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clang::SourceManager Class Reference

This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory. More...

#include <SourceManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for clang::SourceManager:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for clang::SourceManager:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.


struct  MemoryBufferSizes
struct  OverriddenFilesInfoTy

Public Types

typedef llvm::DenseMap< const
*, SrcMgr::ContentCache * >

Public Member Functions

 SourceManager (DiagnosticsEngine &Diag, FileManager &FileMgr, bool UserFilesAreVolatile=false)
 ~SourceManager ()
void clearIDTables ()
DiagnosticsEnginegetDiagnostics () const
FileManagergetFileManager () const
void setOverridenFilesKeepOriginalName (bool value)
 Set true if the SourceManager should report the original file name for contents of files that were overridden by other files. Defaults to true.
bool userFilesAreVolatile () const
 True if non-system source files should be treated as volatile (likely to change while trying to use them).
ModuleBuildStack getModuleBuildStack () const
 Retrieve the module build stack.
void setModuleBuildStack (ModuleBuildStack stack)
 Set the module build stack.
void pushModuleBuildStack (StringRef moduleName, FullSourceLoc importLoc)
 Push an entry to the module build stack.
FileID getMainFileID () const
 Returns the FileID of the main source file.
void setMainFileID (FileID FID)
 Set the file ID for the main source file.
void setPreambleFileID (FileID Preamble)
 Set the file ID for the precompiled preamble.
FileID getPreambleFileID () const
 Get the file ID for the precompiled preamble if there is one.
FileID createFileID (const FileEntry *SourceFile, SourceLocation IncludePos, SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileCharacter, int LoadedID=0, unsigned LoadedOffset=0)
 Create a new FileID that represents the specified file being #included from the specified IncludePosition.
FileID createFileID (std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > Buffer, SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind FileCharacter=SrcMgr::C_User, int LoadedID=0, unsigned LoadedOffset=0, SourceLocation IncludeLoc=SourceLocation())
 Create a new FileID that represents the specified memory buffer.
SourceLocation createMacroArgExpansionLoc (SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation ExpansionLoc, unsigned TokLength)
 Return a new SourceLocation that encodes the fact that a token from SpellingLoc should actually be referenced from ExpansionLoc, and that it represents the expansion of a macro argument into the function-like macro body.
SourceLocation createExpansionLoc (SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation ExpansionLocStart, SourceLocation ExpansionLocEnd, unsigned TokLength, int LoadedID=0, unsigned LoadedOffset=0)
 Return a new SourceLocation that encodes the fact that a token from SpellingLoc should actually be referenced from ExpansionLoc.
llvm::MemoryBuffer * getMemoryBufferForFile (const FileEntry *File, bool *Invalid=nullptr)
 Retrieve the memory buffer associated with the given file.
void overrideFileContents (const FileEntry *SourceFile, llvm::MemoryBuffer *Buffer, bool DoNotFree)
 Override the contents of the given source file by providing an already-allocated buffer.
void overrideFileContents (const FileEntry *SourceFile, std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer > Buffer)
void overrideFileContents (const FileEntry *SourceFile, const FileEntry *NewFile)
 Override the given source file with another one.
bool isFileOverridden (const FileEntry *File)
 Returns true if the file contents have been overridden.
void disableFileContentsOverride (const FileEntry *File)
 Disable overridding the contents of a file, previously enabled with overrideFileContents.
llvm::MemoryBuffer * getBuffer (FileID FID, SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Return the buffer for the specified FileID.
llvm::MemoryBuffer * getBuffer (FileID FID, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
const FileEntrygetFileEntryForID (FileID FID) const
 Returns the FileEntry record for the provided FileID.
const FileEntrygetFileEntryForSLocEntry (const SrcMgr::SLocEntry &sloc) const
 Returns the FileEntry record for the provided SLocEntry.
StringRef getBufferData (FileID FID, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Return a StringRef to the source buffer data for the specified FileID.
unsigned getNumCreatedFIDsForFileID (FileID FID) const
 Get the number of FileIDs (files and macros) that were created during preprocessing of FID, including it.
void setNumCreatedFIDsForFileID (FileID FID, unsigned NumFIDs) const
 Set the number of FileIDs (files and macros) that were created during preprocessing of FID, including it.
FileID getFileID (SourceLocation SpellingLoc) const
 Return the FileID for a SourceLocation.
StringRef getFilename (SourceLocation SpellingLoc) const
 Return the filename of the file containing a SourceLocation.
SourceLocation getLocForStartOfFile (FileID FID) const
 Return the source location corresponding to the first byte of the specified file.
SourceLocation getLocForEndOfFile (FileID FID) const
 Return the source location corresponding to the last byte of the specified file.
SourceLocation getIncludeLoc (FileID FID) const
 Returns the include location if FID is a #include'd file otherwise it returns an invalid location.
std::pair< SourceLocation,
StringRef > 
getModuleImportLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
SourceLocation getExpansionLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Given a SourceLocation object Loc, return the expansion location referenced by the ID.
SourceLocation getFileLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Given Loc, if it is a macro location return the expansion location or the spelling location, depending on if it comes from a macro argument or not.
std::pair< SourceLocation,
getImmediateExpansionRange (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Return the start/end of the expansion information for an expansion location.
std::pair< SourceLocation,
getExpansionRange (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Given a SourceLocation object, return the range of tokens covered by the expansion the ultimate file.
SourceLocation getSpellingLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Given a SourceLocation object, return the spelling location referenced by the ID.
SourceLocation getImmediateSpellingLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Given a SourceLocation object, return the spelling location referenced by the ID.
std::pair< FileID, unsignedgetDecomposedLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.
std::pair< FileID, unsignedgetDecomposedExpansionLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.
std::pair< FileID, unsignedgetDecomposedSpellingLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.
std::pair< FileID, unsignedgetDecomposedIncludedLoc (FileID FID) const
 Returns the "included/expanded in" decomposed location of the given FileID.
unsigned getFileOffset (SourceLocation SpellingLoc) const
 Returns the offset from the start of the file that the specified SourceLocation represents.
bool isMacroArgExpansion (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Tests whether the given source location represents a macro argument's expansion into the function-like macro definition.
bool isMacroBodyExpansion (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Tests whether the given source location represents the expansion of a macro body.
