Public API Reference

iCelCameraMode Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual bool AllowCollisionDetection () const =0
 Decides if collision detection should be allowed if for this mode the camera wants it.
virtual bool DecideCameraState ()=0
 Informs the camera mode that it should compute the desired position, target, up, etc.
virtual bool DrawAttachedMesh () const =0
 Decides if the mesh the camera is attached to should be drawn or not in this mode.
virtual const csVector3 & GetPosition () const =0
 Gets the desired camera position.
virtual float GetSpringCoefficient () const =0
 Gets the spring coefficient to use for the spring physics.
virtual const csVector3 & GetTarget () const =0
 Gets the desired camera target.
virtual const csVector3 & GetUp () const =0
 Gets the desired camera up vector.
virtual void SetParentCamera (iPcNewCamera *camera)=0
 Tells the camera mode what camera has it attached.
virtual bool UseSpringPos () const =0
 Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's position.
virtual bool UseSpringTarget () const =0
 Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's target.
virtual bool UseSpringUp () const =0
 Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's up vector.

Detailed Description

Definition at line 55 of file newcamera.h.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::AllowCollisionDetection (  )  const [pure virtual]

Decides if collision detection should be allowed if for this mode the camera wants it.

True if this camera mode allows collision detection.

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::DecideCameraState (  )  [pure virtual]

Informs the camera mode that it should compute the desired position, target, up, etc.

of the camera now.

True on success.

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::DrawAttachedMesh (  )  const [pure virtual]

Decides if the mesh the camera is attached to should be drawn or not in this mode.

True if the attached mesh should be drawn.

virtual const csVector3& iCelCameraMode::GetPosition (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the desired camera position.

The desired camera position.

virtual float iCelCameraMode::GetSpringCoefficient (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the spring coefficient to use for the spring physics.

The spring coefficient of this camera mode.

virtual const csVector3& iCelCameraMode::GetTarget (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the desired camera target.

The desired camera target.

virtual const csVector3& iCelCameraMode::GetUp (  )  const [pure virtual]

Gets the desired camera up vector.

The desired camera up vector.

virtual void iCelCameraMode::SetParentCamera ( iPcNewCamera camera  )  [pure virtual]

Tells the camera mode what camera has it attached.

camera The parent camera.

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::UseSpringPos (  )  const [pure virtual]

Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's position.

True if this camera mode uses spring physics.

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::UseSpringTarget (  )  const [pure virtual]

Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's target.

True if this camera mode uses spring physics.

virtual bool iCelCameraMode::UseSpringUp (  )  const [pure virtual]

Decides if this camera mode should use spring physics for the camera's up vector.

True if this camera mode uses spring physics.

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