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SemaDecl.cpp File Reference
#include "clang/Sema/SemaInternal.h"
#include "TypeLocBuilder.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/ASTLambda.h"
#include "clang/AST/CXXInheritance.h"
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/AST/CommentDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclTemplate.h"
#include "clang/AST/EvaluatedExprVisitor.h"
#include "clang/AST/ExprCXX.h"
#include "clang/AST/StmtCXX.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/PartialDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
#include "clang/Lex/ModuleLoader.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/Parse/ParseDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Sema/CXXFieldCollector.h"
#include "clang/Sema/DeclSpec.h"
#include "clang/Sema/DelayedDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Initialization.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Lookup.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ParsedTemplate.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Scope.h"
#include "clang/Sema/ScopeInfo.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Template.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
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struct  FindOverriddenMethodData
 Data used with FindOverriddenMethod. More...
struct  DupKey
struct  DenseMapInfoDupKey


enum  OverrideErrorKind
enum  OpenCLParamType {
  ValidKernelParam, PtrPtrKernelParam, PtrKernelParam, PrivatePtrKernelParam,
  InvalidKernelParam, RecordKernelParam


static ParsedType recoverFromTypeInKnownDependentBase (Sema &S, const IdentifierInfo &II, SourceLocation NameLoc)
static NestedNameSpecifiersynthesizeCurrentNestedNameSpecifier (ASTContext &Context, DeclContext *DC)
static bool isResultTypeOrTemplate (LookupResult &R, const Token &NextToken)
 Determine whether the given result set contains either a type name or.
static bool isTagTypeWithMissingTag (Sema &SemaRef, LookupResult &Result, Scope *S, CXXScopeSpec &SS, IdentifierInfo *&Name, SourceLocation NameLoc)
static ParsedType buildNestedType (Sema &S, CXXScopeSpec &SS, QualType T, SourceLocation NameLoc)
 Build a ParsedType for a simple-type-specifier with a nested-name-specifier.
static bool AllowOverloadingOfFunction (LookupResult &Previous, ASTContext &Context)
 Determine whether we allow overloading of the function PrevDecl with another declaration.
static bool isOutOfScopePreviousDeclaration (NamedDecl *PrevDecl, DeclContext *DC, ASTContext &Context)
 Determines whether the given declaration is an out-of-scope previous declaration.
static bool isUsingDecl (NamedDecl *D)
static void RemoveUsingDecls (LookupResult &R)
 Removes using shadow declarations from the lookup results.
static bool IsDisallowedCopyOrAssign (const CXXMethodDecl *D)
 Check for this common pattern:
static bool isMainFileLoc (const Sema &S, SourceLocation Loc)
static bool ShouldDiagnoseUnusedDecl (const NamedDecl *D)
static void GenerateFixForUnusedDecl (const NamedDecl *D, ASTContext &Ctx, FixItHint &Hint)
static void CheckPoppedLabel (LabelDecl *L, Sema &S)
static void LookupPredefedObjCSuperType (Sema &ThisSema, Scope *S, IdentifierInfo *II)
 Looks up the declaration of "struct objc_super" and saves it for later use in building builtin declaration of objc_msgSendSuper and objc_msgSendSuper_stret. If no such pre-existing declaration exists no action takes place.
static StringRef getHeaderName (ASTContext::GetBuiltinTypeError Error)
static void filterNonConflictingPreviousDecls (ASTContext &context, NamedDecl *decl, LookupResult &previous)
 Filter out any previous declarations that the given declaration should not consider because they are not permitted to conflict, e.g., because they come from hidden sub-modules and do not refer to the same entity.
static void filterNonConflictingPreviousTypedefDecls (ASTContext &Context, TypedefNameDecl *Decl, LookupResult &Previous)
static bool DeclHasAttr (const Decl *D, const Attr *A)
static bool isAttributeTargetADefinition (Decl *D)
static bool mergeAlignedAttrs (Sema &S, NamedDecl *New, Decl *Old)
static bool mergeDeclAttribute (Sema &S, NamedDecl *D, const InheritableAttr *Attr, bool Override)
static const DeclgetDefinition (const Decl *D)
static bool hasAttribute (const Decl *D, attr::Kind Kind)
static void checkNewAttributesAfterDef (Sema &S, Decl *New, const Decl *Old)
static void mergeParamDeclAttributes (ParmVarDecl *newDecl, const ParmVarDecl *oldDecl, Sema &S)
template<typename T >
static std::pair< diag::kind,
getNoteDiagForInvalidRedeclaration (const T *Old, const T *New)
static bool canRedefineFunction (const FunctionDecl *FD, const LangOptions &LangOpts)
template<typename T >
static bool haveIncompatibleLanguageLinkages (const T *Old, const T *New)
static bool mergeTypeWithPrevious (Sema &S, VarDecl *NewVD, VarDecl *OldVD, LookupResult &Previous)
