Testing Couchbase Server
Testing the connection to the Couchbase Server can be performed in a number of different ways.
Connecting to the node using a web client to connect to Couchbase Web Console provides basic confirmation that your node is available. Using the couchbase-cli command to query your Couchbase Server node will confirm that the node is available.
Note: Couchbase Web Console uses the same port number as clients use when communicated
with Couchbase Server. If you can connect to the Couchbase Web Console, administration and
database clients can connect to the core cluster port and perform operations.
Couchbase Web Console will also warn if the console loses connectivity to the node.
To verify that your installation works for clients, you can use either the cbworkloadgen command, or telnet.
The cbworkloadgen command uses the Python Client SDK to communicate with the cluster, checking both the cluster administration port and data update ports.
Using telnet only checks the memcached compatibility ports and the memcached text-only protocol.