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hdsp.c File Reference
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
#include <linux/pci.h>
#include <linux/firmware.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/math64.h>
#include <sound/core.h>
#include <sound/control.h>
#include <sound/pcm.h>
#include <sound/info.h>
#include <sound/asoundef.h>
#include <sound/rawmidi.h>
#include <sound/hwdep.h>
#include <sound/initval.h>
#include <sound/hdsp.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h>
#include <asm/current.h>
#include <asm/io.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  hdsp_9632_meters
struct  hdsp_midi
struct  hdsp


#define HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS   26
#define H9652_SS_CHANNELS   26
#define H9652_DS_CHANNELS   14
#define H9632_SS_CHANNELS   12
#define H9632_DS_CHANNELS   8
#define H9632_QS_CHANNELS   4
#define RPM_CHANNELS   6
#define HDSP_resetPointer   0
#define HDSP_freqReg   0
#define HDSP_outputBufferAddress   32
#define HDSP_inputBufferAddress   36
#define HDSP_controlRegister   64
#define HDSP_interruptConfirmation   96
#define HDSP_outputEnable   128
#define HDSP_control2Reg   256
#define HDSP_midiDataOut0   352
#define HDSP_midiDataOut1   356
#define HDSP_fifoData   368
#define HDSP_inputEnable   384
#define HDSP_statusRegister   0
#define HDSP_timecode   128
#define HDSP_status2Register   192
#define HDSP_midiDataIn0   360
#define HDSP_midiDataIn1   364
#define HDSP_midiStatusOut0   384
#define HDSP_midiStatusOut1   388
#define HDSP_midiStatusIn0   392
#define HDSP_midiStatusIn1   396
#define HDSP_fifoStatus   400
#define HDSP_playbackPeakLevel   4096 /* 26 * 32 bit values */
#define HDSP_inputPeakLevel   4224 /* 26 * 32 bit values */
#define HDSP_outputPeakLevel   4352 /* (26+2) * 32 bit values */
#define HDSP_playbackRmsLevel   4612 /* 26 * 64 bit values */
#define HDSP_inputRmsLevel   4868 /* 26 * 64 bit values */
#define HDSP_9652_peakBase   7164
#define HDSP_9652_rmsBase   4096
#define HDSP_9632_metersBase   4096
#define HDSP_IO_EXTENT   7168
#define HDSP_TMS   0x01
#define HDSP_TCK   0x02
#define HDSP_TDI   0x04
#define HDSP_JTAG   0x08
#define HDSP_PWDN   0x10
#define HDSP_PROGRAM   0x020
#define HDSP_CONFIG_MODE_0   0x040
#define HDSP_CONFIG_MODE_1   0x080
#define HDSP_VERSION_BIT   (0x100 | HDSP_S_LOAD)
#define HDSP_BIGENDIAN_MODE   0x200
#define HDSP_RD_MULTIPLE   0x400
#define HDSP_9652_ENABLE_MIXER   0x800
#define HDSP_TDO   0x10000000
#define HDSP_Start   (1<<0) /* start engine */
#define HDSP_Latency0   (1<<1) /* buffer size = 2^n where n is defined by Latency{2,1,0} */
#define HDSP_Latency1   (1<<2) /* [ see above ] */
#define HDSP_Latency2   (1<<3) /* [ see above ] */
#define HDSP_ClockModeMaster   (1<<4) /* 1=Master, 0=Slave/Autosync */
#define HDSP_AudioInterruptEnable   (1<<5) /* what do you think ? */
#define HDSP_Frequency0   (1<<6) /* 0=44.1kHz/88.2kHz/176.4kHz 1=48kHz/96kHz/192kHz */
#define HDSP_Frequency1   (1<<7) /* 0=32kHz/64kHz/128kHz */
#define HDSP_DoubleSpeed   (1<<8) /* 0=normal speed, 1=double speed */
#define HDSP_SPDIFProfessional   (1<<9) /* 0=consumer, 1=professional */
#define HDSP_SPDIFEmphasis   (1<<10) /* 0=none, 1=on */
#define HDSP_SPDIFNonAudio   (1<<11) /* 0=off, 1=on */
#define HDSP_SPDIFOpticalOut   (1<<12) /* 1=use 1st ADAT connector for SPDIF, 0=do not */
#define HDSP_SyncRef2   (1<<13)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0   (1<<14)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1   (1<<15)
#define HDSP_SyncRef0   (1<<16)
#define HDSP_SyncRef1   (1<<17)
#define HDSP_AnalogExtensionBoard   (1<<18) /* For H9632 cards */
#define HDSP_XLRBreakoutCable   (1<<20) /* For H9632 cards */
#define HDSP_Midi0InterruptEnable   (1<<22)
#define HDSP_Midi1InterruptEnable   (1<<23)
#define HDSP_LineOut   (1<<24)
#define HDSP_ADGain0   (1<<25) /* From here : H9632 specific */
#define HDSP_ADGain1   (1<<26)
#define HDSP_DAGain0   (1<<27)
#define HDSP_DAGain1   (1<<28)
#define HDSP_PhoneGain0   (1<<29)
#define HDSP_PhoneGain1   (1<<30)
#define HDSP_QuadSpeed   (1<<31)
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12   0x04A00
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_6dB   0x00800 /* Dolby */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_0dB   0x00000 /* .. */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_n6dB   0x04000 /* inp_0 */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Line_0dB   0x04200 /* Dolby+PRO */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Line_n6dB   0x00200 /* PRO */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34   0x32000
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_6dB   0x20000 /* SyncRef1 */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_0dB   0x00000 /* .. */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_n6dB   0x02000 /* SyncRef2 */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Line_0dB   0x30000 /* SyncRef1+SyncRef0 */