static void HandleTagNumbering (Sema &S, const TagDecl *Tag, Scope *TagScope)
static bool CheckAnonMemberRedeclaration (Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, DeclContext *Owner, DeclarationName Name, SourceLocation NameLoc, unsigned diagnostic)
static bool InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers (Sema &SemaRef, Scope *S, DeclContext *Owner, RecordDecl *AnonRecord, AccessSpecifier AS, SmallVectorImpl< NamedDecl * > &Chaining, bool MSAnonStruct)
static StorageClass StorageClassSpecToVarDeclStorageClass (const DeclSpec &DS)
static SourceLocation findDefaultInitializer (const CXXRecordDecl *Record)
static void checkDuplicateDefaultInit (Sema &S, CXXRecordDecl *Parent, SourceLocation DefaultInitLoc)
static void checkDuplicateDefaultInit (Sema &S, CXXRecordDecl *Parent, CXXRecordDecl *AnonUnion)
static QualType getCoreType (QualType Ty)
static bool hasSimilarParameters (ASTContext &Context, FunctionDecl *Declaration, FunctionDecl *Definition, SmallVectorImpl< unsigned > &Params)
static bool RebuildDeclaratorInCurrentInstantiation (Sema &S, Declarator &D, DeclarationName Name)
static QualType TryToFixInvalidVariablyModifiedType (QualType T, ASTContext &Context, bool &SizeIsNegative, llvm::APSInt &Oversized)
static void FixInvalidVariablyModifiedTypeLoc (TypeLoc SrcTL, TypeLoc DstTL)
static TypeSourceInfoTryToFixInvalidVariablyModifiedTypeSourceInfo (TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, ASTContext &Context, bool &SizeIsNegative, llvm::APSInt &Oversized)
static void SetNestedNameSpecifier (DeclaratorDecl *DD, Declarator &D)
static void checkAttributesAfterMerging (Sema &S, NamedDecl &ND)
static void checkDLLAttributeRedeclaration (Sema &S, NamedDecl *OldDecl, NamedDecl *NewDecl, bool IsSpecialization)
static bool isFunctionDefinitionDiscarded (Sema &S, FunctionDecl *FD)
template<typename T >
static bool isIncompleteDeclExternC (Sema &S, const T *D)
static bool shouldConsiderLinkage (const VarDecl *VD)
static bool shouldConsiderLinkage (const FunctionDecl *FD)
static bool hasParsedAttr (Scope *S, const AttributeList *AttrList, AttributeList::Kind Kind)
static bool hasParsedAttr (Scope *S, const Declarator &PD, AttributeList::Kind Kind)
template<typename T >
static bool checkGlobalOrExternCConflict (Sema &S, const T *ND, bool IsGlobal, LookupResult &Previous)
template<typename T >
static bool checkForConflictWithNonVisibleExternC (Sema &S, const T *ND, LookupResult &Previous)
static bool FindOverriddenMethod (const CXXBaseSpecifier *Specifier, CXXBasePath &Path, void *UserData)
 Member lookup function that determines whether a given C++ method overrides a method in a base class, to be used with CXXRecordDecl::lookupInBases().
static void ReportOverrides (Sema &S, unsigned DiagID, const CXXMethodDecl *MD, OverrideErrorKind OEK=OEK_All)
 Report an error regarding overriding, along with any relevant overriden methods.
static NamedDeclDiagnoseInvalidRedeclaration (Sema &SemaRef, LookupResult &Previous, FunctionDecl *NewFD, ActOnFDArgs &ExtraArgs, bool IsLocalFriend, Scope *S)
 Generate diagnostics for an invalid function redeclaration.
static StorageClass getFunctionStorageClass (Sema &SemaRef, Declarator &D)
static FunctionDeclCreateNewFunctionDecl (Sema &SemaRef, Declarator &D, DeclContext *DC, QualType &R, TypeSourceInfo *TInfo, StorageClass SC, bool &IsVirtualOkay)
static OpenCLParamType getOpenCLKernelParameterType (QualType PT)
static void checkIsValidOpenCLKernelParameter (Sema &S, Declarator &D, ParmVarDecl *Param, llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< const Type * > &ValidTypes)
static bool ShouldWarnAboutMissingPrototype (const FunctionDecl *FD, const FunctionDecl *&PossibleZeroParamPrototype)
static void RebuildLambdaScopeInfo (CXXMethodDecl *CallOperator, Sema &S)
static unsigned getRedeclDiagFromTagKind (TagTypeKind Tag)
 Get diagnostic select index for tag kind for redeclaration diagnostic message. WARNING: Indexes apply to particular diagnostics only!
static bool isClassCompatTagKind (TagTypeKind Tag)
 Determine if tag kind is a class-key compatible with class for redeclaration (class, struct, or __interface).
*static FixItHint createFriendTagNNSFixIt (Sema &SemaRef, NamedDecl *ND, Scope *S, SourceLocation NameLoc)
static ObjCIvarDecl::AccessControl TranslateIvarVisibility (tok::ObjCKeywordKind ivarVisibility)
static bool isRepresentableIntegerValue (ASTContext &Context, llvm::APSInt &Value, QualType T)
 Determine whether the given integral value is representable within the given type T.
static QualType getNextLargerIntegralType (ASTContext &Context, QualType T)
static bool ValidDuplicateEnum (EnumConstantDecl *ECD, EnumDecl *Enum)
static DupKey GetDupKey (const llvm::APSInt &Val)
static void CheckForDuplicateEnumValues (Sema &S, ArrayRef< Decl * > Elements, EnumDecl *Enum, QualType EnumType)
static void checkModuleImportContext (Sema &S, Module *M, SourceLocation ImportLoc, DeclContext *DC)



Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 6724 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Definition at line 6284 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Function Documentation

static bool AllowOverloadingOfFunction ( LookupResult Previous,
ASTContext Context 
) [static]

Determine whether we allow overloading of the function PrevDecl with another declaration.

This routine determines whether overloading is possible, not whether some new function is actually an overload. It will return true in C++ (where we can always provide overloads) or, as an extension, in C when the previous function is already an overloaded function declaration or has the "overloadable" attribute.

Definition at line 1133 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::LookupResult::Found, clang::LookupResult::FoundOverloaded, clang::LookupResult::getFoundDecl(), clang::ASTContext::getLangOpts(), clang::LookupResult::getResultKind(), and clang::Decl::hasAttr().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration().

static ParsedType buildNestedType ( Sema S,
CXXScopeSpec SS,
QualType  T,
SourceLocation  NameLoc 
) [static]
static bool canRedefineFunction ( const FunctionDecl FD,
const LangOptions LangOpts 
) [static]

canRedefineFunction - checks if a function can be redefined. Currently, only extern inline functions can be redefined, and even then only in GNU89 mode.

Definition at line 2432 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::FunctionDecl::getStorageClass(), clang::Decl::hasAttr(), clang::FunctionDecl::isInlineSpecified(), and clang::SC_Extern.

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckForFunctionRedefinition(), and clang::Sema::MergeFunctionDecl().

static bool CheckAnonMemberRedeclaration ( Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
DeclContext Owner,
DeclarationName  Name,
SourceLocation  NameLoc,
unsigned  diagnostic 
) [static]

We are trying to inject an anonymous member into the given scope; check if there's an existing declaration that can't be overloaded.

true if this is a forbidden redeclaration

Definition at line 3640 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Diag(), clang::Sema::ForRedeclaration, clang::LookupResult::getAsSingle(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::LookupResult::getRepresentativeDecl(), clang::NamedDecl::getUnderlyingDecl(), clang::Sema::isDeclInScope(), clang::Sema::LookupMemberName, and clang::Sema::LookupName().

Referenced by InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers().

static void checkAttributesAfterMerging ( Sema S,
NamedDecl ND 
) [static]
static void checkDLLAttributeRedeclaration ( Sema S,
NamedDecl OldDecl,
NamedDecl NewDecl,
bool  IsSpecialization 
) [static]
static void checkDuplicateDefaultInit ( Sema S,
CXXRecordDecl Parent,
SourceLocation  DefaultInitLoc 
) [static]
static void checkDuplicateDefaultInit ( Sema S,
CXXRecordDecl Parent,
CXXRecordDecl AnonUnion 
) [static]
template<typename T >
static bool checkForConflictWithNonVisibleExternC ( Sema S,
const T *  ND,
LookupResult Previous 
) [static]

Apply special rules for handling extern "C" declarations. Returns true if we have found that this is a redeclaration of some prior entity.

Per C++ []p6: Two declarations [for a function or variable] with C language linkage with the same name that appear in different scopes refer to the same [entity]. An entity with C language linkage shall not be declared with the same name as an entity in global scope.

