Simplifying Audacity

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This page is primarily intended for teachers (and anyone working with others) who want to create an easier version of Audacity with fewer menu items.

These are advanced instructions that let you use freely available language tools to make a customized language file for Audacity that shows fewer menu items.

The customized language file can be in English or any other supported language.


Eventually we hope to provide a customized language file with reduced menus ourself. Meantime, you can follow the below instructions to create your own file. If you need help following these instructions, please ask on the Audacity Forum.
  1. Get hold of Poedit.
  2. Get hold of the translations file for your language and version of Audacity.
  3. Load the .po or .pot file into Poedit.
  4. Add a "!" (exclamation mark) to left of the translation of each menu item you want to hide. The .pot file will not have translations, so just add a "!" in the empty translation box.
    Important: To turn your simplified language on or off in View Menu, you must ADD "Simplified View" (without the "!") in the empty translation box in the .pot file, or REMOVE the "!" from the translation of "!Simplified View" in the .po file.
  5. Click File > Save as... to save the file as "". Poedit may warn you that some strings are not translated, but that is not a problem. You can still use the .mo file.
  6. Open your Audacity installation folder then open the "Languages" folder inside that.
    • For English language, create a folder called "en-simple" inside the "Languages" folder and paste your saved "" inside that.
    • For languages other than English, open the folder for your language (for example, "fr" for French) and paste in the "" file you saved so that it replaces the previous "".
  7. Restart Audacity and select your modified language in the Interface Preferences if it is not already displaying. To display the simplified English language, choose "Simplified".
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