Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Uses of Class

Packages that use Transaction
com.sleepycat.collections Data access based on the standard Java collections API. Foundation for creating environments, databases and transactions; provides cursor based data access. 

Uses of Transaction in com.sleepycat.collections

Methods in com.sleepycat.collections that return Transaction
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.getTransaction()
          Returns the transaction associated with the current thread for this environment, or null if no transaction is active.
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.beginTransaction(TransactionConfig config)
          Begins a new transaction for this environment and associates it with the current thread.
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.commitTransaction()
          Commits the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.
 Transaction CurrentTransaction.abortTransaction()
          Aborts the transaction that is active for the current thread for this environment and makes the parent transaction (if any) the current transaction.

Uses of Transaction in

Methods in that return Transaction
 Transaction Environment.beginTransaction(Transaction parent, TransactionConfig txnConfig)
          Create a new transaction in the database environment.

Methods in with parameters of type Transaction
 SecondaryCursor SecondaryDatabase.openSecondaryCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig cursorConfig)
          Obtain a cursor on a database, returning a SecondaryCursor.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.delete(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Deletes the key/data pair from the associated primary database and all secondary indices.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          This operation is not allowed with this method signature.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry pKey, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the specified secondary and primary key, that is, both the primary and secondary key items must match.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.put(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          This operation is not allowed on a secondary database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          This operation is not allowed on a secondary database.
 OperationStatus SecondaryDatabase.putNoDupData(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          This operation is not allowed on a secondary database.
 int SecondaryDatabase.truncate(Transaction txn, boolean countRecords)
          This operation is not allowed on a secondary database.
 Database Environment.openDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName, DatabaseConfig dbConfig)
          Open, and optionally create, a Database.
 SecondaryDatabase Environment.openSecondaryDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName, Database primaryDatabase, SecondaryConfig secConfig)
          Open and optionally create a SecondaryDatabase.
 void Environment.removeDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName)
          Remove a database.
 void Environment.renameDatabase(Transaction txn, String databaseName, String newName)
          Rename a database.
 Transaction Environment.beginTransaction(Transaction parent, TransactionConfig txnConfig)
          Create a new transaction in the database environment.
 Cursor Database.openCursor(Transaction txn, CursorConfig cursorConfig)
          Return a cursor into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.delete(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key)
          Remove key/data pairs from the database.
 OperationStatus Database.get(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key.
 OperationStatus Database.getSearchBoth(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data, LockMode lockMode)
          Retrieves the key/data pair with the given key and data value, that is, both the key and data items must match.
 OperationStatus Database.put(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoOverwrite(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 OperationStatus Database.putNoDupData(Transaction txn, DatabaseEntry key, DatabaseEntry data)
          Store key/data pairs into the database.
 int Database.truncate(Transaction txn, boolean returnCount)
          Empty the database, discarding all records it contains.

Berkeley DB Java Edition
version 1.5.1

Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Sleepycat Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.