Definition at line 6039 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::LookupResult::addDecl(), checkGlobalOrExternCConflict(), clang::LookupResult::clear(), clang::Sema::findLocallyScopedExternCDecl(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), and isIncompleteDeclExternC().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(), and clang::Sema::CheckVariableDeclaration().

static void CheckForDuplicateEnumValues ( Sema S,
ArrayRef< Decl * >  Elements,
EnumDecl Enum,
QualType  EnumType 
) [static]
template<typename T >
static bool checkGlobalOrExternCConflict ( Sema S,
const T *  ND,
bool  IsGlobal,
LookupResult Previous 
) [static]
static void checkIsValidOpenCLKernelParameter ( Sema S,
Declarator D,
ParmVarDecl Param,
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl< const Type * > &  ValidTypes 
) [static]
static void checkModuleImportContext ( Sema S,
Module M,
SourceLocation  ImportLoc,
DeclContext DC 
) [static]
static void checkNewAttributesAfterDef ( Sema S,
Decl New,
const Decl Old 
) [static]
static void CheckPoppedLabel ( LabelDecl L,
Sema S 
) [static]
* static FixItHint createFriendTagNNSFixIt ( Sema SemaRef,
NamedDecl ND,
Scope S,
SourceLocation  NameLoc 
) [static]
static FunctionDecl* CreateNewFunctionDecl ( Sema SemaRef,
Declarator D,
DeclContext DC,
QualType R,
TypeSourceInfo TInfo,
StorageClass  SC,
bool IsVirtualOkay 
) [static]

Definition at line 6584 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::AbstractReturnType, clang::Sema::AdjustDestructorExceptionSpec(), clang::Sema::CheckConstructorDeclarator(), clang::Sema::CheckConversionDeclarator(), clang::Sema::CheckDestructorDeclarator(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::FunctionDecl::Create(), clang::CXXMethodDecl::Create(), clang::CXXConstructorDecl::Create(), clang::CXXDestructorDecl::Create(), clang::CXXConversionDecl::Create(), clang::Sema::CurContext, clang::DeclarationName::CXXConstructorName, clang::DeclarationName::CXXConversionFunctionName, clang::DeclarationName::CXXDestructorName, clang::Sema::Diag(), clang::EST_None, clang::Type::getAs(), clang::DeclarationName::getAsIdentifierInfo(), clang::Declarator::getDeclSpec(), clang::CXXRecordDecl::getDefinition(), clang::Declarator::getFunctionTypeInfo(), clang::Declarator::getIdentifierLoc(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::Declarator::getLocStart(), clang::DeclarationNameInfo::getName(), clang::Sema::GetNameForDeclarator(), clang::DeclarationName::getNameKind(), clang::QualType::getTypePtr(), clang::DeclSpec::getTypeSpecTypeLoc(), clang::DeclaratorChunk::FunctionTypeInfo::hasPrototype, clang::TagDecl::isBeingDefined(), clang::DeclSpec::isConstexprSpecified(), clang::TagDecl::isDependentType(), clang::DeclSpec::isExplicitSpecified(), clang::Declarator::isFunctionDeclarator(), clang::Type::isFunctionProtoType(), clang::DeclSpec::isInlineSpecified(), clang::Declarator::isInvalidType(), clang::DeclContext::isRecord(), clang::CXXMethodDecl::isStatic(), Record, clang::Sema::RequireNonAbstractType(), clang::Decl::setInvalidDecl(), clang::Declarator::setInvalidType(), and clang::Decl::setLexicalDeclContext().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator().

static bool DeclHasAttr ( const Decl D,
const Attr A 
) [static]

DeclhasAttr - returns true if decl Declaration already has the target attribute.

Definition at line 1986 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Decl::attrs(), and clang::Attr::getKind().

Referenced by mergeDeclAttribute(), and mergeParamDeclAttributes().

static NamedDecl* DiagnoseInvalidRedeclaration ( Sema SemaRef,
LookupResult Previous,
FunctionDecl NewFD,
ActOnFDArgs &  ExtraArgs,
bool  IsLocalFriend,
Scope S 
) [static]

Generate diagnostics for an invalid function redeclaration.

This routine handles generating the diagnostic messages for an invalid function redeclaration, including finding possible similar declarations or performing typo correction if there are no previous declarations with the same name.

Returns a NamedDecl iff typo correction was performed and substituting in the new declaration name does not cause new errors.

