The cluster section displays statistics about the general cluster performance.
- Available and missing coordinators
- Available and missing database servers
- Memory usage (percent)
- Current connections
- Data (bytes)
- HTTP (bytes)
- Average request time (seconds)
The overview shows available and missing coordinators and database servers.
- Coordinator Dashboard: Click on a Coordinator will open a statistics dashboard.
Information (Coordinator / Database servers):
- Name
- Endpoint
- Last Heartbeat
- Status
- Health
The shard section displays all available sharded collections.
- Move Shard Leader: Click on a leader database of a shard server will open a move shard dialog. Shards can be transferred to all available databas servers, except the leading database server or an available follower.
- Move Shard Follower: Click on a follower database of a shard will open a move shard dialog. Shards can be transferred to all available databas servers, except the leading database server or an available follower.
- Rebalance Shards: A new database server will not have any shards. With the rebalance functionality the cluster will start to rebalance shards including empty database servers.
Information (collection):
- Shard
- Leader (green state: sync is complete)
- Followers