clang API Documentation

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00001 //===--- SourceLocation.h - Compact identifier for Source Files -*- C++ -*-===//
00002 //
00003 //                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
00004 //
00005 // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
00006 // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
00007 //
00008 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00009 ///
00010 /// \file
00011 /// \brief Defines the clang::SourceLocation class and associated facilities.
00012 ///
00013 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
00018 #include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
00019 #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
00020 #include "llvm/Support/PointerLikeTypeTraits.h"
00021 #include <cassert>
00022 #include <functional>
00023 #include <string>
00024 #include <utility>
00026 namespace llvm {
00027   class MemoryBuffer;
00028   template <typename T> struct DenseMapInfo;
00029   template <typename T> struct isPodLike;
00030 }
00032 namespace clang {
00034 class SourceManager;
00036 /// \brief An opaque identifier used by SourceManager which refers to a
00037 /// source file (MemoryBuffer) along with its \#include path and \#line data.
00038 ///
00039 class FileID {
00040   /// \brief A mostly-opaque identifier, where 0 is "invalid", >0 is 
00041   /// this module, and <-1 is something loaded from another module.
00042   int ID;
00043 public:
00044   FileID() : ID(0) {}
00046   bool isInvalid() const { return ID == 0; }
00048   bool operator==(const FileID &RHS) const { return ID == RHS.ID; }
00049   bool operator<(const FileID &RHS) const { return ID < RHS.ID; }
00050   bool operator<=(const FileID &RHS) const { return ID <= RHS.ID; }
00051   bool operator!=(const FileID &RHS) const { return !(*this == RHS); }
00052   bool operator>(const FileID &RHS) const { return RHS < *this; }
00053   bool operator>=(const FileID &RHS) const { return RHS <= *this; }
00055   static FileID getSentinel() { return get(-1); }
00056   unsigned getHashValue() const { return static_cast<unsigned>(ID); }
00058 private:
00059   friend class SourceManager;
00060   friend class ASTWriter;
00061   friend class ASTReader;
00063   static FileID get(int V) {
00064     FileID F;
00065     F.ID = V;
00066     return F;
00067   }
00068   int getOpaqueValue() const { return ID; }
00069 };
00072 /// \brief Encodes a location in the source. The SourceManager can decode this
00073 /// to get at the full include stack, line and column information.
00074 ///
00075 /// Technically, a source location is simply an offset into the manager's view
00076 /// of the input source, which is all input buffers (including macro
00077 /// expansions) concatenated in an effectively arbitrary order. The manager
00078 /// actually maintains two blocks of input buffers. One, starting at offset
00079 /// 0 and growing upwards, contains all buffers from this module. The other,
00080 /// starting at the highest possible offset and growing downwards, contains
00081 /// buffers of loaded modules.
00082 ///
00083 /// In addition, one bit of SourceLocation is used for quick access to the
00084 /// information whether the location is in a file or a macro expansion.
00085 ///
00086 /// It is important that this type remains small. It is currently 32 bits wide.
00087 class SourceLocation {
00088   unsigned ID;
00089   friend class SourceManager;
00090   friend class ASTReader;
00091   friend class ASTWriter;
00092   enum : unsigned {
00093     MacroIDBit = 1U << 31
00094   };
00095 public:
00097   SourceLocation() : ID(0) {}
00099   bool isFileID() const  { return (ID & MacroIDBit) == 0; }
00100   bool isMacroID() const { return (ID & MacroIDBit) != 0; }
00102   /// \brief Return true if this is a valid SourceLocation object.
00103   ///
00104   /// Invalid SourceLocations are often used when events have no corresponding
00105   /// location in the source (e.g. a diagnostic is required for a command line
00106   /// option).
00107   bool isValid() const { return ID != 0; }
00108   bool isInvalid() const { return ID == 0; }
00110 private:
00111   /// \brief Return the offset into the manager's global input view.