#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Line_n6dB   0x10000 /* SyncRef0 */
#define HDSP_RPM_Bypass   0x01000
#define HDSP_RPM_Disconnect   0x00001
#define HDSP_ADGainMask   (HDSP_ADGain0|HDSP_ADGain1)
#define HDSP_ADGainMinus10dBV   HDSP_ADGainMask
#define HDSP_ADGainPlus4dBu   (HDSP_ADGain0)
#define HDSP_ADGainLowGain   0
#define HDSP_DAGainMask   (HDSP_DAGain0|HDSP_DAGain1)
#define HDSP_DAGainHighGain   HDSP_DAGainMask
#define HDSP_DAGainPlus4dBu   (HDSP_DAGain0)
#define HDSP_DAGainMinus10dBV   0
#define HDSP_PhoneGainMask   (HDSP_PhoneGain0|HDSP_PhoneGain1)
#define HDSP_PhoneGain0dB   HDSP_PhoneGainMask
#define HDSP_PhoneGainMinus6dB   (HDSP_PhoneGain0)
#define HDSP_PhoneGainMinus12dB   0
#define HDSP_LatencyMask   (HDSP_Latency0|HDSP_Latency1|HDSP_Latency2)
#define HDSP_FrequencyMask   (HDSP_Frequency0|HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_QuadSpeed)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputMask   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0|HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputADAT1   0
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputCoaxial   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputCdrom   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)
#define HDSP_SPDIFInputAES   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0|HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)
#define HDSP_SyncRefMask   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef1|HDSP_SyncRef2)
#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT1   0
#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT2   (HDSP_SyncRef0)
#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT3   (HDSP_SyncRef1)
#define HDSP_SyncRef_SPDIF   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef1)
#define HDSP_SyncRef_WORD   (HDSP_SyncRef2)
#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT_SYNC   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef2)
#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT1   2
#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT2   4
#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT3   5
#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_OPTICAL   0 /* optical (ADAT1) */
#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_COAXIAL   1 /* coaxial (RCA) */
#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_INTERNAL   2 /* internal (CDROM) */
#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_AES   3 /* xlr for H9632 (AES)*/
#define HDSP_Frequency32KHz   HDSP_Frequency0
#define HDSP_Frequency44_1KHz   HDSP_Frequency1
#define HDSP_Frequency48KHz   (HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)
#define HDSP_Frequency64KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency0)
#define HDSP_Frequency88_2KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1)
#define HDSP_Frequency96KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)
#define HDSP_Frequency128KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency0)
#define HDSP_Frequency176_4KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1)
#define HDSP_Frequency192KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)
#define DDS_NUMERATOR   104857600000000ULL; /* = 2^20 * 10^8 */
#define hdsp_encode_latency(x)   (((x)<<1) & HDSP_LatencyMask)
#define hdsp_decode_latency(x)   (((x) & HDSP_LatencyMask)>>1)
#define hdsp_encode_spdif_in(x)   (((x)&0x3)<<14)
#define hdsp_decode_spdif_in(x)   (((x)>>14)&0x3)
#define HDSP_audioIRQPending   (1<<0)
#define HDSP_Lock2   (1<<1) /* this is for Digiface and H9652 */
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency3   HDSP_Lock2 /* this is for H9632 only */
#define HDSP_Lock1   (1<<2)
#define HDSP_Lock0   (1<<3)
#define HDSP_SPDIFSync   (1<<4)
#define HDSP_TimecodeLock   (1<<5)
#define HDSP_BufferPositionMask   0x000FFC0 /* Bit 6..15 : h/w buffer pointer */
#define HDSP_Sync2   (1<<16)
#define HDSP_Sync1   (1<<17)
#define HDSP_Sync0   (1<<18)
#define HDSP_DoubleSpeedStatus   (1<<19)
#define HDSP_ConfigError   (1<<20)
#define HDSP_DllError   (1<<21)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency0   (1<<22)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency1   (1<<23)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency2   (1<<24)
#define HDSP_SPDIFErrorFlag   (1<<25)
#define HDSP_BufferID   (1<<26)
#define HDSP_TimecodeSync   (1<<27)
#define HDSP_AEBO   (1<<28) /* H9632 specific Analog Extension Boards */
#define HDSP_AEBI   (1<<29) /* 0 = present, 1 = absent */
#define HDSP_midi0IRQPending   (1<<30)
#define HDSP_midi1IRQPending   (1<<31)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequencyMask   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency1|HDSP_spdifFrequency2)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequencyMask_9632