Definition at line 6409 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(), clang::LookupResult::addDecl(), clang::TypoCorrection::begin(), clang::LookupResult::begin(), clang::LookupResult::clear(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::Sema::CorrectTypo(), clang::Sema::CTK_ErrorRecovery, clang::Sema::Diag(), clang::Sema::diagnoseTypo(), clang::TypoCorrection::end(), clang::LookupResult::end(), clang::Sema::ForRedeclaration, Func, clang::DeclarationName::getAsIdentifierInfo(), clang::Decl::getCanonicalDecl(), clang::TypoCorrection::getCorrection(), clang::TypoCorrection::getCorrectionAsIdentifierInfo(), clang::TypoCorrection::getCorrectionDecl(), clang::Decl::getDeclContext(), clang::NamedDecl::getDeclName(), clang::SourceRange::getEnd(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::FunctionDecl::getParamDecl(), clang::DeclContext::getParent(), clang::FunctionDecl::getSourceRange(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::DeclaratorDecl::getTypeSourceInfo(), clang::DeclaratorDecl::getTypeSpecStartLoc(), clang::FunctionDecl::hasBody(), clang::Sema::SFINAETrap::hasErrorOccurred(), hasSimilarParameters(), clang::CXXMethodDecl::isConst(), clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), clang::Sema::LookupLocalFriendName, clang::Sema::LookupName(), clang::Sema::LookupOrdinaryName, clang::Sema::LookupQualifiedName(), clang::Sema::PDiag(), Previous, S, clang::TypoCorrection::setCorrectionDecl(), clang::Decl::setInvalidDecl(), and clang::LookupResult::setLookupName().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator().

static void filterNonConflictingPreviousDecls ( ASTContext context,
NamedDecl decl,
LookupResult previous 
) [static]

Filter out any previous declarations that the given declaration should not consider because they are not permitted to conflict, e.g., because they come from hidden sub-modules and do not refer to the same entity.

Definition at line 1747 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::LookupResult::Filter::done(), clang::LookupResult::empty(), clang::LookupResult::Filter::erase(), clang::ASTContext::getLangOpts(), clang::LookupResult::Filter::hasNext(), clang::NamedDecl::isExternallyVisible(), clang::NamedDecl::isHidden(), clang::LookupResult::makeFilter(), and clang::LookupResult::Filter::next().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(), and clang::Sema::CheckVariableDeclaration().

static void filterNonConflictingPreviousTypedefDecls ( ASTContext Context,
TypedefNameDecl Decl,
LookupResult Previous 
) [static]
static SourceLocation findDefaultInitializer ( const CXXRecordDecl Record) [static]
static bool FindOverriddenMethod ( const CXXBaseSpecifier Specifier,
CXXBasePath Path,
void *  UserData 
) [static]
static void FixInvalidVariablyModifiedTypeLoc ( TypeLoc  SrcTL,
TypeLoc  DstTL 
) [static]
static void GenerateFixForUnusedDecl ( const NamedDecl D,
ASTContext Ctx,
FixItHint Hint 
) [static]
static QualType getCoreType ( QualType  Ty) [static]
static const Decl* getDefinition ( const Decl D) [static]
static DupKey GetDupKey ( const llvm::APSInt &  Val) [static]

Definition at line 13361 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Referenced by CheckForDuplicateEnumValues().

static StorageClass getFunctionStorageClass ( Sema SemaRef,
Declarator D 
) [static]
static StringRef getHeaderName ( ASTContext::GetBuiltinTypeError  Error) [static]
static QualType getNextLargerIntegralType ( ASTContext Context,
QualType  T 
) [static]
template<typename T >
static std::pair<diag::kind, SourceLocation> getNoteDiagForInvalidRedeclaration ( const T *  Old,
const T *  New 
) [static]
static unsigned getRedeclDiagFromTagKind ( TagTypeKind  Tag) [static]

Get diagnostic select index for tag kind for redeclaration diagnostic message. WARNING: Indexes apply to particular diagnostics only!

diagnostic select index.

Definition at line 10950 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::TTK_Class, clang::TTK_Interface, and clang::TTK_Struct.

Referenced by clang::Sema::isAcceptableTagRedeclaration().

static void HandleTagNumbering ( Sema S,
const TagDecl Tag,
Scope TagScope 
) [static]
static bool hasAttribute ( const Decl D,
attr::Kind  Kind 
) [static]

Definition at line 2192 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Decl::attrs().

static bool hasParsedAttr ( Scope S,
const AttributeList AttrList,
AttributeList::Kind  Kind 
) [static]
static bool hasParsedAttr ( Scope S,
const Declarator PD,
AttributeList::Kind  Kind 
) [static]
static bool hasSimilarParameters ( ASTContext Context,
FunctionDecl Declaration,
FunctionDecl Definition,
SmallVectorImpl< unsigned > &  Params 
) [static]

hasSimilarParameters - Determine whether the C++ functions Declaration and Definition have "nearly" matching parameters. This heuristic is used to improve diagnostics in the case where an out-of-line function definition doesn't match any declaration within the class or namespace. Also sets Params to the list of indices to the parameters that differ between the declaration and the definition. If hasSimilarParameters returns true and Params is empty, then all of the parameters match.

Definition at line 4240 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::QualType::getBaseTypeIdentifier(), getCoreType(), clang::FunctionDecl::getParamDecl(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::ASTContext::hasSameType(), clang::ASTContext::hasSameUnqualifiedType(), and clang::FunctionDecl::param_size().