00112   unsigned getOffset() const {
00113     return ID & ~MacroIDBit;
00114   }
00116   static SourceLocation getFileLoc(unsigned ID) {
00117     assert((ID & MacroIDBit) == 0 && "Ran out of source locations!");
00118     SourceLocation L;
00119     L.ID = ID;
00120     return L;
00121   }
00123   static SourceLocation getMacroLoc(unsigned ID) {
00124     assert((ID & MacroIDBit) == 0 && "Ran out of source locations!");
00125     SourceLocation L;
00126     L.ID = MacroIDBit | ID;
00127     return L;
00128   }
00129 public:
00131   /// \brief Return a source location with the specified offset from this
00132   /// SourceLocation.
00133   SourceLocation getLocWithOffset(int Offset) const {
00134     assert(((getOffset()+Offset) & MacroIDBit) == 0 && "offset overflow");
00135     SourceLocation L;
00136     L.ID = ID+Offset;
00137     return L;
00138   }
00140   /// \brief When a SourceLocation itself cannot be used, this returns
00141   /// an (opaque) 32-bit integer encoding for it.
00142   ///
00143   /// This should only be passed to SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding, it
00144   /// should not be inspected directly.
00145   unsigned getRawEncoding() const { return ID; }
00147   /// \brief Turn a raw encoding of a SourceLocation object into
00148   /// a real SourceLocation.
00149   ///
00150   /// \see getRawEncoding.
00151   static SourceLocation getFromRawEncoding(unsigned Encoding) {
00152     SourceLocation X;
00153     X.ID = Encoding;
00154     return X;
00155   }
00157   /// \brief When a SourceLocation itself cannot be used, this returns
00158   /// an (opaque) pointer encoding for it.
00159   ///
00160   /// This should only be passed to SourceLocation::getFromPtrEncoding, it
00161   /// should not be inspected directly.
00162   void* getPtrEncoding() const {
00163     // Double cast to avoid a warning "cast to pointer from integer of different
00164     // size".
00165     return (void*)(uintptr_t)getRawEncoding();
00166   }
00168   /// \brief Turn a pointer encoding of a SourceLocation object back
00169   /// into a real SourceLocation.
00170   static SourceLocation getFromPtrEncoding(const void *Encoding) {
00171     return getFromRawEncoding((unsigned)(uintptr_t)Encoding);
00172   }
00174   void print(raw_ostream &OS, const SourceManager &SM) const;
00175   std::string printToString(const SourceManager &SM) const;
00176   void dump(const SourceManager &SM) const;
00177 };
00179 inline bool operator==(const SourceLocation &LHS, const SourceLocation &RHS) {
00180   return LHS.getRawEncoding() == RHS.getRawEncoding();
00181 }
00183 inline bool operator!=(const SourceLocation &LHS, const SourceLocation &RHS) {
00184   return !(LHS == RHS);
00185 }
00187 inline bool operator<(const SourceLocation &LHS, const SourceLocation &RHS) {
00188   return LHS.getRawEncoding() < RHS.getRawEncoding();
00189 }
00191 /// \brief A trivial tuple used to represent a source range.
00192 class SourceRange {
00193   SourceLocation B;
00194   SourceLocation E;
00195 public:
00196   SourceRange(): B(SourceLocation()), E(SourceLocation()) {}
00197   SourceRange(SourceLocation loc) : B(loc), E(loc) {}
00198   SourceRange(SourceLocation begin, SourceLocation end) : B(begin), E(end) {}
00200   SourceLocation getBegin() const { return B; }
00201   SourceLocation getEnd() const { return E; }
00203   void setBegin(SourceLocation b) { B = b; }
00204   void setEnd(SourceLocation e) { E = e; }
00206   bool isValid() const { return B.isValid() && E.isValid(); }
00207   bool isInvalid() const { return !isValid(); }
00209   bool operator==(const SourceRange &X) const {
00210     return B == X.B && E == X.E;
00211   }
00213   bool operator!=(const SourceRange &X) const {
00214     return B != X.B || E != X.E;
00215   }
00216 };
00218 /// \brief Represents a character-granular source range.
00219 ///
00220 /// The underlying SourceRange can either specify the starting/ending character
00221 /// of the range, or it can specify the start of the range and the start of the
00222 /// last token of the range (a "token range").  In the token range case, the
00223 /// size of the last token must be measured to determine the actual end of the
00224 /// range.
