clang API Documentation

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Tools.cpp File Reference
#include "Tools.h"
#include "InputInfo.h"
#include "ToolChains.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/ObjCRuntime.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Action.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
#include "clang/Driver/DriverDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Job.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
#include "clang/Driver/SanitizerArgs.h"
#include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Util.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Arg.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compression.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
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struct  EHFlags


enum  LibOpenMP { LibUnknown, LibGOMP, LibIOMP5 }


static void addAssemblerKPIC (const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static void CheckPreprocessingOptions (const Driver &D, const ArgList &Args)
static void CheckCodeGenerationOptions (const Driver &D, const ArgList &Args)
static void EscapeSpacesAndBackslashes (const char *Arg, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Res)
static void QuoteTarget (StringRef Target, SmallVectorImpl< char > &Res)
static void addDirectoryList (const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const char *ArgName, const char *EnvVar)
static void AddLinkerInputs (const ToolChain &TC, const InputInfoList &Inputs, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static bool isObjCAutoRefCount (const ArgList &Args)
 Determine whether Objective-C automated reference counting is enabled.
static bool isObjCRuntimeLinked (const ArgList &Args)
 Determine whether we are linking the ObjC runtime.
static bool forwardToGCC (const Option &O)
static bool isSignedCharDefault (const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static bool isNoCommonDefault (const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static void getARMHWDivFeatures (const Driver &D, const Arg *A, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static void getARMFPUFeatures (const Driver &D, const Arg *A, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static void getARMTargetFeatures (const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features, bool ForAS)
static std::string getAArch64TargetCPU (const ArgList &Args)
static StringRef getGnuCompatibleMipsABIName (StringRef ABI)
static StringRef getMipsFloatABI (const Driver &D, const ArgList &Args)
static void AddTargetFeature (const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features, OptSpecifier OnOpt, OptSpecifier OffOpt, StringRef FeatureName)
static void getMIPSTargetFeatures (const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static std::string getPPCTargetCPU (const ArgList &Args)
 getPPCTargetCPU - Get the (LLVM) name of the PowerPC cpu we are targeting.
static void getPPCTargetFeatures (const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static std::string getR600TargetGPU (const ArgList &Args)
 Get the (LLVM) name of the R600 gpu we are targeting.
static void getSparcTargetFeatures (const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static const char * getSystemZTargetCPU (const ArgList &Args)
static const char * getX86TargetCPU (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static std::string getCPUName (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &T)
static void AddGoldPlugin (const ToolChain &ToolChain, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static void getX86TargetFeatures (const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool HasPICArg (const ArgList &Args)
static Arg * GetLastSmallDataThresholdArg (const ArgList &Args)
static std::string GetHexagonSmallDataThresholdValue (const ArgList &Args)
static bool DecodeAArch64Features (const Driver &D, StringRef text, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool DecodeAArch64Mcpu (const Driver &D, StringRef Mcpu, StringRef &CPU, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool getAArch64ArchFeaturesFromMarch (const Driver &D, StringRef March, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool getAArch64ArchFeaturesFromMcpu (const Driver &D, StringRef Mcpu, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMtune (const Driver &D, StringRef Mtune, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static bool getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMcpu (const Driver &D, StringRef Mcpu, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static void getAArch64TargetFeatures (const Driver &D, const ArgList &Args, std::vector< const char * > &Features)
static void getTargetFeatures (const Driver &D, const llvm::Triple &Triple, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, bool ForAS)
static bool shouldUseExceptionTablesForObjCExceptions (const ObjCRuntime &runtime, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static ExceptionSettings exceptionSettings (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static void addExceptionArgs (const ArgList &Args, types::ID InputType, const llvm::Triple &Triple, bool KernelOrKext, const ObjCRuntime &objcRuntime, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static bool ShouldDisableAutolink (const ArgList &Args, const ToolChain &TC)
static bool ShouldDisableDwarfDirectory (const ArgList &Args, const ToolChain &TC)
static bool ContainsCompileAction (const Action *A)
 Check whether the given input tree contains any compilation actions.
static bool UseRelaxAll (Compilation &C, const ArgList &Args)
 Check if -relax-all should be passed to the internal assembler. This is done by default when compiling non-assembler source with -O0.
static void CollectArgsForIntegratedAssembler (Compilation &C, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const Driver &D)
static StringRef getArchNameForCompilerRTLib (const ToolChain &TC)
static SmallString< 128 > getCompilerRTLibDir (const ToolChain &TC)
static void addClangRTLinux (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static void addClangRTWindows (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static void addProfileRT (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static SmallString< 128 > getSanitizerRTLibName (const ToolChain &TC, StringRef Sanitizer, bool Shared)
static void addSanitizerRuntime (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, StringRef Sanitizer, bool IsShared)
static bool addSanitizerDynamicList (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, StringRef Sanitizer)
static void linkSanitizerRuntimeDeps (const ToolChain &TC, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static void collectSanitizerRuntimes (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &SharedRuntimes, SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &StaticRuntimes, SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &HelperStaticRuntimes)
static bool addSanitizerRuntimes (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
static bool shouldUseFramePointerForTarget (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static bool shouldUseFramePointer (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static bool shouldUseLeafFramePointer (const ArgList &Args, const llvm::Triple &Triple)
static void addDebugCompDirArg (const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
 Add a CC1 option to specify the debug compilation directory.
static const char * SplitDebugName (const ArgList &Args, const InputInfoList &Inputs)
static void SplitDebugInfo (const ToolChain &TC, Compilation &C, const Tool &T, const JobAction &JA, const ArgList &Args, const InputInfo &Output, const char *OutFile)
static bool shouldEnableVectorizerAtOLevel (const ArgList &Args, bool isSlpVec)
 Vectorize at all optimization levels greater than 1 except for -Oz. For -Oz the loop vectorizer is disable, while the slp vectorizer is enabled.
static void addDashXForInput (const ArgList &Args, const InputInfo &Input, ArgStringList &CmdArgs)
 Add -x lang to CmdArgs for Input.
static std::string getMSCompatibilityVersion (const char *VersionStr)
static bool maybeConsumeDash (const std::string &EH, size_t &I)
static EHFlags parseClangCLEHFlags (const Driver &D, const ArgList &Args)
static void AddLibgcc (const llvm::Triple &Triple, const Driver &D, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const ArgList &Args)
static std::string getLinuxDynamicLinker (const ArgList &Args, const toolchains::Linux &ToolChain)
static void AddRunTimeLibs (const ToolChain &TC, const Driver &D, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, const ArgList &Args)
static const char * getLDMOption (const llvm::Triple &T, const ArgList &Args)
static void addSanitizerRTWindows (const ToolChain &TC, const ArgList &Args, ArgStringList &CmdArgs, StringRef RTName)
static std::string FindVisualStudioExecutable (const ToolChain &TC, const char *Exe, const char *ClangProgramPath)

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum LibOpenMP

Definition at line 5795 of file Tools.cpp.

Function Documentation

static void addAssemblerKPIC ( const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void addClangRTLinux ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void addClangRTWindows ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]

Definition at line 2166 of file Tools.cpp.

References getArchNameForCompilerRTLib(), and getCompilerRTLibDir().

Referenced by AddRunTimeLibs().

static void addDashXForInput ( const ArgList &  Args,
const InputInfo Input,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]

Add -x lang to CmdArgs for Input.

Definition at line 2443 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::InputInfo::getType(), and clang::driver::types::getTypeName().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static void addDebugCompDirArg ( const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]

Add a CC1 option to specify the debug compilation directory.

Definition at line 2359 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob(), and clang::driver::tools::ClangAs::ConstructJob().

static void addDirectoryList ( const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
const char *  ArgName,
const char *  EnvVar 
) [static]

Definition at line 132 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by AddLinkerInputs().

static void addExceptionArgs ( const ArgList &  Args,
types::ID  InputType,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
bool  KernelOrKext,
const ObjCRuntime objcRuntime,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]

addExceptionArgs - Adds exception related arguments to the driver command arguments. There's a master flag, -fexceptions and also language specific flags to enable/disable C++ and Objective-C exceptions. This makes it possible to for example disable C++ exceptions but enable Objective-C exceptions.

Definition at line 1953 of file Tools.cpp.

References exceptionSettings(), clang::driver::types::isCXX(), clang::driver::types::isObjC(), and shouldUseExceptionTablesForObjCExceptions().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static void AddGoldPlugin ( const ToolChain ToolChain,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void AddLibgcc ( const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
const Driver D,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

Definition at line 7203 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::CCCIsCXX().

Referenced by AddRunTimeLibs().

static void AddLinkerInputs ( const ToolChain TC,
const InputInfoList Inputs,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void addProfileRT ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void AddRunTimeLibs ( const ToolChain TC,
const Driver D,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]
static bool addSanitizerDynamicList ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
StringRef  Sanitizer 
) [static]

Definition at line 2222 of file Tools.cpp.

References getSanitizerRTLibName().

Referenced by addSanitizerRuntimes().

static void addSanitizerRTWindows ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
StringRef  RTName 
) [static]

Definition at line 7832 of file Tools.cpp.

References getCompilerRTLibDir().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::visualstudio::Link::ConstructJob().

static void addSanitizerRuntime ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
StringRef  Sanitizer,
bool  IsShared 
) [static]

Definition at line 2207 of file Tools.cpp.

References getSanitizerRTLibName().

Referenced by addSanitizerRuntimes().

static bool addSanitizerRuntimes ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static void AddTargetFeature ( const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features,
OptSpecifier  OnOpt,
OptSpecifier  OffOpt,
StringRef  FeatureName 
) [static]

Definition at line 1063 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getMIPSTargetFeatures(), and getPPCTargetFeatures().

static void CheckCodeGenerationOptions ( const Driver D,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

CheckCodeGenerationOptions - Perform some validation of code generation arguments that is shared with gcc.

Definition at line 77 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static void CheckPreprocessingOptions ( const Driver D,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

CheckPreprocessingOptions - Perform some validation of preprocessing arguments that is shared with gcc.

Definition at line 64 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::CCCIsCPP(), clang::driver::Driver::Diag(), and clang::driver::Driver::IsCLMode().

static void CollectArgsForIntegratedAssembler ( Compilation C,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
const Driver D 
) [static]
static void collectSanitizerRuntimes ( const ToolChain TC,
const ArgList &  Args,
SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  SharedRuntimes,
SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  StaticRuntimes,
SmallVectorImpl< StringRef > &  HelperStaticRuntimes 
) [static]
static bool ContainsCompileAction ( const Action A) [static]

Check whether the given input tree contains any compilation actions.

Definition at line 2030 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by UseRelaxAll().

static bool DecodeAArch64Features ( const Driver D,
StringRef  text,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1688 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by DecodeAArch64Mcpu(), and getAArch64ArchFeaturesFromMarch().

static bool DecodeAArch64Mcpu ( const Driver D,
StringRef  Mcpu,
StringRef &  CPU,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]
static void EscapeSpacesAndBackslashes ( const char *  Arg,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  Res 
) [static]
static ExceptionSettings exceptionSettings ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]
static std::string FindVisualStudioExecutable ( const ToolChain TC,
const char *  Exe,
const char *  ClangProgramPath 
) [static]
static bool forwardToGCC ( const Option &  O) [static]
static bool getAArch64ArchFeaturesFromMarch ( const Driver D,
StringRef  March,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1737 of file Tools.cpp.

References DecodeAArch64Features().

Referenced by getAArch64TargetFeatures().

static bool getAArch64ArchFeaturesFromMcpu ( const Driver D,
StringRef  Mcpu,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1751 of file Tools.cpp.

References DecodeAArch64Mcpu().

Referenced by getAArch64TargetFeatures().

static bool getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMcpu ( const Driver D,
StringRef  Mcpu,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1776 of file Tools.cpp.

References DecodeAArch64Mcpu(), and getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMtune().

Referenced by getAArch64TargetFeatures().

static bool getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMtune ( const Driver D,
StringRef  Mtune,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1762 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getAArch64MicroArchFeaturesFromMcpu(), and getAArch64TargetFeatures().

static std::string getAArch64TargetCPU ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

getAArch64TargetCPU - Get the (LLVM) name of the AArch64 cpu we are targeting.

Definition at line 876 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getAArch64TargetFeatures(), and getCPUName().

static void getAArch64TargetFeatures ( const Driver D,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]
static StringRef getArchNameForCompilerRTLib ( const ToolChain TC) [static]
static void getARMFPUFeatures ( const Driver D,
const Arg *  A,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 533 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by getARMTargetFeatures().

static void getARMHWDivFeatures ( const Driver D,
const Arg *  A,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 509 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by getARMTargetFeatures().

static void getARMTargetFeatures ( const Driver D,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features,
bool  ForAS 
) [static]
static SmallString<128> getCompilerRTLibDir ( const ToolChain TC) [static]
static std::string getCPUName ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  T 
) [static]
static StringRef getGnuCompatibleMipsABIName ( StringRef  ABI) [static]
static std::string GetHexagonSmallDataThresholdValue ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]
static Arg* GetLastSmallDataThresholdArg ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

Definition at line 1647 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by GetHexagonSmallDataThresholdValue().

static const char* getLDMOption ( const llvm::Triple &  T,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]
static std::string getLinuxDynamicLinker ( const ArgList &  Args,
const toolchains::Linux ToolChain 
) [static]
static StringRef getMipsFloatABI ( const Driver D,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

Definition at line 1034 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by getMIPSTargetFeatures().

static void getMIPSTargetFeatures ( const Driver D,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]
static std::string getMSCompatibilityVersion ( const char *  VersionStr) [static]

Definition at line 2457 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static std::string getPPCTargetCPU ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

getPPCTargetCPU - Get the (LLVM) name of the PowerPC cpu we are targeting.

Definition at line 1207 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getCPUName().

static void getPPCTargetFeatures ( const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1270 of file Tools.cpp.

References AddTargetFeature().

Referenced by getTargetFeatures().

static std::string getR600TargetGPU ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

Get the (LLVM) name of the R600 gpu we are targeting.