Referenced by DiagnoseInvalidRedeclaration().

template<typename T >
static bool haveIncompatibleLanguageLinkages ( const T *  Old,
const T *  New 
) [static]
static bool InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers ( Sema SemaRef,
Scope S,
DeclContext Owner,
RecordDecl AnonRecord,
AccessSpecifier  AS,
SmallVectorImpl< NamedDecl * > &  Chaining,
bool  MSAnonStruct 
) [static]

InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers - Inject the members of the anonymous struct or union AnonRecord into the owning context Owner and scope S. This routine will be invoked just after we realize that an unnamed union or struct is actually an anonymous union or struct, e.g.,

 union {
   int i;
   float f;
 }; // InjectAnonymousStructOrUnionMembers called here to inject i and
    // f into the surrounding scope.x

This routine is recursive, injecting the names of nested anonymous structs/unions into the owning context and scope as well.

Definition at line 3682 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Decl::addAttr(), clang::AS_none, clang::Decl::attrs(), CheckAnonMemberRedeclaration(), clang::Attr::clone(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::IndirectFieldDecl::Create(), clang::DeclContext::decls(), clang::NamedDecl::getDeclName(), clang::NamedDecl::getIdentifier(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::ValueDecl::getType(), clang::TagDecl::isUnion(), clang::Sema::PushOnScopeChains(), clang::Decl::setAccess(), and clang::Decl::setImplicit().

Referenced by clang::Sema::BuildAnonymousStructOrUnion(), and clang::Sema::BuildMicrosoftCAnonymousStruct().

static bool isAttributeTargetADefinition ( Decl D) [static]

Definition at line 2005 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Referenced by mergeAlignedAttrs().

static bool isClassCompatTagKind ( TagTypeKind  Tag) [static]

Determine if tag kind is a class-key compatible with class for redeclaration (class, struct, or __interface).

true iff the tag kind is compatible.

Definition at line 10963 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::TTK_Class, clang::TTK_Interface, and clang::TTK_Struct.

Referenced by clang::Sema::isAcceptableTagRedeclaration().

static bool IsDisallowedCopyOrAssign ( const CXXMethodDecl D) [static]

Check for this common pattern:

 class S {
   S(const S&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
   void operator=(const S&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT

Definition at line 1275 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::FunctionDecl::doesThisDeclarationHaveABody().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ShouldWarnIfUnusedFileScopedDecl().

static bool isFunctionDefinitionDiscarded ( Sema S,
FunctionDecl FD 
) [static]

Given that we are within the definition of the given function, will that definition behave like C99's 'inline', where the definition is discarded except for optimization purposes?

Definition at line 5202 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::ASTContext::GetGVALinkageForFunction(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::GVA_AvailableExternally, clang::Decl::hasAttr(), clang::FunctionDecl::isInlined(), and clang::FunctionDecl::setLazyBody().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnVariableDeclarator().

template<typename T >
static bool isIncompleteDeclExternC ( Sema S,
const T *  D 
) [static]

Determine whether a variable is extern "C" prior to attaching an initializer. We can't just call isExternC() here, because that will also compute and cache whether the declaration is externally visible, which might change when we attach the initializer.

This can only be used if the declaration is known to not be a redeclaration of an internal linkage declaration.

For instance:

auto x = []{};

Attaching the initializer here makes this declaration not externally visible, because its type has internal linkage.

FIXME: This is a hack.

Definition at line 5249 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::getLangOpts().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnFunctionDeclarator(), clang::Sema::ActOnVariableDeclarator(), checkForConflictWithNonVisibleExternC(), and checkGlobalOrExternCConflict().

static bool isMainFileLoc ( const Sema S,
SourceLocation  Loc 
) [static]
static bool isOutOfScopePreviousDeclaration ( NamedDecl PrevDecl,
DeclContext DC,
ASTContext Context 
) [static]

Determines whether the given declaration is an out-of-scope previous declaration.

This routine should be invoked when name lookup has found a previous declaration (PrevDecl) that is not in the scope where a new declaration by the same name is being introduced. If the new declaration occurs in a local scope, previous declarations with linkage may still be considered previous declarations (C99 6.2.2p4-5, C++ []p6).

PrevDeclthe previous declaration found by name lookup
DCthe context in which the new declaration is being declared.
true if PrevDecl is an out-of-scope previous declaration for a new delcaration with the same name.

Definition at line 4985 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::DeclContext::Equals(), clang::Decl::getDeclContext(), clang::DeclContext::getEnclosingNamespaceContext(), clang::ASTContext::getLangOpts(), clang::DeclContext::getRedeclContext(), clang::NamedDecl::hasLinkage(), clang::DeclContext::isFunctionOrMethod(), and clang::DeclContext::isRecord().

