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The Timeline displays a horizontal ruler above the tracks measuring time from zero (the start of the track). Depending on zooming the ruler may span minutes of audio or give a "close up" view of a few seconds or fractions of a second.

Legend for symbols displayed on the ruler

  • image of the selection region in the timeline The selected region: (when present) is shown as a shaded region on the ruler. Pressing Play or Record on Transport Toolbar plays or records from the left edge of this region.
  • image of the editing cursor The editing cursor: (always present when there is no selected region) is shown as a black vertical line. When "Quick-Play" is not active, the playback start position cursor image of the playback start position cursor is attached to it image of the editing cursor with attached playback start cursor. Pressing Play or Record plays from this cursor position.
  • image of the green playback cursor The playback cursor: (when playing or paused during play) is shown as a green triangle.
  • To start immediate "Quick-Play" playback from a particular point (even if the track is already playing, recording or paused), hover over the Timeline until the mouse cursor changes to a hand, then left-click without dragging. Playback will continue to the end of the track.
  • image of the red recording cursor The record cursor: (when recording or paused during record) is shown as a red triangle.
  • image of the quick-play region cursor Quick-Play region: A selectable region that plays immediately "on demand", shown by arrowheads with a line connecting them.
  • To start "Quick-Play" of a region (even if the track is already playing, recording or paused), hover over the Timeline until the mouse cursor changes to a hand, then drag in either direction and release. Playback will continue to the end of the Quick-Play region. Neither an already selected region nor the editing cursor is modified by Quick-Play.

Examples of the Timeline in use

Standard playback shows:
Timeline showing standard playback
  • The editing cursor (the black vertical bar)
  • The playback start position cursor (the left-pointing gray triangle with short gray vertical bar to left)
    • When Quick-Play is not active (see below) the editing cursor and the playback start position cursor are always at the same point on the Timeline, and together are called the standard cursor
  • The playback cursor (the green triangle) - playback will continue until stopped.
Recording with no selection present shows:
Timeline during record with no selection
  • The editing cursor and the playback start position cursor (as above)
  • The recording cursor (the red triangle) - recording will continue until stopped.
After clicking in the Timeline to initiate "Quick-Play":
Timeline during quick play after a click in the Timeline
  • The editing cursor position is unchanged
  • The playback start position cursor moves to the point clicked
  • The playback cursor shows the current playback position.
After clicking and dragging in the Timeline to initiate "Quick-Play" of a region:
Timeline during quick play after a click and drag in the Timeline
  • The editing cursor position is unchanged
  • The playback cursor shows the current playback position
  • The "Quick-Play" region is indicated by the horizontal gray bar with arrows on each end.
After clicking and dragging in the waveform:
Timeline with a region of audio selected
  • Instead of the editing cursor, a shaded region shows the time range of the selected audio.
  • The playback region is indicated by the horizontal gray bar with arrows on each end.

For other methods of navigating to playback points or areas, see Playing and Recording.

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