Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use EntityBinding
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.bind.tuple Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples. 
com.sleepycat.collections Data access based on the standard Java collections API. 

Uses of EntityBinding in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Classes in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that implement EntityBinding
 class SerialSerialBinding
          An abstract EntityBinding that treats an entity's key entry and data entry as serialized objects.
 class TupleSerialBinding
          An abstract EntityBinding that treats an entity's key entry as a tuple and its data entry as a serialized object.
 class TupleSerialMarshalledBinding
          A concrete TupleSerialBinding that delegates to the MarshalledTupleKeyEntity interface of the entity class.

Uses of EntityBinding in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple

Classes in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple that implement EntityBinding
 class TupleTupleBinding
          An abstract EntityBinding that treats an entity's key entry and data entry as tuples.
 class TupleTupleMarshalledBinding
          A concrete TupleTupleBinding that delegates to the MarshalledTupleEntry and MarshalledTupleKeyEntity interfaces of the entity class.

Uses of EntityBinding in com.sleepycat.collections

Constructors in com.sleepycat.collections with parameters of type EntityBinding
StoredValueSet(Database database, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a value set entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedValueSet(Database database, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted value set entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted map entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a sorted map entity view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a map entity view of a Database.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a map entity view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.