Read-write thread stats
The cbstats tools provides the status of read-write threads for buckets.
View the status of this setting with cbstats tools and the workload parameter.
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats hostname:11210 -b bucket_name raw workload
ep_workload:num_readers: 3
ep_workload:num_shards: 3
ep_workload:num_writers: 2
ep_workload:policy: Optimized for read data access
This example indicates three reader threads and two writer threads on bucket_name in the cluster at hostname:11210. The vBucket map for the data bucket is grouped into multiple shards, where one read worker accesses one of the shards. In this example, there is one reader for each of the three shards. This report also shows that read data access is optimized because there are more reader threads than writer threads for the bucket.