cbstats tool

The cbstats tool is used to get node and cluster-level statistics about performance and items in storage.


The cbstats tool is a per-node, per-bucket operation. That means that the IP address of a node in the cluster and a named bucket must be specified. If a named bucket is not provided, the server applies the setting to any default bucket that exists at the specified node. To perform this operation for an entire cluster, perform the command for every node/bucket combination that exists for that cluster.

The tool is found in the following locations:

Platform Location
Linux /opt/couchbase/bin/cbstats
Windows C:\Program Files\Couchbase\Server\bin\cbstats.exe
Mac OS X /Applications/Couchbase

CLI command and parameters

This tool is used to get the couchbase node statistics. The general format for this command is:

cbstats [host]:11210 [command] -b [bucket-name] -p [bucket-password]

The following are commands. The all and timings commands are used to understand cluster or node performance. The majority of these commands are predominately used by Couchbase internally and to help resolve customer support incidents.

checkpoint [vbid]
dcp-takeover vb name
diskinfo [detail]
dispatcher [logs]
failovers [vbid]
hash [detail]
items (memcached bucket only)
key keyname vbid
raw argument
slabs (memcached bucket only)
tap [username password]
tab-takeover vb name
vbucket-detail [vbid]
vbucket-seqno [vbid]
vkey keyname vbid

The following are command options:

Options Description
-h, --help Shows the help message and exits.
-a Iterates over all the vBuckets. Requires administrator username and password.
-b [bucket-name] The vBucket to get the status from. Default: default
-p [password] The password for the vBucket if one exists.

Example: Timings

To get statistics, for example, timings on host

cbstats timings


 disk_commit (1024 total)
    0 - 1s : (100.00%) 1024 ###################################################
    Avg    : (     1s)
 get_stats_cmd (30663276 total)
    0 - 1us       : (  0.05%)    14827 
    1us - 2us     : (  6.56%)  1995778 ##
    2us - 4us     : ( 41.79%) 10804626 ##############
    4us - 8us     : ( 45.20%)  1044043 #
    8us - 16us    : ( 45.49%)    89929 
    16us - 32us   : ( 45.90%)   124472 
    32us - 64us   : ( 46.38%)   148935 
    64us - 128us  : ( 56.17%)  2999690 ###
    128us - 256us : ( 68.57%)  3804009 ####
    256us - 512us : ( 69.91%)   411281 
    512us - 1ms   : ( 78.77%)  2717402 ###
    1ms - 2ms     : ( 96.36%)  5391526 #######
    2ms - 4ms     : ( 99.05%)   826345 #
    4ms - 8ms     : ( 99.96%)   278727 
    8ms - 16ms    : (100.00%)    11443 
    16ms - 32ms   : (100.00%)      217 
    32ms - 65ms   : (100.00%)       19 
    65ms - 131ms  : (100.00%)        7 
    Avg           : (  347us)
 disk_vbstate_snapshot (93280 total)
    32us - 64us   : ( 15.34%) 14308 ######
    64us - 128us  : ( 74.74%) 55413 #########################
    128us - 256us : ( 91.39%) 15532 #######
    256us - 512us : ( 95.69%)  4007 #
    512us - 1ms   : ( 99.49%)  3546 #
    1ms - 2ms     : ( 99.95%)   423 
    2ms - 4ms     : ( 99.99%)    43 
    4ms - 8ms     : (100.00%)     4 
    2s - 4s       : (100.00%)     4 
    Avg           : (  190us)
 notify_io (4 total)
    4us - 8us   : ( 25.00%) 1 ############
    16us - 32us : ( 75.00%) 2 ########################
    32us - 64us : (100.00%) 1 ############
    Avg         : (   17us)

Example: Using with other CLI tools

The cbstats output can be used with other command-line tools to sort and filter the data, for example, the watch command.

watch --diff "cbstats \
    ip-10-12-19-81:11210 -b bucket_name -p bucket_password all | egrep 'item|mem|flusher|ep_queue|bg|eje|resi|warm'"