00225 class CharSourceRange { 
00226   SourceRange Range;
00227   bool IsTokenRange;
00228 public:
00229   CharSourceRange() : IsTokenRange(false) {}
00230   CharSourceRange(SourceRange R, bool ITR) : Range(R), IsTokenRange(ITR) {}
00232   static CharSourceRange getTokenRange(SourceRange R) {
00233     return CharSourceRange(R, true);
00234   }
00236   static CharSourceRange getCharRange(SourceRange R) {
00237     return CharSourceRange(R, false);
00238   }
00240   static CharSourceRange getTokenRange(SourceLocation B, SourceLocation E) {
00241     return getTokenRange(SourceRange(B, E));
00242   }
00243   static CharSourceRange getCharRange(SourceLocation B, SourceLocation E) {
00244     return getCharRange(SourceRange(B, E));
00245   }
00247   /// \brief Return true if the end of this range specifies the start of
00248   /// the last token.  Return false if the end of this range specifies the last
00249   /// character in the range.
00250   bool isTokenRange() const { return IsTokenRange; }
00251   bool isCharRange() const { return !IsTokenRange; }
00253   SourceLocation getBegin() const { return Range.getBegin(); }
00254   SourceLocation getEnd() const { return Range.getEnd(); }
00255   const SourceRange &getAsRange() const { return Range; }
00257   void setBegin(SourceLocation b) { Range.setBegin(b); }
00258   void setEnd(SourceLocation e) { Range.setEnd(e); }
00260   bool isValid() const { return Range.isValid(); }
00261   bool isInvalid() const { return !isValid(); }
00262 };
00264 /// \brief A SourceLocation and its associated SourceManager.
00265 ///
00266 /// This is useful for argument passing to functions that expect both objects.
00267 class FullSourceLoc : public SourceLocation {
00268   const SourceManager *SrcMgr;
00269 public:
00270   /// \brief Creates a FullSourceLoc where isValid() returns \c false.
00271   explicit FullSourceLoc() : SrcMgr(nullptr) {}
00273   explicit FullSourceLoc(SourceLocation Loc, const SourceManager &SM)
00274     : SourceLocation(Loc), SrcMgr(&SM) {}
00276   /// \pre This FullSourceLoc has an associated SourceManager.
00277   const SourceManager &getManager() const {
00278     assert(SrcMgr && "SourceManager is NULL.");
00279     return *SrcMgr;
00280   }
00282   FileID getFileID() const;
00284   FullSourceLoc getExpansionLoc() const;
00285   FullSourceLoc getSpellingLoc() const;
00287   unsigned getExpansionLineNumber(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00288   unsigned getExpansionColumnNumber(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00290   unsigned getSpellingLineNumber(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00291   unsigned getSpellingColumnNumber(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00293   const char *getCharacterData(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00296   /// \brief Return a StringRef to the source buffer data for the
00297   /// specified FileID.
00298   StringRef getBufferData(bool *Invalid = nullptr) const;
00300   /// \brief Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.
00301   ///
00302   /// The first element is the FileID, the second is the offset from the
00303   /// start of the buffer of the location.
00304   std::pair<FileID, unsigned> getDecomposedLoc() const;
00306   bool isInSystemHeader() const;
00308   /// \brief Determines the order of 2 source locations in the translation unit.
00309   ///
00310   /// \returns true if this source location comes before 'Loc', false otherwise.
00311   bool isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(SourceLocation Loc) const;
00313   /// \brief Determines the order of 2 source locations in the translation unit.
00314   ///
00315   /// \returns true if this source location comes before 'Loc', false otherwise.
00316   bool isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(FullSourceLoc Loc) const {
00317     assert(Loc.isValid());
00318     assert(SrcMgr == Loc.SrcMgr && "Loc comes from another SourceManager!");
00319     return isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan((SourceLocation)Loc);
00320   }
00322   /// \brief Comparison function class, useful for sorting FullSourceLocs.