bool isAtStartOfImmediateMacroExpansion (SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation *MacroBegin=nullptr) const
 Returns true if the given MacroID location points at the beginning of the immediate macro expansion.
bool isAtEndOfImmediateMacroExpansion (SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation *MacroEnd=nullptr) const
 Returns true if the given MacroID location points at the character end of the immediate macro expansion.
bool isInSLocAddrSpace (SourceLocation Loc, SourceLocation Start, unsigned Length, unsigned *RelativeOffset=nullptr) const
 Returns true if Loc is inside the [Start, +Length) chunk of the source location address space.
bool isInSameSLocAddrSpace (SourceLocation LHS, SourceLocation RHS, int *RelativeOffset) const
 Return true if both LHS and RHS are in the local source location address space or the loaded one.
const char * getCharacterData (SourceLocation SL, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Return a pointer to the start of the specified location in the appropriate spelling MemoryBuffer.
unsigned getColumnNumber (FileID FID, unsigned FilePos, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Return the column # for the specified file position.
unsigned getSpellingColumnNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getExpansionColumnNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getPresumedColumnNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getLineNumber (FileID FID, unsigned FilePos, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Given a SourceLocation, return the spelling line number for the position indicated.
unsigned getSpellingLineNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getExpansionLineNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getPresumedLineNumber (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
const char * getBufferName (SourceLocation Loc, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Return the filename or buffer identifier of the buffer the location is in.
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind getFileCharacteristic (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Return the file characteristic of the specified source location, indicating whether this is a normal file, a system header, or an "implicit extern C" system header.
PresumedLoc getPresumedLoc (SourceLocation Loc, bool UseLineDirectives=true) const
 Returns the "presumed" location of a SourceLocation specifies.
bool isInMainFile (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns whether the PresumedLoc for a given SourceLocation is in the main file.
bool isWrittenInSameFile (SourceLocation Loc1, SourceLocation Loc2) const
 Returns true if the spelling locations for both SourceLocations are part of the same file buffer.
bool isWrittenInMainFile (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns true if the spelling location for the given location is in the main file buffer.
bool isInSystemHeader (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns if a SourceLocation is in a system header.
bool isInExternCSystemHeader (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns if a SourceLocation is in an "extern C" system header.
bool isInSystemMacro (SourceLocation loc)
 Returns whether Loc is expanded from a macro in a system header.
unsigned getFileIDSize (FileID FID) const
 The size of the SLocEntry that FID represents.
bool isInFileID (SourceLocation Loc, FileID FID, unsigned *RelativeOffset=nullptr) const
 Given a specific FileID, returns true if Loc is inside that FileID chunk and sets relative offset (offset of Loc from beginning of FileID) to relativeOffset.
unsigned getLineTableFilenameID (StringRef Str)
 Return the uniqued ID for the specified filename.
void AddLineNote (SourceLocation Loc, unsigned LineNo, int FilenameID)
 Add a line note to the line table for the FileID and offset specified by Loc.
void AddLineNote (SourceLocation Loc, unsigned LineNo, int FilenameID, bool IsFileEntry, bool IsFileExit, bool IsSystemHeader, bool IsExternCHeader)
 AddLineNote - Add a GNU line marker to the line table.
bool hasLineTable () const
 Determine if the source manager has a line table.
LineTableInfogetLineTable ()
 Retrieve the stored line table.
size_t getContentCacheSize () const
 Return the total amount of physical memory allocated by the ContentCache allocator.
MemoryBufferSizes getMemoryBufferSizes () const
 Return the amount of memory used by memory buffers, breaking down by heap-backed versus mmap'ed memory.
size_t getDataStructureSizes () const
 Return the amount of memory used for various side tables and data structures in the SourceManager.
SourceLocation translateFileLineCol (const FileEntry *SourceFile, unsigned Line, unsigned Col) const
 Get the source location for the given file:line:col triplet.
FileID translateFile (const FileEntry *SourceFile) const
 Get the FileID for the given file.
SourceLocation translateLineCol (FileID FID, unsigned Line, unsigned Col) const
 Get the source location in FID for the given line:col. Returns null location if FID is not a file SLocEntry.
SourceLocation getMacroArgExpandedLocation (SourceLocation Loc) const
 If Loc points inside a function macro argument, the returned location will be the macro location in which the argument was expanded. If a macro argument is used multiple times, the expanded location will be at the first expansion of the argument. e.g. MY_MACRO(foo); ^ Passing a file location pointing at 'foo', will yield a macro location where 'foo' was expanded into.
bool isBeforeInTranslationUnit (SourceLocation LHS, SourceLocation RHS) const
 Determines the order of 2 source locations in the translation unit.
bool isBeforeInSLocAddrSpace (SourceLocation LHS, SourceLocation RHS) const
 Determines the order of 2 source locations in the "source location address space".
bool isBeforeInSLocAddrSpace (SourceLocation LHS, unsigned RHS) const
 Determines the order of a source location and a source location offset in the "source location address space".
fileinfo_iterator fileinfo_begin () const
fileinfo_iterator fileinfo_end () const
bool hasFileInfo (const FileEntry *File) const
void PrintStats () const
 Print statistics to stderr.
unsigned local_sloc_entry_size () const
 Get the number of local SLocEntries we have.
const SrcMgr::SLocEntrygetLocalSLocEntry (unsigned Index, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Get a local SLocEntry. This is exposed for indexing.
unsigned loaded_sloc_entry_size () const
 Get the number of loaded SLocEntries we have.
const SrcMgr::SLocEntrygetLoadedSLocEntry (unsigned Index, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
 Get a loaded SLocEntry. This is exposed for indexing.
const SrcMgr::SLocEntrygetSLocEntry (FileID FID, bool *Invalid=nullptr) const
unsigned getNextLocalOffset () const
void setExternalSLocEntrySource (ExternalSLocEntrySource *Source)
std::pair< int, unsignedAllocateLoadedSLocEntries (unsigned NumSLocEntries, unsigned TotalSize)
 Allocate a number of loaded SLocEntries, which will be actually loaded on demand from the external source.
bool isLoadedSourceLocation (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns true if Loc came from a PCH/Module.
bool isLocalSourceLocation (SourceLocation Loc) const
 Returns true if Loc did not come from a PCH/Module.
bool isLoadedFileID (FileID FID) const
 Returns true if FID came from a PCH/Module.
bool isLocalFileID (FileID FID) const
 Returns true if FID did not come from a PCH/Module.
SourceLocation getImmediateMacroCallerLoc (SourceLocation Loc) const


class ASTReader
class ASTWriter

Detailed Description

This class handles loading and caching of source files into memory.

This object owns the MemoryBuffer objects for all of the loaded files and assigns unique FileID's for each unique #include chain.

The SourceManager can be queried for information about SourceLocation objects, turning them into either spelling or expansion locations. Spelling locations represent where the bytes corresponding to a token came from and expansion locations represent where the location is in the user's view. In the case of a macro expansion, for example, the spelling location indicates where the expanded token came from and the expansion location specifies where it was expanded.

Definition at line 553 of file SourceManager.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef llvm::DenseMap<const FileEntry*, SrcMgr::ContentCache*>::const_iterator clang::SourceManager::fileinfo_iterator

Definition at line 1463 of file SourceManager.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SourceManager::SourceManager ( DiagnosticsEngine Diag,
FileManager FileMgr,
bool  UserFilesAreVolatile = false 

Definition at line 382 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void SourceManager::AddLineNote ( SourceLocation  Loc,
unsigned  LineNo,
int  FilenameID 

Add a line note to the line table for the FileID and offset specified by Loc.

If FilenameID is -1, it is considered to be unspecified.

AddLineNote - Add a line note to the line table for the FileID and offset specified by Loc. If FilenameID is -1, it is considered to be unspecified.

Definition at line 297 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandlePragmaSystemHeader().

void SourceManager::AddLineNote ( SourceLocation  Loc,
unsigned  LineNo,
int  FilenameID,
bool  IsFileEntry,
bool  IsFileExit,
bool  IsSystemHeader,
bool  IsExternCHeader 

AddLineNote - Add a GNU line marker to the line table.

Definition at line 317 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::C_ExternCSystem, clang::SrcMgr::C_System, clang::SrcMgr::C_User, clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

std::pair< int, unsigned > SourceManager::AllocateLoadedSLocEntries ( unsigned  NumSLocEntries,
unsigned  TotalSize 

Allocate a number of loaded SLocEntries, which will be actually loaded on demand from the external source.

NumSLocEntries will be allocated, which occupy a total of TotalSize space in the global source view. The lowest ID and the base offset of the entries will be returned.

Definition at line 490 of file SourceManager.cpp.

SourceLocation SourceManager::createExpansionLoc ( SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceLocation  ExpansionLocStart,
SourceLocation  ExpansionLocEnd,
unsigned  TokLength,
int  LoadedID = 0,
unsigned  LoadedOffset = 0 

Return a new SourceLocation that encodes the fact that a token from SpellingLoc should actually be referenced from ExpansionLoc.

Definition at line 608 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::serialized_diags::create().

Referenced by clearIDTables(), clang::Lexer::Create_PragmaLexer(), clang::Preprocessor::CreateString(), clang::TokenLexer::Init(), clang::TokenLexer::Lex(), and clang::ASTReader::ReadSLocEntry().

FileID clang::SourceManager::createFileID ( const FileEntry SourceFile,
SourceLocation  IncludePos,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind  FileCharacter,
int  LoadedID = 0,
unsigned  LoadedOffset = 0 
) [inline]
FileID clang::SourceManager::createFileID ( std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer >  Buffer,
SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind  FileCharacter = SrcMgr::C_User,
int  LoadedID = 0,
unsigned  LoadedOffset = 0,
SourceLocation  IncludeLoc = SourceLocation() 
) [inline]

Create a new FileID that represents the specified memory buffer.

This does no caching of the buffer and takes ownership of the MemoryBuffer, so only pass a MemoryBuffer to this once.

Definition at line 791 of file SourceManager.h.

References createFileID().

Return a new SourceLocation that encodes the fact that a token from SpellingLoc should actually be referenced from ExpansionLoc, and that it represents the expansion of a macro argument into the function-like macro body.

Definition at line 599 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Referenced by updateConsecutiveMacroArgTokens().

Disable overridding the contents of a file, previously enabled with overrideFileContents.

This should be called before parsing has begun.

Definition at line 672 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References isFileOverridden(), and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::OrigEntry.

Definition at line 1464 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by PrintStats().

Definition at line 1465 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by PrintStats().

llvm::MemoryBuffer* clang::SourceManager::getBuffer ( FileID  FID,
SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const [inline]
llvm::MemoryBuffer* clang::SourceManager::getBuffer ( FileID  FID,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const [inline]
StringRef SourceManager::getBufferData ( FileID  FID,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
const char * SourceManager::getBufferName ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const

Return the filename or buffer identifier of the buffer the location is in.

Note that this name does not respect #line directives. Use getPresumedLoc for normal clients.

Return the filename or buffer identifier of the buffer the location is in. Note that this name does not respect #line directives. Use getPresumedLoc for normal clients.

Definition at line 1432 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getBuffer(), getFileID(), and isInvalid().

Referenced by clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::EmitAnnotationUnit(), and clang::Preprocessor::EnterSourceFile().

const char * SourceManager::getCharacterData ( SourceLocation  SL,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
unsigned SourceManager::getColumnNumber ( FileID  FID,
unsigned  FilePos,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const

Return the column # for the specified file position.

This is significantly cheaper to compute than the line number. This returns zero if the column number isn't known. This may only be called on a file sloc, so you must choose a spelling or expansion location before calling this method.

getColumnNumber - Return the column # for the specified file position. this is significantly cheaper to compute than the line number.

Definition at line 1123 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getBuffer(), and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::SourceLineCache.

Referenced by buildFixItInsertionLine(), clang::TextDiagnostic::emitDiagnosticLoc(), getExpansionColumnNumber(), getPresumedLoc(), and getSpellingColumnNumber().

Return the total amount of physical memory allocated by the ContentCache allocator.

Definition at line 1383 of file SourceManager.h.

Return the amount of memory used for various side tables and data structures in the SourceManager.

Definition at line 2153 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.

If the location is an expansion record, walk through it until we find the final location expanded.

Definition at line 1103 of file SourceManager.h.

References getFileID(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getOffset(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SourceLocation::isFileID().

Referenced by buildFixItInsertionLine(), getExpansionColumnNumber(), getExpansionLineNumber(), getFileCharacteristic(), getPresumedLoc(), isInMainFile(), and ReadLineMarkerFlags().

Decompose the specified location into a raw FileID + Offset pair.

If the location is an expansion record, walk through it until we find its spelling record.

Definition at line 1122 of file SourceManager.h.

References getFileID(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getOffset(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SourceLocation::isFileID().

Referenced by getCharacterData(), getSpellingColumnNumber(), and getSpellingLineNumber().

Definition at line 717 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTContext::getDiagnostics(), and ParseDirective().

unsigned SourceManager::getExpansionColumnNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
unsigned SourceManager::getExpansionLineNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const

Given a SourceLocation object, return the range of tokens covered by the expansion the ultimate file.

getExpansionRange - Given a SourceLocation object, return the range of tokens covered by the expansion in the ultimate file.

Definition at line 989 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getImmediateExpansionRange(), and clang::SourceLocation::isFileID().

Referenced by clang::TextDiagnostic::emitDiagnosticLoc(), getLengthOnSingleLine(), and clang::html::HighlightMacros().

Return the file characteristic of the specified source location, indicating whether this is a normal file, a system header, or an "implicit extern C" system header.

This state can be modified with flags on GNU linemarker directives like:

   # 4 "foo.h" 3

which changes all source locations in the current file after that to be considered to be from a system header.

getFileCharacteristic - return the file characteristic of the specified source location, indicating whether this is a normal file, a system header, or an "implicit extern C" system header.

This state can be modified with flags on GNU linemarker directives like: # 4 "foo.h" 3 which changes all source locations in the current file after that to be considered to be from a system header.

Definition at line 1402 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::C_User, clang::LineEntry::FileKind, clang::LineTableInfo::FindNearestLineEntry(), getDecomposedExpansionLoc(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getFileCharacteristic(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::hasLineDirectives(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile(), and clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid().

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandleEndOfFile(), isInExternCSystemHeader(), and isInSystemHeader().

Returns the FileEntry record for the provided SLocEntry.

Definition at line 920 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getContentCache(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::OrigEntry.

FileID clang::SourceManager::getFileID ( SourceLocation  SpellingLoc) const [inline]

The size of the SLocEntry that FID represents.

Definition at line 1542 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getNextLocalOffset(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getOffset(), getSLocEntry(), and local_sloc_entry_size().

Referenced by getLocForEndOfFile().

Given Loc, if it is a macro location return the expansion location or the spelling location, depending on if it comes from a macro argument or not.

Definition at line 1047 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SourceLocation::isFileID().

Referenced by clang::ASTUnit::addFileLevelDecl(), getLocForEndOfFile(), getLocForStartOfFile(), clang::SanitizerBlacklist::isBlacklistedLocation(), isPreprocessedEntityIfInFileID(), clang::ASTReader::isPreprocessedEntityInFileID(), makeStandaloneDiagnostic(), and translateLineCol().

StringRef clang::SourceManager::getFilename ( SourceLocation  SpellingLoc) const [inline]

Returns the offset from the start of the file that the specified SourceLocation represents.

This is not very meaningful for a macro ID.

Definition at line 1143 of file SourceManager.h.

References getDecomposedLoc().

Referenced by getLengthOnSingleLine(), clang::html::HighlightRange(), makeStandaloneDiagnostic(), makeStandaloneRange(), clang::RewriteMacrosInInput(), and clang::html::SyntaxHighlight().

Return the start/end of the expansion information for an expansion location.

Loc is required to be an expansion location.

getImmediateExpansionRange - Loc is required to be an expansion location. Return the start/end of the expansion information.

Definition at line 980 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::getExpansionLocRange(), getFileID(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID().

Referenced by clang::edit::EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(), checkAllAtProps(), clang::Sema::DiagnoseAbsenceOfOverrideControl(), getExpansionRange(), GetFullTypeForDeclarator(), getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(), getImmediateMacroName(), clang::Lexer::getImmediateMacroName(), handleObjCOwnershipTypeAttr(), and mapDiagnosticRanges().

Gets the location of the immediate macro caller, one level up the stack toward the initial macro typed into the source.

Definition at line 1545 of file SourceManager.h.

References getImmediateExpansionRange(), getImmediateSpellingLoc(), isMacroArgExpansion(), and clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID().

Referenced by getTopMostMacro(), IsFromSameFile(), and IsInAnyMacroBody().

Given a SourceLocation object, return the spelling location referenced by the ID.

This is the first level down towards the place where the characters that make up the lexed token can be found. This should not generally be used by clients.

getImmediateSpellingLoc - Given a SourceLocation object, return the spelling location referenced by the ID. This is the first level down towards the place where the characters that make up the lexed token can be found. This should not generally be used by clients.

Definition at line 969 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getDecomposedLoc(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), clang::SourceLocation::getLocWithOffset(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::getSpellingLoc(), and clang::SourceLocation::isFileID().

Referenced by getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(), clang::Lexer::makeFileCharRange(), and mapDiagnosticRanges().

Returns the include location if FID is a #include'd file otherwise it returns an invalid location.

Definition at line 1011 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getIncludeLoc(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandleEndOfFile(), and clang::ModuleMap::inferModuleFromLocation().

unsigned SourceManager::getLineNumber ( FileID  FID,
unsigned  FilePos,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const

Given a SourceLocation, return the spelling line number for the position indicated.

This requires building and caching a table of line offsets for the MemoryBuffer, so this is not cheap: use only when about to emit a diagnostic.

getLineNumber - Given a SourceLocation, return the spelling line number for the position indicated. This requires building and caching a table of line offsets for the MemoryBuffer, so this is not cheap: use only when about to emit a diagnostic.

SourceLineCache for it on demand.

Definition at line 1281 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References ComputeLineNumbers(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getContentCache(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile(), clang::FileID::isInvalid(), clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::NumLines, and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::SourceLineCache.

Referenced by buildFixItInsertionLine(), clang::TextDiagnostic::emitDiagnosticLoc(), getExpansionLineNumber(), getPresumedLoc(), clang::ASTContext::getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(), getSpellingLineNumber(), clang::Rewriter::IncreaseIndentation(), and clang::Rewriter::InsertText().

Retrieve the stored line table.

Definition at line 362 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Return the uniqued ID for the specified filename.

getLineTableFilenameID - Return the uniqued ID for the specified filename.

Definition at line 287 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandlePragmaSystemHeader().

const SrcMgr::SLocEntry& clang::SourceManager::getLoadedSLocEntry ( unsigned  Index,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const [inline]

Get a loaded SLocEntry. This is exposed for indexing.

Definition at line 1488 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by translateFile().

const SrcMgr::SLocEntry& clang::SourceManager::getLocalSLocEntry ( unsigned  Index,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const [inline]

Get a local SLocEntry. This is exposed for indexing.

Definition at line 1478 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by translateFile().

Return the source location corresponding to the last byte of the specified file.

Definition at line 999 of file SourceManager.h.

References getFileIDSize(), getFileLoc(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getOffset(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

Referenced by clang::ASTUnit::getEndOfPreambleFileID().

If Loc points inside a function macro argument, the returned location will be the macro location in which the argument was expanded. If a macro argument is used multiple times, the expanded location will be at the first expansion of the argument. e.g. MY_MACRO(foo); ^ Passing a file location pointing at 'foo', will yield a macro location where 'foo' was expanded into.


  • Loc points inside a function macro argument, the returned location will be the macro location in which the argument was expanded. If a macro argument is used multiple times, the expanded location will be at the first expansion of the argument. e.g. MY_MACRO(foo); ^ Passing a file location pointing at 'foo', will yield a macro location where 'foo' was expanded into.

Definition at line 1925 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getDecomposedLoc(), clang::SourceLocation::getLocWithOffset(), clang::SourceLocation::isFileID(), clang::FileID::isInvalid(), clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), and clang::SourceLocation::isValid().

Referenced by clang::ASTUnit::getLocation().

llvm::MemoryBuffer * SourceManager::getMemoryBufferForFile ( const FileEntry File,
bool Invalid = nullptr 

Retrieve the memory buffer associated with the given file.

InvalidIf non-NULL, will be set true if an error occurs while retrieving the memory buffer.

Definition at line 642 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::getBuffer().

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::SetCodeCompletionPoint().

Return the amount of memory used by memory buffers, breaking down by heap-backed versus mmap'ed memory.

Definition at line 2135 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Retrieve the module build stack.

Definition at line 733 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::GenerateModuleAction::BeginSourceFileAction(), compileModuleImpl(), and clang::CompilerInstance::loadModule().

std::pair<SourceLocation, StringRef> clang::SourceManager::getModuleImportLoc ( SourceLocation  Loc) const [inline]

Definition at line 1505 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by getFileIDSize(), and clang::TokenLexer::Init().

Get the number of FileIDs (files and macros) that were created during preprocessing of FID, including it.

Definition at line 937 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

unsigned SourceManager::getPresumedColumnNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
unsigned SourceManager::getPresumedLineNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
PresumedLoc SourceManager::getPresumedLoc ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool  UseLineDirectives = true 
) const

Returns the "presumed" location of a SourceLocation specifies.

A "presumed location" can be modified by #line or GNU line marker directives. This provides a view on the data that a user should see in diagnostics, for example.

Note that a presumed location is always given as the expansion point of an expansion location, not at the spelling location.

The presumed location of the specified SourceLocation. If the presumed location cannot be calculated (e.g., because Loc is invalid or the file containing Loc has changed on disk), returns an invalid presumed location.

getPresumedLoc - This method returns the "presumed" location of a SourceLocation specifies. A "presumed location" can be modified by #line or GNU line marker directives. This provides a view on the data that a user should see in diagnostics, for example.

Note that a presumed location is always given as the expansion point of an expansion location, not at the spelling location.

Definition at line 1447 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References AttributeLangSupport::C, clang::LineTableInfo::FindNearestLineEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::getBuffer(), getColumnNumber(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getContentCache(), getDecomposedExpansionLoc(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), clang::LineTableInfo::getFilename(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getIncludeLoc(), getLineNumber(), getLocForStartOfFile(), clang::SourceLocation::getLocWithOffset(), clang::FileEntry::getName(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::hasLineDirectives(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile(), clang::SourceLocation::isInvalid(), and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::OrigEntry.

Referenced by clang::DoPrintPreprocessedInput(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::EmitAnnotationLineNo(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenModule::EmitAnnotationUnit(), clang::CodeGen::CodeGenFunction::EmitCheckSourceLocation(), clang::CodeGen::EmitOpenMPUpdateLocation(), getPresumedColumnNumber(), getPresumedLineNumber(), clang::LogDiagnosticPrinter::HandleDiagnostic(), clang::Preprocessor::HandlePragmaSystemHeader(), clang::SourceLocation::print(), ReadLineMarkerFlags(), and clang::CodeGen::CGDebugInfo::setLocation().

const SrcMgr::SLocEntry& clang::SourceManager::getSLocEntry ( FileID  FID,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const [inline]
unsigned SourceManager::getSpellingColumnNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const
unsigned SourceManager::getSpellingLineNumber ( SourceLocation  Loc,
bool Invalid = nullptr 
) const

Definition at line 1375 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getDecomposedSpellingLoc(), getLineNumber(), and isInvalid().

Referenced by ParseDirective().

bool clang::SourceManager::hasFileInfo ( const FileEntry File) const [inline]

Definition at line 1466 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandleEndOfFile().

Determine if the source manager has a line table.

Definition at line 1372 of file SourceManager.h.

Returns true if the given MacroID location points at the character end of the immediate macro expansion.

MacroEndIf non-null and function returns true, it is set to the character end location of the immediate macro expansion.

Definition at line 1055 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::getExpansionLocEnd(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::getExpansionLocStart(), getFileID(), clang::SourceLocation::getLocWithOffset(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isExpansion(), isInFileID(), clang::FileID::isInvalid(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::isMacroArgExpansion(), clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID(), and clang::SourceLocation::isValid().

Referenced by clang::Lexer::isAtEndOfMacroExpansion().

Returns true if the given MacroID location points at the beginning of the immediate macro expansion.

MacroBeginIf non-null and function returns true, it is set to the begin location of the immediate macro expansion.

Definition at line 1020 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References getDecomposedLoc(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::getExpansionLocStart(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isExpansion(), clang::FileID::isInvalid(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::isMacroArgExpansion(), clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID(), and clang::SourceLocation::isValid().

Referenced by clang::Lexer::isAtStartOfMacroExpansion().

Determines the order of 2 source locations in the "source location address space".

Definition at line 1443 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::TokenLexer::Lex().

Determines the order of a source location and a source location offset in the "source location address space".

Note that we always consider source locations loaded from

Definition at line 1451 of file SourceManager.h.

Returns true if the file contents have been overridden.

Definition at line 851 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by disableFileContentsOverride().

Returns if a SourceLocation is in an "extern C" system header.

Definition at line 1327 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SrcMgr::C_ExternCSystem, and getFileCharacteristic().

bool clang::SourceManager::isInFileID ( SourceLocation  Loc,
FileID  FID,
unsigned RelativeOffset = nullptr 
) const [inline]
bool clang::SourceManager::isInSameSLocAddrSpace ( SourceLocation  LHS,
SourceLocation  RHS,
int *  RelativeOffset 
) const [inline]

Return true if both LHS and RHS are in the local source location address space or the loaded one.

If it's true and RelativeOffset is non-null, it will be set to the offset of RHS relative to LHS.

Definition at line 1209 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by isEmptyARCMTMacroStatement(), and updateConsecutiveMacroArgTokens().

bool clang::SourceManager::isInSLocAddrSpace ( SourceLocation  Loc,
SourceLocation  Start,
unsigned  Length,
unsigned RelativeOffset = nullptr 
) const [inline]

Returns true if Loc is inside the [Start, +Length) chunk of the source location address space.

If it's true and RelativeOffset is non-null, it will be set to the relative offset of Loc inside the chunk.

Definition at line 1184 of file SourceManager.h.

Returns whether Loc is expanded from a macro in a system header.

Definition at line 1332 of file SourceManager.h.

References getSpellingLoc(), isInSystemHeader(), and clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID().

Referenced by clang::Sema::DiagnoseUnusedExprResult().

Returns true if Loc came from a PCH/Module.

Definition at line 1523 of file SourceManager.h.

Returns true if FID did not come from a PCH/Module.

Definition at line 1539 of file SourceManager.h.

References isLoadedFileID().

Returns true if Loc did not come from a PCH/Module.

Definition at line 1528 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTUnit::addFileLevelDecl().

Tests whether the given source location represents a macro argument's expansion into the function-like macro definition.

Such source locations only appear inside of the expansion locations representing where a particular function-like macro was expanded.

Definition at line 1004 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), getFileID(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::isMacroArgExpansion(), and clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID().

Referenced by clang::edit::EditedSource::canInsertInOffset(), clang::Lexer::GetBeginningOfToken(), getImmediateMacroCallerLoc(), getImmediateMacroName(), clang::ASTContext::getRawCommentForDeclNoCache(), and mapDiagnosticRanges().

Tests whether the given source location represents the expansion of a macro body.

This is equivalent to testing whether the location is part of a macro expansion but not the expansion of an argument to a function-like macro.

Definition at line 1012 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getExpansion(), getFileID(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::ExpansionInfo::isMacroBodyExpansion(), and clang::SourceLocation::isMacroID().

Referenced by DiagnoseUnusedComparison(), clang::Sema::DiagnoseUnusedExprResult(), and IsInAnyMacroBody().

Returns true if the spelling location for the given location is in the main file buffer.

This check ignores line marker directives.

Definition at line 1317 of file SourceManager.h.

References getFileID(), and getMainFileID().

Referenced by IsFromSameFile(), and clang::RewriteMacrosInInput().

Returns true if the spelling locations for both SourceLocations are part of the same file buffer.

