
Public API Reference

csRenderContext Class Reference
[Views & Cameras]

This structure keeps track of the current render context. More...

#include <iengine/rview.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

bool added_fog_info
 If the following variable is true then a fog_info was added in this recursion level.
csPlane3 clip_plane
 This variable holds the plane of the portal through which the camera is looking.
csPlane3 clip_planes [7]
 A set of clip planes for this context in world space.
uint32 clip_planes_mask
 A frustum masks which indicates which planes of clip_planes are used.
uint32 context_id
 This unique id can be used to check if you are still in the same render context.
bool do_clip_frustum
 If true then we have to clip all objects to the portal frustum (either in 2D or 3D).
bool do_clip_plane
 If true then we clip all objects to 'clip_plane'.
int draw_rec_level
 A number indicating the recursion level we are in.
 Every fogged sector we encountered results in an extra structure in the following list.
csPlane3 frustum [5]
csRef< iCameraicamera
 The current camera.
csRef< iClipper2Diview
 The 2D polygon describing how everything drawn inside should be clipped.
 The last portal we traversed through (or 0 if first sector).
 A pointer back to the previous render context.
 The previous sector (or 0 if the first sector).
 This sector.


class csRenderView

Detailed Description

This structure keeps track of the current render context.

It is used by iRenderView. When recursing through a portal a new render context will be created and set in place of the old one.

Definition at line 89 of file rview.h.

Member Data Documentation

If the following variable is true then a fog_info was added in this recursion level.

Definition at line 154 of file rview.h.

This variable holds the plane of the portal through which the camera is looking.

Definition at line 120 of file rview.h.

A set of clip planes for this context in world space.

Definition at line 105 of file rview.h.

A frustum masks which indicates which planes of clip_planes are used.

Definition at line 107 of file rview.h.

This unique id can be used to check if you are still in the same render context.

Checking on pointers is not safe since render contexts are reused so a different render context can result in the same pointer.

Definition at line 168 of file rview.h.

If true then we have to clip all objects to the portal frustum (either in 2D or 3D).

Normally this is not needed but some portals require this. If do_clip_plane is true then the value of this field is also implied to be true. The top-level portal should set do_clip_frustum to true in order for all geometry to be correctly clipped to screen boundaries.

Definition at line 142 of file rview.h.

If true then we clip all objects to 'clip_plane'.

In principle one should always clip to 'clip_plane'. However, in many cases this is not required because portals mostly arrive in at the boundaries of a sector so there can actually be no objects after the portal plane. But it is possible that portals arive somewhere in the middle of a sector (for example with BSP sectors or with Things containing portals). In that case this variable will be set to true and clipping to 'clip_plane' is required.

Definition at line 132 of file rview.h.

A number indicating the recursion level we are in.

Starts with 0. Whenever the engine goes through a portal this number increases. Returning from a portal decreases the number again.

Definition at line 161 of file rview.h.

Every fogged sector we encountered results in an extra structure in the following list.

This is only used if we are doing vertex based fog.

Definition at line 148 of file rview.h.

The current camera.

Definition at line 98 of file rview.h.

The 2D polygon describing how everything drawn inside should be clipped.

Definition at line 100 of file rview.h.

The last portal we traversed through (or 0 if first sector).

Definition at line 110 of file rview.h.

A pointer back to the previous render context.

Definition at line 95 of file rview.h.

The previous sector (or 0 if the first sector).

Definition at line 112 of file rview.h.

This sector.

Definition at line 114 of file rview.h.

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