Definition at line 1331 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getCPUName().

static SmallString<128> getSanitizerRTLibName ( const ToolChain TC,
StringRef  Sanitizer,
bool  Shared 
) [static]
static void getSparcTargetFeatures ( const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1347 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getTargetFeatures().

static const char* getSystemZTargetCPU ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]
static void getTargetFeatures ( const Driver D,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
const ArgList &  Args,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs,
bool  ForAS 
) [static]
static const char* getX86TargetCPU ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]

Definition at line 1397 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by getCPUName().

static void getX86TargetFeatures ( const Driver D,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple,
const ArgList &  Args,
std::vector< const char * > &  Features 
) [static]

Definition at line 1537 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::driver::Driver::Diag().

Referenced by getTargetFeatures().

static bool HasPICArg ( const ArgList &  Args) [inline, static]

Definition at line 1642 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by GetHexagonSmallDataThresholdValue().

static bool isNoCommonDefault ( const llvm::Triple &  Triple) [static]

Definition at line 498 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static bool isObjCAutoRefCount ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

Determine whether Objective-C automated reference counting is enabled.

Definition at line 238 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob(), and isObjCRuntimeLinked().

static bool isObjCRuntimeLinked ( const ArgList &  Args) [static]

Determine whether we are linking the ObjC runtime.

Definition at line 243 of file Tools.cpp.

References isObjCAutoRefCount().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::darwin::Link::ConstructJob().

static bool isSignedCharDefault ( const llvm::Triple &  Triple) [static]

Definition at line 470 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static void linkSanitizerRuntimeDeps ( const ToolChain TC,
ArgStringList &  CmdArgs 
) [static]
static bool maybeConsumeDash ( const std::string &  EH,
size_t I 
) [static]

Definition at line 4660 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by parseClangCLEHFlags().

static EHFlags parseClangCLEHFlags ( const Driver D,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

/EH controls whether to run destructor cleanups when exceptions are thrown. There are three modifiers:

  • s: Cleanup after "synchronous" exceptions, aka C++ exceptions.
  • a: Cleanup after "asynchronous" exceptions, aka structured exceptions. The 'a' modifier is unimplemented and fundamentally hard in LLVM IR.
  • c: Assume that extern "C" functions are implicitly noexcept. This modifier is an optimization, so we ignore it for now. The default is /EHs-c-, meaning cleanups are disabled.

Definition at line 4681 of file Tools.cpp.

References EHFlags::Asynch, clang::driver::Driver::Diag(), maybeConsumeDash(), EHFlags::NoExceptC, and EHFlags::Synch.

static void QuoteTarget ( StringRef  Target,
SmallVectorImpl< char > &  Res 
) [static]

Definition at line 105 of file Tools.cpp.

static bool ShouldDisableAutolink ( const ArgList &  Args,
const ToolChain TC 
) [static]
static bool ShouldDisableDwarfDirectory ( const ArgList &  Args,
const ToolChain TC 
) [static]
static bool shouldEnableVectorizerAtOLevel ( const ArgList &  Args,
bool  isSlpVec 
) [static]

Vectorize at all optimization levels greater than 1 except for -Oz. For -Oz the loop vectorizer is disable, while the slp vectorizer is enabled.

Definition at line 2412 of file Tools.cpp.

References S.

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static bool shouldUseExceptionTablesForObjCExceptions ( const ObjCRuntime runtime,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]

Definition at line 1893 of file Tools.cpp.

References clang::ObjCRuntime::isNonFragile().

Referenced by addExceptionArgs().

static bool shouldUseFramePointer ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]

Definition at line 2340 of file Tools.cpp.

References shouldUseFramePointerForTarget().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static bool shouldUseFramePointerForTarget ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]

Definition at line 2317 of file Tools.cpp.

Referenced by shouldUseFramePointer(), and shouldUseLeafFramePointer().

static bool shouldUseLeafFramePointer ( const ArgList &  Args,
const llvm::Triple &  Triple 
) [static]

Definition at line 2349 of file Tools.cpp.

References shouldUseFramePointerForTarget().

Referenced by clang::driver::tools::Clang::ConstructJob().

static void SplitDebugInfo ( const ToolChain TC,
Compilation C,
const Tool T,
const JobAction JA,
const ArgList &  Args,
const InputInfo Output,
const char *  OutFile 
) [static]
static const char* SplitDebugName ( const ArgList &  Args,
const InputInfoList Inputs 
) [static]
static bool UseRelaxAll ( Compilation C,
const ArgList &  Args 
) [static]

Check if -relax-all should be passed to the internal assembler. This is done by default when compiling non-assembler source with -O0.

Definition at line 2043 of file Tools.cpp.

References ContainsCompileAction(), and clang::driver::Compilation::getActions().

Referenced by CollectArgsForIntegratedAssembler().