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gameplay::JoystickControl Class Reference

#include <JoystickControl.h>

Inheritance diagram for gameplay::JoystickControl:
gameplay::Control gameplay::Ref gameplay::AnimationTarget gameplay::ScriptTarget

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const char * getTypeName () const
void addListener (Control::Listener *listener, int eventFlags)
const Vector2getValue () const
void setInnerRegionSize (const Vector2 &size, bool isWidthPercentage=false, bool isHeightPercentage=false)
const Vector2getInnerRegionSize (bool *isWidthPercentage=NULL, bool *isHeightPercentage=NULL) const
void setOuterRegionSize (const Vector2 &size, bool isWidthPercentage=false, bool isHeightPercentage=false)
const Vector2getOuterRegionSize (bool *isWidthPercentage=NULL, bool *isHeightPercentage=NULL) const
void setRelative (bool relative)
bool isRelative () const
unsigned int getIndex () const
void setRadius (float radius, bool isPercentage=false)
float getRadius () const
bool isRadiusPercentage () const

Static Public Member Functions

static JoystickControlcreate (const char *id, Theme::Style *style=NULL)

Protected Member Functions

 JoystickControl ()
virtual ~JoystickControl ()
void initialize (const char *typeName, Theme::Style *style, Properties *properties)
bool touchEvent (Touch::TouchEvent evt, int x, int y, unsigned int contactIndex)
void updateAbsoluteBounds (const Vector2 &offset)
unsigned int drawImages (Form *form, const Rectangle &clip)

Static Protected Member Functions

static Controlcreate (Theme::Style *style, Properties *properties=NULL)

Detailed Description

Defines a control representing a joystick (axis).

This is used in virtual Gamepad instances.

See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


virtual gameplay::JoystickControl::~JoystickControl ( ) [protected, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

void gameplay::JoystickControl::addListener ( Control::Listener listener,
int  eventFlags 
) [virtual]

Add a listener to be notified of specific events affecting this control. Event types can be OR'ed together. E.g. To listen to touch-press and touch-release events, pass Control::Listener::TOUCH | Control::Listener::RELEASE as the second parameter.

listenerThe listener to add.
eventFlagsThe events to listen for.

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

static JoystickControl* gameplay::JoystickControl::create ( const char *  id,
Theme::Style style = NULL 
) [static]

Creates a new Joystick control.

idThe joystick ID.
styleThe joystick style.
The new joystick.
static Control* gameplay::JoystickControl::create ( Theme::Style style,
Properties properties = NULL 
) [static, protected]

Create a joystick control with a given style and properties.

styleThe style to apply to this joystick.
propertiesA properties object containing a definition of the joystick.
The new joystick.
unsigned int gameplay::JoystickControl::drawImages ( Form form,
const Rectangle clip 
) [protected, virtual]
See also:

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

unsigned int gameplay::JoystickControl::getIndex ( ) const

Gets the index of this joystick across all joysticks on a form.

The index of this joystick on a form.
const Vector2& gameplay::JoystickControl::getInnerRegionSize ( bool *  isWidthPercentage = NULL,
bool *  isHeightPercentage = NULL 
) const

Gets the image size of the inner region of the joystick. Returns (0,0) if there is no inner image region defined.

isWidthPercentageSet to true if the width value is a percentage value of the relative size of this control
isHeightPercentageSet to true if the height value is a percentage value of the relative size of this control
The image size of the inner region of the joystick. (x, y) == (width, height)
const Vector2& gameplay::JoystickControl::getOuterRegionSize ( bool *  isWidthPercentage = NULL,
bool *  isHeightPercentage = NULL 
) const

Gets the image size of the outer region of the joystick. Returns (0,0) if there is no outer image region defined.

isWidthPercentageSet to true if the width value is a percentage value of the relative size of this control
isHeightPercentageSet to true if the height value is a percentage value of the relative size of this control
The image size of the outer region of the joystick. (x, y) == (width, height)

Gets the radius of joystick motion

The radius of joystick motion
const char* gameplay::JoystickControl::getTypeName ( ) const [virtual]

Extends ScriptTarget::getTypeName() to return the type name of this class.

Child controls should override this function to return the correct type name.

The type name of this class: "JoystickControl"
See also:

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

Gets the value (2-dimensional direction) of the joystick.

The value of the joystick.
void gameplay::JoystickControl::initialize ( const char *  typeName,
Theme::Style style,
Properties properties 
) [protected, virtual]
See also:

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

Determines if the radius of joystick motion is a percentage value of the relative size of this control

True if the radius of joystick motion is a percentage value of the relative size of this control

Gets whether absolute positioning is enabled or not.

Note: The default behavior is absolute positioning, and not relative.

true if relative positioning is enabled; false otherwise.
void gameplay::JoystickControl::setInnerRegionSize ( const Vector2 size,
bool  isWidthPercentage = false,
bool  isHeightPercentage = false 

Sets the image size of the inner region of the joystick. Does not do anything if there is no inner image region defined.

sizeThe size of the inner region of the joystick. (x, y) == (width, height)
isWidthPercentageIf the width value should be computed as a percentage of the relative size of this control
isHeightPercentageIf the height value should be computed as a percentage of the relative size of this control
void gameplay::JoystickControl::setOuterRegionSize ( const Vector2 size,
bool  isWidthPercentage = false,
bool  isHeightPercentage = false 

Sets the image size of the outer region of the joystick. Does not do anything if there is no outer image region defined.

sizeThe size of the outer region of the joystick. (x, y) == (width, height)
isWidthPercentageIf the width value should be computed as a percentage of the relative size of this control
isHeightPercentageIf the height value should be computed as a percentage of the relative size of this control
void gameplay::JoystickControl::setRadius ( float  radius,
bool  isPercentage = false 

Sets the radius of joystick motion

radiusThe radius to be set.
isPercentageIf the radius value is a percentage value of the relative size of this control
void gameplay::JoystickControl::setRelative ( bool  relative)

Sets whether relative positioning is enabled or not.

Note: The default behavior is absolute positioning, and not relative.

relativeWhether relative positioning should be enabled or not.
bool gameplay::JoystickControl::touchEvent ( Touch::TouchEvent  evt,
int  x,
int  y,
unsigned int  contactIndex 
) [protected, virtual]

Touch callback on touch events. Controls return true if they consume the touch event.

evtThe touch event that occurred.
xThe x position of the touch in pixels. Left edge is zero.
yThe y position of the touch in pixels. Top edge is zero.
contactIndexThe order of occurrence for multiple touch contacts starting at zero.
Whether the touch event was consumed by the control.
See also:

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

void gameplay::JoystickControl::updateAbsoluteBounds ( const Vector2 offset) [protected, virtual]
See also:

Reimplemented from gameplay::Control.

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