Backing up design documents
Design documents are backed up with the design_doc_only=1 option.
You can backup only design documents from a cluster or bucket with the option, design_doc_only=1. You can later restore the design documents only with cbrestore:
> ./cbbackup ~/backup -x design_doc_only=1 -b bucket_name
transfer design doc only. bucket msgs will be skipped.
Where you provide the hostname and port for a node in the cluster. This will make a backup copy of all design documents from bucket_name and store this as design.json in the directory ~/backup/bucket_name. If you do not provide a named bucket it will backup design documents for all buckets in the cluster. In this example we did a backup of two design documents on a node and our file will appear as follows:
"map":"function (doc, meta) {\n emit(, null);\n}"
"map":"function (doc, meta) {\n emit(, null);\n}"