Here is a list of the major changes since the Third Edition of DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide. The Fourth Edition covers version 1.73 of the DocBook XSL stylesheets and versions 4.5 and 5.0 of the DocBook XML schema. Links to websites are up-to-date as of August 2007.
Updated Java product names and version numbers in Table 3.2, “Java versions”.
Describe control of FO root messages in the section “Using FOP”.
Info on prefer="public" not working as expected in the section “Example DocBook catalog file”.
Use chunkfast.xsl stylesheet rather than parameter in the section “Fast chunking”.
Add SVG callout icons in the section “Callout icons”.
New section on adding new templates in the section “Adding new templates”.
Add Return To Top links in the section “Return to top”.
Add controlling TOC margins in the section “TOC Page margins”.
Add customizing head.sep.rule in the section “Changing header or footer styles”.
Describe Arabic-Indic numbering in the section “Page number format”.
Underline and strikethrough text in the section “Underline and strike-through”.
Updated FOP font configuration in the section “Configuring a font in FOP”.
Add numbering paragraphs customization in the section “Numbering paragraphs”.
Add line break processing instruction in the section “Adding line breaks”.
parameter in the section “Using "select:"”.
Glossary sorting was added in the section “Glossary sorting”.
Add font family list and Unicode font information to the section “FO font-family list”.
Add the section “Print properties for itemizedlist” and the section “Print properties for orderedlist”.
Add mathphrase to the section “Plain text math”.
Clarify xpointer() scheme in Note.
Changed Java XIncluder to use XOM jar file in the section “Using XIncluder in XOM to resolve XIncludes”.
Tip on using document id for targetdoc for olinking, in the section “How to link between documents”.
Clarify that olink filename parameters can include directory names in the section “Target database location”.
Describe nodocname xrefstyle value for olinks in the section “Using xrefstyle attributes”.
Add xsl:output with doctype in the section “Validation and profiling”.
Show template that handles callout number sequencing in the section “Callouts”.
Add table centering in the section “Table alignment”.
Add SilkPage to Website in the section “SilkPage: enhanced Website”.
Remove the section on dbtexmath since PassiveTex no longer supported.
DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide - 4th Edition | PDF version available | Copyright © 2002-2007 Sagehill Enterprises |