Mouse behavior that is specific to the various panes of ArgoUML (see Section 8.3, “ General Information About Panes ”) or the menu bar, is discussed in the chapters covering those panes and the menu bar. In this section we cover behavior that is general across all of ArgoUML.
In a number of places in ArgoUML text may be directly edited (for example the constraint editor -see Section 13.7.1, “ The Constraint Editor ”). The behavior of the mouse when handling text is discussed in the sections that follow.
ArgoUML assumes a two button mouse. We will refer to the buttons as “button 1” and “button 2”. Button 1 is the leftmost button on a right-handed mouse, and sometimes referred to as the select button. Button 2 is the rightmost button on a right-handed mouse, and is sometimes referred to as the adjust button.
A single depress and release of a mouse button with the mouse is referred to as a click. Two clicks in quick succession is referred to as a double click. Moving the mouse while holding a button down is referred to as button motion with the starting point being at button down and the end point at button up.
Clicking on an user-interface object or on a diagram model element may establish many different things. Most of the behaviour is experienced quite intuitive by the user, mainly because the high degree of standardisation, even spanning different computer platforms (Macintosh, PC, UNIX,...). ArgoUML follows the Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines by Sun. See Hence, behaviour of common user-interface components is generally not discussed in this document.
On the other hand, mouse actions in a diagram may not seem so intuitive to the user, since it is specific for ArgoUML. Hence they are explained here. In short, clicking selects or activates the object beneath the mouse-pointer, and moves the focus (i.e. navigation).
More in detail, the button 1 click may cause the following result:
Here button 1 is used to choose (select) a model element (in a list or tree or on a diagram) on which subsequent operations will take place. Multiple model elements may be selected by using Shift and/or Ctrl in combination with button 1, see Section 8.2.5, “ Shift and Ctrl modifiers with Button 1 ”. Selection is always clearly indicated by a colored background.
On a diagram, the selected model element is indicated with colored "blocks" at the corners/ends of the object. Model elements can be selected or deselected in different ways:
Button 1 click. Deselects all model elements, and selects the one clicked on.
Button 1 motion. Button motion (moving the mouse with the button down) in the diagram, not on any model element, allows to draw a rectangle around model elements which will be selected when the button 1 is released.
Menu functions and shortcuts. Many menu
operations change selection as side-effect, e.g.
creating a new diagram. Many keyboard shortcuts for
menu operations change the selection, e.g. Ctrl-A,
which stands for the Select All
Here button 1 is used to activate the user interface component, e.g. a button. The object is usually highlighted when the mouse button is pressed and then activated when the mouse button is released. Activating an user-interface object means that its function is executed.
Here button 1 is used to move the focus from one user interface component or diagram model element to another. It is better known under the term keyboard focus. This because keyboard commands usually work on the model element that has the focus. The focus is indicated by a (hardly visible) box around the model element, or for a text entry box, by a flashing cursor.
The behavior of button 1 double click varies betweens panes and is discussed in their chapters.
This behavior applies where there is a list of things that may be selected. This includes various dialog boxes, and the to-do pane, where there is a list of to-do items to be selected.
Where selections are to be made, the SHIFT key is used to with button 1 to extend from the original button 1 selection to the current position.
Similarly the CTRL key with button 1 is used to add individual items to the current selection. Where Ctrl-button 1 is used on an item already selected, that item is removed from the selection.
![]() | Caution |
Users of Microsoft Windows might be familiar with the use of SHIFT-CTRL-Click (i.e. holding both the Shift and Ctrl key down when clicking), to add sub-lists to an existing selection. ArgoUML does not support this. SHIFT-CTRL-Click will behave as CTRL-Click. |
In a number of places in ArgoUML text may be directly edited (for example when naming a model -element in the properties pane, or when typing a UML note / comment). Here SHIFT button 1 is used to select a range of text from the previously selected point. Subsequent operations (text entry and deletion) will replace the selected text.
When holding down the Alt key during button 1 down on a diagram, movement of the mouse pans the drawing area. The function is indicated by the mousepointer which turns into a crosshair with arrows.
When holding down the Ctrl key while dragging with mouse button 1 down on a diagram, the movement of the dragged element element will be constrained to one of eight cardinal directions : North, South, East, West, NE, SE, SW, NW.
Button 2 actions are all dependent on the pane or menu bar, and discussed in their various chapters.
Button 2 actions are all dependent on the pane or menu bar, and discussed in their various chapters.