Referenced by clang::Sema::FilterLookupForScope().

static bool isRepresentableIntegerValue ( ASTContext Context,
llvm::APSInt &  Value,
QualType  T 
) [static]

Determine whether the given integral value is representable within the given type T.

Definition at line 13036 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::ASTContext::getIntWidth(), clang::Type::isIntegralType(), and clang::Type::isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnEnumBody(), and clang::Sema::CheckEnumConstant().

static bool isResultTypeOrTemplate ( LookupResult R,
const Token NextToken 
) [static]

Determine whether the given result set contains either a type name or.

Definition at line 611 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::LookupResult::begin(), clang::LookupResult::end(), clang::Sema::getLangOpts(), clang::LookupResult::getSema(), and clang::Token::is().

Referenced by clang::Sema::ClassifyName().

static bool isTagTypeWithMissingTag ( Sema SemaRef,
LookupResult Result,
Scope S,
CXXScopeSpec SS,
IdentifierInfo *&  Name,
SourceLocation  NameLoc 
) [static]
static bool isUsingDecl ( NamedDecl D) [static]

Definition at line 1252 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Referenced by RemoveUsingDecls().

static void LookupPredefedObjCSuperType ( Sema ThisSema,
Scope S,
IdentifierInfo II 
) [static]

Looks up the declaration of "struct objc_super" and saves it for later use in building builtin declaration of objc_msgSendSuper and objc_msgSendSuper_stret. If no such pre-existing declaration exists no action takes place.

Definition at line 1638 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, Context, clang::LookupResult::Found, clang::IdentifierTable::get(), clang::ASTContext::getTagDeclType(), clang::ASTContext::Idents, clang::IdentifierInfo::isStr(), clang::Sema::LookupName(), clang::Sema::LookupTagName, and clang::ASTContext::setObjCSuperType().

Referenced by clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration(), and clang::Sema::LazilyCreateBuiltin().

static bool mergeAlignedAttrs ( Sema S,
NamedDecl New,
Decl Old 
) [static]

Merge alignment attributes from Old to New, taking into account the special semantics of C11's _Alignas specifier and C++11's alignas attribute.

true if any attributes were added to New.

Definition at line 2017 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Decl::addAttr(), clang::Sema::Context, clang::Sema::Diag(), clang::Decl::getLocation(), clang::CharUnits::getQuantity(), clang::ASTContext::getTagDeclType(), clang::ASTContext::getTypeAlign(), isAttributeTargetADefinition(), clang::Decl::specific_attrs(), and clang::ASTContext::toCharUnitsFromBits().

Referenced by clang::Sema::mergeDeclAttributes().

static bool mergeDeclAttribute ( Sema S,
NamedDecl D,
const InheritableAttr Attr,
bool  Override 
) [static]
static void mergeParamDeclAttributes ( ParmVarDecl newDecl,
const ParmVarDecl oldDecl,
Sema S 
) [static]
static bool mergeTypeWithPrevious ( Sema S,
VarDecl NewVD,
VarDecl OldVD,
LookupResult Previous 
) [static]
static bool RebuildDeclaratorInCurrentInstantiation ( Sema S,
Declarator D,
DeclarationName  Name 
) [static]

NeedsRebuildingInCurrentInstantiation - Checks whether the given declarator needs to be rebuilt in the current instantiation. Any bits of declarator which appear before the name are valid for consideration here. That's specifically the type in the decl spec and the base type in any member-pointer chunks.

Definition at line 4275 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::Sema::Context, clang::Sema::CreateParsedType(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, CompressInvalid >::get(), clang::Declarator::getIdentifierLoc(), clang::Declarator::getMutableDeclSpec(), clang::Declarator::getNumTypeObjects(), clang::DeclSpec::getRepAsExpr(), clang::DeclSpec::getRepAsType(), clang::ASTContext::getTrivialTypeSourceInfo(), clang::TypeSourceInfo::getType(), clang::Sema::GetTypeFromParser(), clang::Declarator::getTypeObject(), clang::DeclSpec::getTypeSpecType(), clang::DeclSpec::getTypeSpecTypeLoc(), clang::Type::isDependentType(), clang::ActionResult< PtrTy, CompressInvalid >::isInvalid(), clang::QualType::isNull(), clang::DeclaratorChunk::Kind, clang::DeclaratorChunk::Mem, clang::DeclaratorChunk::MemberPointer, clang::Sema::RebuildExprInCurrentInstantiation(), clang::Sema::RebuildNestedNameSpecifierInCurrentInstantiation(), clang::Sema::RebuildTypeInCurrentInstantiation(), clang::DeclaratorChunk::MemberPointerTypeInfo::Scope(), clang::DeclSpec::TST_atomic, clang::DeclSpec::TST_decltype, clang::DeclSpec::TST_typename, clang::DeclSpec::TST_typeofExpr, clang::DeclSpec::TST_typeofType, clang::DeclSpec::TST_underlyingType, clang::DeclSpec::UpdateExprRep(), and clang::DeclSpec::UpdateTypeRep().

