ArangoDB Shell Introduction
The ArangoDB shell (arangosh) is a command-line tool that can be used for administration of ArangoDB, including running ad-hoc queries.
The arangosh binary is shipped with ArangoDB. It offers a JavaScript shell environment providing access to the ArangoDB server. Arangosh can be invoked like this:
unix> arangosh
By default arangosh will try to connect to an ArangoDB server running on server localhost on port 8529. It will use the username root and an empty password by default. Additionally it will connect to the default database (_system). All these defaults can be changed using the following command-line options:
- --server.database
: name of the database to connect to - --server.endpoint
: endpoint to connect to - --server.username
: database username - --server.password
: password to use when connecting - --server.authentication
: whether or not to use authentication
For example, to connect to an ArangoDB server on IP on port 8530 with the user foo and using the database test, use:
unix> arangosh \
--server.endpoint tcp:// \
--server.username foo \
--server.database test \
--server.authentication true
arangosh will then display a password prompt and try to connect to the server after the password was entered.
To change the current database after the connection has been made, you
can use the db._useDatabase()
command in arangosh:
arangosh> db._createDatabase("myapp");
arangosh> db._useDatabase("myapp");
arangosh> db._useDatabase("_system");
arangosh> db._dropDatabase("myapp");
To get a list of available commands, arangosh provides a help() function. Calling it will display helpful information.
arangosh also provides auto-completion. Additional information on available commands and methods is thus provided by typing the first few letters of a variable and then pressing the tab key. It is recommend to try this with entering db. (without pressing return) and then pressing tab.
By the way, arangosh provides the db object by default, and this object can be used for switching to a different database and managing collections inside the current database.
For a list of available methods for the db object, type
arangosh> db._help();
--------------------------- ArangoDatabase (db) help ---------------------------
Administration Functions:
_help() this help
_flushCache() flush and refill collection cache
Collection Functions:
_collections() list all collections
_collection(<name>) get collection by identifier/name
_create(<name>, <properties>) creates a new collection
_createEdgeCollection(<name>) creates a new edge collection
_drop(<name>) delete a collection
Document Functions:
_document(<id>) get document by handle (_id)
_replace(<id>, <data>, <overwrite>) overwrite document
_update(<id>, <data>, <overwrite>, partially update document
_remove(<id>) delete document
_exists(<id>) checks whether a document exists
_truncate() delete all documents
Database Management Functions:
_createDatabase(<name>) creates a new database
_dropDatabase(<name>) drops an existing database
_useDatabase(<name>) switches into an existing database
_drop(<name>) delete a collection
_name() name of the current database
Query / Transaction Functions:
_executeTransaction(<transaction>) execute transaction
_query(<query>) execute AQL query
_createStatement(<data>) create and return AQL query
View Functions:
_views() list all views
_view(<name>) get view by name
_createView(<name>, <type>, <properties>) creates a new view
arangosh> db._help();
you can paste multiple lines into arangosh, given the first line ends with an opening brace:
arangosh> for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
........> require("@arangodb").print("Hello world " + i + "!\n");
........> }
Hello world 0!
Hello world 1!
Hello world 2!
Hello world 3!
Hello world 4!
Hello world 5!
Hello world 6!
Hello world 7!
Hello world 8!
Hello world 9!
arangosh> for (var i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
........> require("@arangodb").print("Hello world " + i + "!\n");
........> }
To load your own JavaScript code into the current JavaScript interpreter context, use the load command:
require("internal").load("/tmp/test.js") // <- Linux / MacOS
require("internal").load("c:\\tmp\\test.js") // <- Windows
Exiting arangosh can be done using the key combination <CTRL> + D
or by
typing quit<CR>
In AQL, escaping is done traditionally with the backslash character: \
As seen above, this leads to double backslashes when specifying Windows paths.
Arangosh requires another level of escaping, also with the backslash character.
It adds up to four backslashes that need to be written in Arangosh for a single
literal backslash (c:\tmp\test.js
db._query('RETURN "c:\\\\tmp\\\\test.js"')
You can use bind variables to mitigate this:
var somepath = "c:\\tmp\\test.js"
db._query(aql`RETURN ${somepath}`)