Public API Reference

celPcCameraCommon Struct Reference

The representation of a camera. More...

#include <celtool/camera.h>

Inheritance diagram for celPcCameraCommon:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float GetAdaptiveMaxFPS () const
float GetAdaptiveMinDistance () const
float GetAdaptiveMinFPS () const
bool GetClearScreen () const
bool GetClearZBuffer () const
float GetFixedDistance () const
virtual const char * GetName () const
iView * GetView () const
bool LoadCommon (iCelDataBuffer *databuf)
 In the Load() implementation of the subclass you can call this function to load the common data members.
void SaveCommon (iCelDataBuffer *databuf)
 In the Save() implementation of the subclass you can call this function to save the common data members.
void SetClearScreen (bool flag)
void SetClearZBuffer (bool flag)
bool UseDistanceClipping () const
bool UseFixedDistanceClipping () const

Protected Attributes

bool clear_screen
bool clear_zbuf
csRef< iEngine > engine
csRef< iGraphics3D > g3d
int rect_h
bool rect_set
int rect_w
int rect_x
int rect_y
csWeakRef< iPcRegionregion
csRef< iVirtualClock > vc
csRef< iView > view
csWeakRef< iPcZoneManagerzonemgr
csTicks accumulated_elapsed
float current_distance
float fixed_distance
bool fps_valid
float max_fps
float min_dist
float min_fps
float smooth_fps
bool use_farplane

Detailed Description

The representation of a camera.

Definition at line 46 of file camera.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool celPcCameraCommon::LoadCommon ( iCelDataBuffer databuf  ) 

In the Load() implementation of the subclass you can call this function to load the common data members.

Returns false on failure.

void celPcCameraCommon::SaveCommon ( iCelDataBuffer databuf  ) 

In the Save() implementation of the subclass you can call this function to save the common data members.

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