          The identify function.
 void key, Writable value, OutputCollector output)
          The inverse function.
 void key, Writable value, OutputCollector output)
 void key, Writable value, OutputCollector output)

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.ndfs

Classes in org.apache.nutch.ndfs that implement Writable
 class Block
          A Block is a Nutch FS primitive, identified by a long.
 class DatanodeInfo
          DatanodeInfo tracks stats on a given node
 class FSParam
          IPC param
 class FSResults
          The result of an NFS IPC call.
 class HeartbeatData
          Heartbeat data
 class NDFSFileInfo
          NDFSFileInfo tracks info about remote files, including name, size, etc.

Fields in org.apache.nutch.ndfs declared as Writable
 Writable FSResults.first
 Writable FSResults.second
 Writable FSParam.first
 Writable FSParam.second

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs that return Writable
 Writable param)
          This method implements the call invoked by client.

Methods in org.apache.nutch.ndfs with parameters of type Writable
 Writable param)
          This method implements the call invoked by client.

Constructors in org.apache.nutch.ndfs with parameters of type Writable
FSResults(byte op, Writable first)
FSResults(byte op, Writable first, Writable second)

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.pagedb

Classes in org.apache.nutch.pagedb that implement Writable
 class FetchListEntry

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.parse

Classes in org.apache.nutch.parse that implement Writable
 class Outlink
 class ParseData
          Data extracted from a page's content.
 class ParseStatus
 class ParseText

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.protocol

Classes in org.apache.nutch.protocol that implement Writable
 class Content
 class ProtocolStatus

Uses of Writable in org.apache.nutch.searcher

Classes in org.apache.nutch.searcher that implement Writable
 class Hit
          A document which matched a query in an index.
 class HitDetails
          Data stored in the index for a hit.
 class Hits
          A set of hits matching a query.
 class Query
          A Nutch query.

Uses of Writable in

Classes in that implement Writable
static class FetchListTool.SortableScore
          SortableScore is just a WritableComparable Float!
static class UpdateSegmentsFromDb.SegmentPage
          Used internally only.
static class UpdateSegmentsFromDb.Update
          Used internally only.

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