Chapter 24. Listeners

Listeners can be seen as hooks. They wait for a specific event and take a used-defined action if the event occurs.

Created listeners are shown in the Event Listener list (see Figure below). The list has the following columns:

Table 24.1. Event Listeners Table Description

Column nameDescription
Listener typeShows the graphic representation of each listener type.
NameShow the name of the listener.
Event source descriptionDescribes the event the listener is waiting for.
Task typeShows the graphic representation of each task type.
Task descriptionDescribes the task that will be activated if the set event occurs.
Monitoring detailsShows detailed monitoring information. By default, the column is collapsed (monitoring details collapsed). Clicking the column header expands it, revealing details on the date of the last run and the number of successes and failures in last 24 hours.
EnabledIndicates whether the listener is enabled (enabled listner) or disabled (disabled listener). Clicking the icon enables/disables the listener.
Actions By clicking the listeners actions button, you can see details of the selected listener or delete it.

In case of listeners' events and tasks working with graphs, jobflows and profiler jobs, the select file from sandbox button appears in their respective description fields. This buttong allows you to see the graph in the Sandboxes section of the Server Console GUI.


Figure 24.1. Listeners

The event is specific to the particular listener

graph event listener Graph Event Listeners
jobflow event listener Jobflow Event Listeners
JMS listener JMS Messages Listeners
universal event listener Universal Event Listeners
file event listener File Event Listeners (remote and local)
task event listener Task Failure Listeners

The available actions taken by the listeners are common for all listeners. The actions, that can be taken are: