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Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions
gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel Class Reference

#include <PhysicsVehicleWheel.h>

Inheritance diagram for gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

PhysicsCollisionObject::Type getType () const
void setEnabled (bool enable)
void transform (Node *node) const
bool isSteerable () const
void setSteerable (bool steerable)
void getWheelDirection (Vector3 *wheelDirection) const
void setWheelDirection (const Vector3 &wheelDirection)
void getWheelAxle (Vector3 *wheelAxle) const
void setWheelAxle (const Vector3 &wheelAxle)
void getStrutConnectionOffset (Vector3 *strutConnectionOffset) const
void setStrutConnectionOffset (const Vector3 &strutConnectionOffset)
float getStrutRestLength () const
void setStrutRestLength (float strutRestLength)
float getStrutTravelMax () const
void setStrutTravelMax (float strutTravelMax)
float getStrutStiffness () const
void setStrutStiffness (float strutStiffness)
float getStrutDampingCompression () const
void setStrutDampingCompression (float strutDampingCompression)
float getStrutDampingRelaxation () const
void setStrutDampingRelaxation (float strutDampingRelaxation)
float getStrutForceMax () const
void setStrutForceMax (float strutForceMax)
float getFrictionBreakout () const
void setFrictionBreakout (float frictionBreakout)
float getWheelRadius () const
void setWheelRadius (float wheelRadius)
float getRollInfluence () const
void setRollInfluence (float rollInfluence)

Protected Member Functions

btCollisionObject * getCollisionObject () const

Detailed Description

Defines a class for vehicle wheel physics which represents the individual wheel itself as well as the tire and suspension.

See also:

Member Function Documentation

btCollisionObject* gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::getCollisionObject ( ) const [protected, virtual]

Gets the breakout friction.

the breakout friction.

Gets roll influence which determines how side friction affects chassis roll.

roll influence, normalized factor.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::getStrutConnectionOffset ( Vector3 strutConnectionOffset) const

Gets offset from the default strut connection point. The default strut connection point is determined from the position of the wheel node relative to the chassis node, and uses the specified value for strut rest length to locate the connection point above it (i.e., in the specified direction of strut compression). Any non-zero strut connection offset acts as a delta from the computed default.

strutConnectionOffsetaddress of where to store the result.

Gets strut damping under compression, normalized to chassis mass.

strut damping under compression, normalized to chassis mass.

Gets strut damping under relaxation, normalized to chassis mass.

strut damping under relaxation, normalized to chassis mass.

Gets the maximum strut force.

the maximum strut force.

Gets the strut rest length.

the strut rest length.

Gets the strut stiffness, normalized to chassis mass.

the strut stiffness, normalized to chassis mass.

Gets the maximum strut travel.

the maximum strut travel.

Gets direction of axle (the spin axis), in chassis space.

wheelAxleaddress of where to store the result.

Gets direction of strut extension, in chassis space.

wheelDirectionaddress of where to store the result.

Gets the wheel radius.

the wheel radius.

Returns true if this wheel is steerable, false otherwise.

true if this wheel is steerable, false otherwise.

Operation not supported. Use host vehicle's setEnabled() instead.

Reimplemented from gameplay::PhysicsCollisionObject.

void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setFrictionBreakout ( float  frictionBreakout)

Sets the breakout friction.

frictionBreakoutthe breakout friction.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setRollInfluence ( float  rollInfluence)

Sets roll influence which determines how side friction affects chassis roll.

rollInfluenceroll influence, normalized factor.

Sets whether this wheel is steerable.

steerabletrue if this wheel is steerable, false otherwise.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutConnectionOffset ( const Vector3 strutConnectionOffset)

Sets offset from the default strut connection point. The default strut connection point is determined from the position of the wheel node relative to the chassis node, and uses the specified value for strut rest length to locate the connection point above it (i.e., in the specified direction of strut compression). Any non-zero strutConnectionOffset acts as a delta from the computed default.

strutConnectionOffsetoffset from the default strut connection point.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutDampingCompression ( float  strutDampingCompression)

Sets strut damping under compression, normalized to chassis mass.

strutDampingCompressionstrut damping under compression, normalized to chassis mass.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutDampingRelaxation ( float  strutDampingRelaxation)

Sets strut damping under relaxation, normalized to chassis mass.

strutDampingRelaxationstrut damping under relaxation, normalized to chassis mass.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutForceMax ( float  strutForceMax)

Sets the maximum strut force.

strutForceMaxthe maximum strut force.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutRestLength ( float  strutRestLength)

Sets the strut rest length.

strutRestLengththe strut rest length.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutStiffness ( float  strutStiffness)

Sets the strut stiffness, normalized to chassis mass.

strutStiffnessthe strut stiffness, normalized to chassis mass.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setStrutTravelMax ( float  strutTravelMax)

Sets the maximum strut travel.

strutTravelMaxthe maximum strut travel.

Sets direction of axle (the spin axis), in chassis space.

wheelAxledirection of axle (the spin axis).

Sets direction of strut extension, in chassis space.

wheelDirectiondirection of strut extension.
void gameplay::PhysicsVehicleWheel::setWheelRadius ( float  wheelRadius)

Sets the wheel radius.

wheelRadiusthe wheel radius.

Apply this wheel's world transform to the specified node. Useful for updating the specified visual node with the current transform.

nodethe node to be transformed; (typically a visual representation of this wheel).
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