How to use ArangoDB with Sails.js

First install the Sails.js framework using NPM:

npm install -g sails

Now you can create a new Sails.js app named somename with the following command:

sails new somename

Now we need to add ArangoDB to this new application. First cd into the freshly created somename directory. Then install the ArangoDB adapter for Sails.js with the following command:

npm install sails-arangodb

This however only installs the necessary dependency. We need to configure the application to load the adapter. Open the file config/connections.js. You will see a list of example configurations for possible connections to databases. Remove the ones you don't need (or just keep all of them), and add the following configuration (adjust the host, port, database name and graph name to your needs):

localArangoDB: {
  adapter: 'sails-arangodb',
  host: 'localhost',
  port: 8529,
  database: {
    name: 'sails',
    graph: 'sails'

Now, you can configure your app to use the ArangoDB as your default connection. You do this by adjusting the file config/models.js:

module.exports.models = {
  connection: 'localArangoDB' // this is the name from the connections.js file
  // ...

Your app is now configured to use ArangoDB for all models by default. You can now for example create a blueprint controller by typing the following in your console:

sails generate api todos

Now you can boot your application with:

sails lift

You can now access http://localhost:1337/todos and see an empty list of todos. And then create a todo by visiting localhost:1337/todos/create?name=john. This will create the according document (that has an attribute name with the value john) in the todos collection of the selected database. You will also see the document when you visit http://localhost:1337/todos again.

Author: Lucas Dohmen

Tags: #nodejs