
Cookbook: Redirections

Every now and then a redirection example is requested in the mailing list. This recipe is meant to be a central archive of such examples. Remember there are some more generic examples both in the quickstart and in the redirection handler sections.

Redirecting to

Sometimes a site will have several domains or subdomains pointing to the same official name. For whatever reasons (site statistics, for instance), having many subdomains redirected to a unique subdomain might be desireable. This can be accomplished farily easily. The general recipe consists in defining a virtual host with the sole purpose of redirecting petitions to the official subdomain. In our example, this could manage * and the .com and .org variations.

Managed domains

The official name would then be managed by another virtual host (just for The redir virtual host will have a Default managed by the Redirection handler.

Unique rule

This in turn would define an external redirection with a Regular Expression like ^/(.*)$ and the apropriate Substitution:$1

Handler configuration

Keep in mind the redirection has to be external in order for Cherokee to rewrite the the URL. If it wasn't, the redirection would be applied but no change would be displayed to the users while browsing the site.

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