Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Uses of Interface

Packages that use SecondaryKeyCreator
com.sleepycat.bind.serial Bindings that use Java serialization. 
com.sleepycat.bind.tuple Bindings that use sequences of primitive fields, or tuples. Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access. 

Uses of SecondaryKeyCreator in com.sleepycat.bind.serial

Classes in com.sleepycat.bind.serial that implement SecondaryKeyCreator
 class SerialSerialKeyCreator
          A abstract key creator that uses a serial key and a serial data entry.
 class TupleSerialKeyCreator
          A abstract key creator that uses a tuple key and a serial data entry.
 class TupleSerialMarshalledKeyCreator
          A concrete key creator that works in conjunction with a TupleSerialMarshalledBinding.

Uses of SecondaryKeyCreator in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple

Classes in com.sleepycat.bind.tuple that implement SecondaryKeyCreator
 class TupleTupleKeyCreator
          An abstract key creator that uses a tuple key and a tuple data entry.
 class TupleTupleMarshalledKeyCreator
          A concrete key creator that works in conjunction with a TupleTupleMarshalledBinding.

Uses of SecondaryKeyCreator in

Methods in that return SecondaryKeyCreator
 SecondaryKeyCreator SecondaryConfig.getKeyCreator()
          Returns the user-supplied object used for creating secondary keys.

Methods in with parameters of type SecondaryKeyCreator
 void SecondaryConfig.setKeyCreator(SecondaryKeyCreator keyCreator)
          Specifies the user-supplied object used for creating secondary keys.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.