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency32KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency44_1KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency1)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency48KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency1)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency64KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency2)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency88_2KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency2)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency96KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency2|HDSP_spdifFrequency1)
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency128KHz
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency176_4KHz   HDSP_spdifFrequency3
#define HDSP_spdifFrequency192KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency3|HDSP_spdifFrequency0)
#define HDSP_version0   (1<<0)
#define HDSP_version1   (1<<1)
#define HDSP_version2   (1<<2)
#define HDSP_wc_lock   (1<<3)
#define HDSP_wc_sync   (1<<4)
#define HDSP_inp_freq0   (1<<5)
#define HDSP_inp_freq1   (1<<6)
#define HDSP_inp_freq2   (1<<7)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef0   (1<<8)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef1   (1<<9)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef2   (1<<10)
#define HDSP_wc_valid   (HDSP_wc_lock|HDSP_wc_sync)
#define HDSP_systemFrequencyMask   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq1|HDSP_inp_freq2)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency32   (HDSP_inp_freq0)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency44_1   (HDSP_inp_freq1)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency48   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq1)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency64   (HDSP_inp_freq2)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency88_2   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq2)
#define HDSP_systemFrequency96   (HDSP_inp_freq1|HDSP_inp_freq2)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRefMask   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef1|HDSP_SelSyncRef2)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT1   0
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT2   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT3   (HDSP_SelSyncRef1)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_SPDIF   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef1)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_WORD   (HDSP_SelSyncRef2)
#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT_SYNC   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef2)
#define HDSP_InitializationComplete   (1<<0)
#define HDSP_FirmwareLoaded   (1<<1)
#define HDSP_FirmwareCached   (1<<2)
#define HDSP_LONG_WAIT   5000
#define HDSP_SHORT_WAIT   30
#define UNITY_GAIN   32768
#define HDSP_SPDIF_IN(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SPDIF_OUT(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_spdif_bits   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_SPDIF_PROFESSIONAL(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SPDIF_EMPHASIS(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SPDIF_NON_AUDIO(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SPDIF_SAMPLE_RATE(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_AUTOSYNC_SAMPLE_RATE(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MODE(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_CLOCK_SOURCE(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_clock_source_lock   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_DA_GAIN(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_AD_GAIN(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_PHONE_GAIN(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_XLR_BREAKOUT_CABLE(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_xlr_breakout_cable   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_AEB(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_aeb   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_PREF_SYNC_REF(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_AUTOSYNC_REF(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_LINE_OUT(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_line_out   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_PRECISE_POINTER(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_precise_pointer   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_USE_MIDI_TASKLET(xname, xindex)
#define snd_hdsp_info_use_midi_tasklet   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info
#define HDSP_MIXER(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_WC_SYNC_CHECK(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_SPDIF_SYNC_CHECK(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_ADATSYNC_SYNC_CHECK(xname, xindex)
#define HDSP_DDS_OFFSET(xname, xindex)