This check ignores line marker directives.

Definition at line 1309 of file SourceManager.h.

References getFileID().

Referenced by IsFromSameFile(), and removePunyEdges().

Get the number of loaded SLocEntries we have.

Definition at line 1485 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by translateFile().

Get the number of local SLocEntries we have.

Definition at line 1475 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by getFileIDSize(), clang::Preprocessor::HandleEndOfFile(), clang::PreprocessorLexer::PreprocessorLexer(), and translateFile().

void SourceManager::overrideFileContents ( const FileEntry SourceFile,
llvm::MemoryBuffer *  Buffer,
bool  DoNotFree 

Override the contents of the given source file by providing an already-allocated buffer.

SourceFilethe source file whose contents will be overridden.
Bufferthe memory buffer whose contents will be used as the data in the given source file.
DoNotFreeIf true, then the buffer will not be freed when the source manager is destroyed.

Definition at line 649 of file SourceManager.cpp.

Referenced by clang::tooling::applyAllReplacements(), compileModuleImpl(), clang::index::SimpleFormatContext::createInMemoryFile(), InitializeFileRemapping(), clang::CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager(), overrideFileContents(), clang::ASTReader::ReadSLocEntry(), clang::format::reformat(), and clang::Preprocessor::SetCodeCompletionPoint().

void clang::SourceManager::overrideFileContents ( const FileEntry SourceFile,
std::unique_ptr< llvm::MemoryBuffer >  Buffer 
) [inline]

Definition at line 836 of file SourceManager.h.

References overrideFileContents().

void SourceManager::overrideFileContents ( const FileEntry SourceFile,
const FileEntry NewFile 

Override the given source file with another one.

SourceFilethe source file which will be overridden.
NewFilethe file whose contents will be used as the data instead of the contents of the given source file.

Definition at line 661 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References clang::FileEntry::getSize().

void SourceManager::PrintStats ( ) const

Print statistics to stderr.

Definition at line 2103 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References fileinfo_begin(), and fileinfo_end().

Referenced by clang::FrontendAction::EndSourceFile().

void clang::SourceManager::pushModuleBuildStack ( StringRef  moduleName,
FullSourceLoc  importLoc 
) [inline]

Push an entry to the module build stack.

Definition at line 744 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::GenerateModuleAction::BeginSourceFileAction(), and compileModuleImpl().

Definition at line 1507 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::ASTReader::ASTReader().

Set the file ID for the main source file.

Definition at line 756 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager(), and clang::ASTReader::ReadAST().

Set the module build stack.

Definition at line 738 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by compileModuleImpl().

void clang::SourceManager::setNumCreatedFIDsForFileID ( FileID  FID,
unsigned  NumFIDs 
) const [inline]

Set the number of FileIDs (files and macros) that were created during preprocessing of FID, including it.

Definition at line 948 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), getSLocEntry(), and clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile().

Referenced by clang::Preprocessor::HandleEndOfFile().

Set true if the SourceManager should report the original file name for contents of files that were overridden by other files. Defaults to true.

Definition at line 724 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by InitializeFileRemapping().

void clang::SourceManager::setPreambleFileID ( FileID  Preamble) [inline]

Set the file ID for the precompiled preamble.

Definition at line 761 of file SourceManager.h.

References clang::FileID::isInvalid().

Referenced by clang::ASTReader::ReadAST().

FileID SourceManager::translateFile ( const FileEntry SourceFile) const
SourceLocation SourceManager::translateFileLineCol ( const FileEntry SourceFile,
unsigned  Line,
unsigned  Col 
) const

Get the source location for the given file:line:col triplet.

If the source file is included multiple times, the source location will be based upon the first inclusion.

If the source file is included multiple times, the source location will be based upon an arbitrary inclusion.

Definition at line 1584 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References translateFile(), and translateLineCol().

Referenced by clang::tooling::Replacement::apply(), clang::CodeGenAction::ExecuteAction(), clang::ASTUnit::getLocation(), and ParseDirective().

Get the source location in FID for the given line:col. Returns null location if FID is not a file SLocEntry.

Get the source location in.

  • FID for the given line:col. Returns null location if
  • FID is not a file SLocEntry.

Definition at line 1713 of file SourceManager.cpp.

References ComputeLineNumbers(), clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::getBuffer(), clang::SrcMgr::FileInfo::getContentCache(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getFile(), getFileLoc(), clang::SourceLocation::getLocWithOffset(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::getOffset(), getSLocEntry(), clang::SrcMgr::SLocEntry::isFile(), clang::FileID::isInvalid(), clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::NumLines, and clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::SourceLineCache.

Referenced by ParseDirective(), and translateFileLineCol().

True if non-system source files should be treated as volatile (likely to change while trying to use them).

Definition at line 730 of file SourceManager.h.

Referenced by clang::SrcMgr::ContentCache::getBuffer().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class ASTReader [friend]

Definition at line 1651 of file SourceManager.h.

friend class ASTWriter [friend]

Definition at line 1652 of file SourceManager.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: