Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Database
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.collections Data access based on the standard Java collections API. Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access. 

Uses of Database in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Constructors in com.sleepycat.bind.serial with parameters of type Database
StoredClassCatalog(Database database)
          Creates a catalog based on a given database.

Uses of Database in com.sleepycat.collections

Methods in com.sleepycat.collections with parameters of type Database
 StoredMap TupleSerialFactory.newMap(Database db, Class keyClass, Class valueBaseClass, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a map from a previously opened Database object.
 StoredSortedMap TupleSerialFactory.newSortedMap(Database db, Class keyClass, Class valueBaseClass, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted map from a previously opened Database object.

Constructors in com.sleepycat.collections with parameters of type Database
StoredValueSet(Database database, EntryBinding valueBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a value set view of a Database.
StoredValueSet(Database database, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a value set entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedValueSet(Database database, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted value set entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntryBinding valueBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted map view of a Database.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntryBinding valueBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a sorted map view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted map entity view of a Database.
StoredSortedMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a sorted map entity view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.
StoredSortedKeySet(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a sorted key set view of a Database.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntryBinding valueBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a map view of a Database.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntryBinding valueBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a map view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a map entity view of a Database.
StoredMap(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, EntityBinding valueEntityBinding, PrimaryKeyAssigner keyAssigner)
          Creates a map entity view of a Database with a PrimaryKeyAssigner.
StoredKeySet(Database database, EntryBinding keyBinding, boolean writeAllowed)
          Creates a key set view of a Database.

Uses of Database in

Subclasses of Database in
 class SecondaryDatabase
          A secondary database handle.

Methods in that return Database
 Database SecondaryDatabase.getPrimaryDatabase()
          Returns the primary database associated with this secondary database.
 Database SecondaryCursor.getPrimaryDatabase()
          Returns the primary Database associated with this cursor.
 Database SecondaryConfig.getForeignKeyDatabase()
          Returns the database used to check the foreign key integrity constraint, or null if no foreign key constraint will be checked.
 Database JoinCursor.getDatabase()
          Returns the primary database handle associated with this cursor.
 Database Environment.openDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig dbConfig)
          Open, and optionally create, a Database.
 Database Cursor.getDatabase()
          Return the Database handle associated with this Cursor.

Methods in with parameters of type Database
 void SecondaryConfig.setForeignKeyDatabase(Database foreignKeyDatabase)
          Defines a foreign key integrity constraint for a given foreign key database.
 SecondaryDatabase Environment.openSecondaryDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName, Database primaryDatabase, SecondaryConfig secConfig)
          Open and optionally create a SecondaryDatabase.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.