Referenced by clang::Sema::HandleDeclarator().

static void RebuildLambdaScopeInfo ( CXXMethodDecl CallOperator,
Sema S 
) [static]
static ParsedType recoverFromTypeInKnownDependentBase ( Sema S,
const IdentifierInfo II,
SourceLocation  NameLoc 
) [static]
static void RemoveUsingDecls ( LookupResult R) [static]
static void ReportOverrides ( Sema S,
unsigned  DiagID,
const CXXMethodDecl MD,
OverrideErrorKind  OEK = OEK_All 
) [static]

Report an error regarding overriding, along with any relevant overriden methods.

DiagIDthe primary error to report.
MDthe overriding method.
OEKwhich overrides to include as notes.

Definition at line 6292 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::CXXMethodDecl::begin_overridden_methods(), clang::Sema::Diag(), clang::CXXMethodDecl::end_overridden_methods(), clang::NamedDecl::getDeclName(), and clang::Decl::getLocation().

Referenced by clang::Sema::AddOverriddenMethods(), and clang::Sema::CheckFunctionDeclaration().

static void SetNestedNameSpecifier ( DeclaratorDecl DD,
Declarator D 
) [static]
static bool shouldConsiderLinkage ( const VarDecl VD) [static]
static bool shouldConsiderLinkage ( const FunctionDecl FD) [static]
static bool ShouldDiagnoseUnusedDecl ( const NamedDecl D) [static]
static bool ShouldWarnAboutMissingPrototype ( const FunctionDecl FD,
const FunctionDecl *&  PossibleZeroParamPrototype 
) [static]

TranslateIvarVisibility - Translate visibility from a token ID to an AST enum value.

Definition at line 12460 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

References clang::ObjCIvarDecl::Package, clang::ObjCIvarDecl::Private, clang::ObjCIvarDecl::Protected, and clang::ObjCIvarDecl::Public.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnIvar().

static QualType TryToFixInvalidVariablyModifiedType ( QualType  T,
ASTContext Context,
bool SizeIsNegative,
llvm::APSInt &  Oversized 
) [static]
static TypeSourceInfo* TryToFixInvalidVariablyModifiedTypeSourceInfo ( TypeSourceInfo TInfo,
ASTContext Context,
bool SizeIsNegative,
llvm::APSInt &  Oversized 
) [static]
static bool ValidDuplicateEnum ( EnumConstantDecl ECD,
EnumDecl Enum 
) [static]

Variable Documentation


Add a minimal nested name specifier fixit hint to allow lookup of a tag name from an outer enclosing namespace or file scope inside a friend declaration. This should provide the commented out code in the following snippet: namespace N { struct X; namespace M { struct Y { friend struct /*N::

Definition at line 11068 of file SemaDecl.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Sema::ActOnOpenMPAtomicDirective(), clang::ento::BasicValueFactory::Add1(), checkDeducedTemplateArguments(), clang::Sema::CodeCompleteCall(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::create(), DeduceTemplateArgumentByListElement(), clang::Sema::DeduceTemplateArguments(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitBuiltinExpr(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitR600BuiltinExpr(), clang::ento::nonloc::ConcreteInt::evalBinOp(), clang::ento::loc::ConcreteInt::evalBinOp(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::evalComplement(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::evalMinus(), clang::ento::PathDiagnosticConsumer::FlushDiagnostics(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::get(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsFunctionDecl(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsLocSymbol(), getAsPointeeSymbol(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsRegion(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsSymbol(), clang::ento::SVal::getAsSymbolicExpression(), clang::CFGStmtMap::getBlock(), clang::DeclGroupRef::getFromOpaquePtr(), clang::SourceLocation::getFromRawEncoding(), clang::ento::SVal::getLocSymbolInBase(), isSameEntity(), isSameTemplateParameter(), clang::ento::PathDiagnosticLocation::operator!=(), clang::operator<=(), clang::operator>(), parameterTypeFromSVal(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::processBranch(), clang::ento::ScanReachableSymbols::scan(), clang::ento::BasicValueFactory::Sub1(), TryListConversion(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::VisitGCCAsmStmt(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::VisitLogicalExpr(), clang::ento::TrackConstraintBRVisitor::VisitNode(), clang::ento::ExprEngine::VisitOffsetOfExpr(), and clang::ento::ExprEngine::VisitUnaryOperator().