00323   struct BeforeThanCompare : public std::binary_function<FullSourceLoc,
00324                                                          FullSourceLoc, bool> {
00325     bool operator()(const FullSourceLoc& lhs, const FullSourceLoc& rhs) const {
00326       return lhs.isBeforeInTranslationUnitThan(rhs);
00327     }
00328   };
00330   /// \brief Prints information about this FullSourceLoc to stderr.
00331   ///
00332   /// This is useful for debugging.
00333   void dump() const;
00335   friend inline bool
00336   operator==(const FullSourceLoc &LHS, const FullSourceLoc &RHS) {
00337     return LHS.getRawEncoding() == RHS.getRawEncoding() &&
00338           LHS.SrcMgr == RHS.SrcMgr;
00339   }
00341   friend inline bool
00342   operator!=(const FullSourceLoc &LHS, const FullSourceLoc &RHS) {
00343     return !(LHS == RHS);
00344   }
00346 };
00348 /// \brief Represents an unpacked "presumed" location which can be presented
00349 /// to the user.
00350 ///
00351 /// A 'presumed' location can be modified by \#line and GNU line marker
00352 /// directives and is always the expansion point of a normal location.
00353 ///
00354 /// You can get a PresumedLoc from a SourceLocation with SourceManager.
00355 class PresumedLoc {
00356   const char *Filename;
00357   unsigned Line, Col;
00358   SourceLocation IncludeLoc;
00359 public:
00360   PresumedLoc() : Filename(nullptr) {}
00361   PresumedLoc(const char *FN, unsigned Ln, unsigned Co, SourceLocation IL)
00362     : Filename(FN), Line(Ln), Col(Co), IncludeLoc(IL) {
00363   }
00365   /// \brief Return true if this object is invalid or uninitialized.
00366   ///
00367   /// This occurs when created with invalid source locations or when walking
00368   /// off the top of a \#include stack.
00369   bool isInvalid() const { return Filename == nullptr; }
00370   bool isValid() const { return Filename != nullptr; }
00372   /// \brief Return the presumed filename of this location.
00373   ///
00374   /// This can be affected by \#line etc.
00375   const char *getFilename() const { return Filename; }
00377   /// \brief Return the presumed line number of this location.
00378   ///
00379   /// This can be affected by \#line etc.
00380   unsigned getLine() const { return Line; }
00382   /// \brief Return the presumed column number of this location.
00383   ///
00384   /// This cannot be affected by \#line, but is packaged here for convenience.
00385   unsigned getColumn() const { return Col; }
00387   /// \brief Return the presumed include location of this location.
00388   ///
00389   /// This can be affected by GNU linemarker directives.
00390   SourceLocation getIncludeLoc() const { return IncludeLoc; }
00391 };
00394 }  // end namespace clang
00396 namespace llvm {
00397   /// Define DenseMapInfo so that FileID's can be used as keys in DenseMap and
00398   /// DenseSets.
00399   template <>
00400   struct DenseMapInfo<clang::FileID> {
00401     static inline clang::FileID getEmptyKey() {
00402       return clang::FileID();
00403     }
00404     static inline clang::FileID getTombstoneKey() {
00405       return clang::FileID::getSentinel();
00406     }
00408     static unsigned getHashValue(clang::FileID S) {
00409       return S.getHashValue();
00410     }
00412     static bool isEqual(clang::FileID LHS, clang::FileID RHS) {
00413       return LHS == RHS;
00414     }
00415   };
00417   template <>
00418   struct isPodLike<clang::SourceLocation> { static const bool value = true; };
00419   template <>
00420   struct isPodLike<clang::FileID> { static const bool value = true; };
00422   // Teach SmallPtrSet how to handle SourceLocation.
00423   template<>
00424   class PointerLikeTypeTraits<clang::SourceLocation> {
00425   public:
00426     static inline void *getAsVoidPointer(clang::SourceLocation L) {
00427       return L.getPtrEncoding();
00428     }
00429     static inline clang::SourceLocation getFromVoidPointer(void *P) {
00430       return clang::SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding((unsigned)(uintptr_t)P);
00431     }
00432     enum { NumLowBitsAvailable = 0 };
00433   };
00435 }  // end namespace llvm
00437 #endif