 module_param_array (index, int, NULL, 0444)
 MODULE_PARM_DESC (index,"Index value for RME Hammerfall DSP interface.")
 module_param_array (id, charp, NULL, 0444)
 MODULE_PARM_DESC (id,"ID string for RME Hammerfall DSP interface.")
 module_param_array (enable, bool, NULL, 0444)
 MODULE_PARM_DESC (enable,"Enable/disable specific Hammerfall DSP soundcards.")
 MODULE_AUTHOR ("Paul Davis <[email protected]>, Marcus Andersson, Thomas Charbonnel <[email protected]>")
 MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE ("{{RME Hammerfall-DSP},""{RME HDSP-9652},""{RME HDSP-9632}}")
 MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (pci, snd_hdsp_ids)
 module_pci_driver (hdsp_driver)

Macro Definition Documentation

#define DDS_NUMERATOR   104857600000000ULL; /* = 2^20 * 10^8 */

Definition at line 306 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 74 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 73 of file hdsp.c.

#define H9632_DS_CHANNELS   8

Definition at line 83 of file hdsp.c.

#define H9632_QS_CHANNELS   4

Definition at line 84 of file hdsp.c.

#define H9632_SS_CHANNELS   12

Definition at line 82 of file hdsp.c.

#define H9652_DS_CHANNELS   14

Definition at line 78 of file hdsp.c.

#define H9652_SS_CHANNELS   26

Definition at line 77 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_9632_metersBase   4096

Definition at line 140 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_9652_ENABLE_MIXER   0x800

Definition at line 157 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_9652_peakBase   7164

Definition at line 136 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_9652_rmsBase   4096

Definition at line 137 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AD_GAIN (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_ad_gain, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_ad_gain, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_ad_gain \

Definition at line 2282 of file hdsp.c.

.info = snd_hdsp_info_sync_check, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_adat_sync_check \

Definition at line 3067 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADATSYNC_SYNC_CHECK (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_sync_check, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_adatsync_sync_check \

Definition at line 3038 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGain0   (1<<25) /* From here : H9632 specific */

Definition at line 188 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGain1   (1<<26)

Definition at line 189 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGainLowGain   0

Definition at line 218 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGainMask   (HDSP_ADGain0|HDSP_ADGain1)

Definition at line 215 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGainMinus10dBV   HDSP_ADGainMask

Definition at line 216 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ADGainPlus4dBu   (HDSP_ADGain0)

Definition at line 217 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AEB (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_aeb, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_aeb, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_aeb \

Definition at line 2508 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AEBI   (1<<29) /* 0 = present, 1 = absent */

Definition at line 337 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AEBO   (1<<28) /* H9632 specific Analog Extension Boards */

Definition at line 336 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AnalogExtensionBoard   (1<<18) /* For H9632 cards */

Definition at line 183 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AudioInterruptEnable   (1<<5) /* what do you think ? */

Definition at line 170 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_audioIRQPending   (1<<0)

Definition at line 316 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 281 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 282 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 283 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 278 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 280 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 279 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 277 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AUTOSYNC_REF (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_autosync_ref, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_autosync_ref, \

Definition at line 2692 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_AUTOSYNC_SAMPLE_RATE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_autosync_sample_rate, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_autosync_sample_rate \

Definition at line 1938 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_BIGENDIAN_MODE   0x200

Definition at line 155 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_BufferID   (1<<26)

Definition at line 334 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_BufferPositionMask   0x000FFC0 /* Bit 6..15 : h/w buffer pointer */

Definition at line 323 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 412 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 411 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_CLOCK_SOURCE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_clock_source, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_clock_source, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_clock_source \

Definition at line 2037 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 249 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 256 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 257 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 258 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 250 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 251 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 252 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 253 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 254 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 255 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ClockModeMaster   (1<<4) /* 1=Master, 0=Slave/Autosync */

Definition at line 169 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_CONFIG_MODE_0   0x040

Definition at line 152 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_CONFIG_MODE_1   0x080

Definition at line 153 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_ConfigError   (1<<20)

Definition at line 328 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_control2Reg   256

Definition at line 96 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_controlRegister   64

Definition at line 93 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DA_GAIN (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_da_gain, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_da_gain, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_da_gain \

Definition at line 2197 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGain0   (1<<27)

Definition at line 190 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGain1   (1<<28)

Definition at line 191 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGainHighGain   HDSP_DAGainMask

Definition at line 221 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGainMask   (HDSP_DAGain0|HDSP_DAGain1)

Definition at line 220 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGainMinus10dBV   0

Definition at line 223 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DAGainPlus4dBu   (HDSP_DAGain0)

Definition at line 222 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DDS_OFFSET (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_dds_offset, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_dds_offset, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_dds_offset \

Definition at line 3114 of file hdsp.c.

#define hdsp_decode_latency (   x)    (((x) & HDSP_LatencyMask)>>1)

Definition at line 309 of file hdsp.c.

#define hdsp_decode_spdif_in (   x)    (((x)>>14)&0x3)

Definition at line 312 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DllError   (1<<21)

Definition at line 329 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 423 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 424 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DoubleSpeed   (1<<8) /* 0=normal speed, 1=double speed */

Definition at line 173 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_DoubleSpeedStatus   (1<<19)

Definition at line 327 of file hdsp.c.

#define hdsp_encode_latency (   x)    (((x)<<1) & HDSP_LatencyMask)

Definition at line 308 of file hdsp.c.

#define hdsp_encode_spdif_in (   x)    (((x)&0x3)<<14)

Definition at line 311 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_fifoData   368

Definition at line 99 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_fifoStatus   400

Definition at line 114 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_FirmwareCached   (1<<2)

Definition at line 399 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_FirmwareLoaded   (1<<1)

Definition at line 398 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_freqReg   0

Definition at line 90 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency0   (1<<6) /* 0=44.1kHz/88.2kHz/176.4kHz 1=48kHz/96kHz/192kHz */

Definition at line 171 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency1   (1<<7) /* 0=32kHz/64kHz/128kHz */

Definition at line 172 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency128KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency0)

Definition at line 299 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency176_4KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1)

Definition at line 300 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency192KHz   (HDSP_QuadSpeed|HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)

Definition at line 301 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency32KHz   HDSP_Frequency0

Definition at line 292 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency44_1KHz   HDSP_Frequency1

Definition at line 293 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency48KHz   (HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)

Definition at line 294 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency64KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency0)

Definition at line 295 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency88_2KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1)

Definition at line 296 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Frequency96KHz   (HDSP_DoubleSpeed|HDSP_Frequency1|HDSP_Frequency0)

Definition at line 297 of file hdsp.c.

Definition at line 231 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_InitializationComplete   (1<<0)

Definition at line 397 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inp_freq0   (1<<5)

Definition at line 369 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inp_freq1   (1<<6)

Definition at line 370 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inp_freq2   (1<<7)

Definition at line 371 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inputBufferAddress   36

Definition at line 92 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inputEnable   384

Definition at line 100 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inputPeakLevel   4224 /* 26 * 32 bit values */

Definition at line 123 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_inputRmsLevel   4868 /* 26 * 64 bit values */

Definition at line 126 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_interruptConfirmation   96

Definition at line 94 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_IO_EXTENT   7168

Definition at line 142 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_JTAG   0x08

Definition at line 149 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Latency0   (1<<1) /* buffer size = 2^n where n is defined by Latency{2,1,0} */

Definition at line 166 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Latency1   (1<<2) /* [ see above ] */

Definition at line 167 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Latency2   (1<<3) /* [ see above ] */

Definition at line 168 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_LatencyMask   (HDSP_Latency0|HDSP_Latency1|HDSP_Latency2)

Definition at line 230 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_LINE_OUT (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_line_out, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_line_out \

Definition at line 2748 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_LineOut   (1<<24)

Definition at line 187 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Lock0   (1<<3)

Definition at line 320 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Lock1   (1<<2)

Definition at line 319 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Lock2   (1<<1) /* this is for Digiface and H9652 */

Definition at line 317 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_LONG_WAIT   5000

Definition at line 403 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_MAX_CHANNELS   26

Definition at line 70 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 71 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 72 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Midi0InterruptEnable   (1<<22)

Definition at line 185 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midi0IRQPending   (1<<30)

Definition at line 338 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Midi1InterruptEnable   (1<<23)

Definition at line 186 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midi1IRQPending   (1<<31)

Definition at line 339 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiDataIn0   360

Definition at line 108 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiDataIn1   364

Definition at line 109 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiDataOut0   352

Definition at line 97 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiDataOut1   356

Definition at line 98 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiStatusIn0   392

Definition at line 112 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiStatusIn1   396

Definition at line 113 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiStatusOut0   384

Definition at line 110 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_midiStatusOut1   388

Definition at line 111 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_MIXER (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.device = 0, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_mixer, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_mixer, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_mixer \

Definition at line 2892 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_outputBufferAddress   32

Definition at line 91 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_outputEnable   128

Definition at line 95 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_outputPeakLevel   4352 /* (26+2) * 32 bit values */

Definition at line 124 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PHONE_GAIN (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_phone_gain, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_phone_gain, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_phone_gain \

Definition at line 2367 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGain0   (1<<29)

Definition at line 192 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGain0dB   HDSP_PhoneGainMask

Definition at line 226 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGain1   (1<<30)

Definition at line 193 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGainMask   (HDSP_PhoneGain0|HDSP_PhoneGain1)

Definition at line 225 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGainMinus12dB   0

Definition at line 228 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PhoneGainMinus6dB   (HDSP_PhoneGain0)

Definition at line 227 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_playbackPeakLevel   4096 /* 26 * 32 bit values */

Definition at line 122 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_playbackRmsLevel   4612 /* 26 * 64 bit values */

Definition at line 125 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PRECISE_POINTER (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_precise_pointer, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_precise_pointer \

Definition at line 2800 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PREF_SYNC_REF (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_pref_sync_ref, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_pref_sync_ref, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_pref_sync_ref \

Definition at line 2560 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PROGRAM   0x020

Definition at line 151 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_PWDN   0x10

Definition at line 150 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_QuadSpeed   (1<<31)

Definition at line 194 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RD_MULTIPLE   0x400

Definition at line 156 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_resetPointer   0

Definition at line 89 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Bypass   0x01000

Definition at line 211 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Disconnect   0x00001

Definition at line 213 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12   0x04A00

Definition at line 197 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Line_0dB   0x04200 /* Dolby+PRO */

Definition at line 201 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Line_n6dB   0x00200 /* PRO */

Definition at line 202 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_0dB   0x00000 /* .. */

Definition at line 199 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_6dB   0x00800 /* Dolby */

Definition at line 198 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp12_Phon_n6dB   0x04000 /* inp_0 */

Definition at line 200 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34   0x32000

Definition at line 204 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Line_0dB   0x30000 /* SyncRef1+SyncRef0 */

Definition at line 208 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Line_n6dB   0x10000 /* SyncRef0 */

Definition at line 209 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_0dB   0x00000 /* .. */

Definition at line 206 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_6dB   0x20000 /* SyncRef1 */

Definition at line 205 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_RPM_Inp34_Phon_n6dB   0x02000 /* SyncRef2 */

Definition at line 207 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 161 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 160 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef0   (1<<8)

Definition at line 372 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef1   (1<<9)

Definition at line 373 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef2   (1<<10)

Definition at line 374 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT1   0

Definition at line 388 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT2   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0)

Definition at line 389 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT3   (HDSP_SelSyncRef1)

Definition at line 390 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_ADAT_SYNC   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef2)

Definition at line 393 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_SPDIF   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef1)

Definition at line 391 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRef_WORD   (HDSP_SelSyncRef2)

Definition at line 392 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SelSyncRefMask   (HDSP_SelSyncRef0|HDSP_SelSyncRef1|HDSP_SelSyncRef2)

Definition at line 387 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SHORT_WAIT   30

Definition at line 404 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_EMPHASIS (   xname,
{ .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, .index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_emphasis, .put = snd_hdsp_put_spdif_emphasis }

Definition at line 1765 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_IN (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_spdif_in, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_in, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_spdif_in }

Definition at line 1615 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_NON_AUDIO (   xname,
{ .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, .index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_nonaudio, .put = snd_hdsp_put_spdif_nonaudio }

Definition at line 1809 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_OUT (   xname,
{ .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, .index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_out, .put = snd_hdsp_put_spdif_out }

Definition at line 1675 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_PROFESSIONAL (   xname,
{ .iface = SNDRV_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER, .name = xname, .index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_professional, .put = snd_hdsp_put_spdif_professional }

Definition at line 1721 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_SAMPLE_RATE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_spdif_sample_rate, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_sample_rate \

Definition at line 1853 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIF_SYNC_CHECK (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_sync_check, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_spdif_sync_check \

Definition at line 3007 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFEmphasis   (1<<10) /* 0=none, 1=on */

Definition at line 175 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFErrorFlag   (1<<25)

Definition at line 333 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency0   (1<<22)

Definition at line 330 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency1   (1<<23)

Definition at line 331 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency128KHz

Definition at line 356 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency176_4KHz   HDSP_spdifFrequency3

Definition at line 359 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency192KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency3|HDSP_spdifFrequency0)

Definition at line 360 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency2   (1<<24)

Definition at line 332 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency3   HDSP_Lock2 /* this is for H9632 only */

Definition at line 318 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency32KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0)

Definition at line 347 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency44_1KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency1)

Definition at line 348 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency48KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency1)

Definition at line 349 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency64KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency2)

Definition at line 351 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency88_2KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency2)

Definition at line 352 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequency96KHz   (HDSP_spdifFrequency2|HDSP_spdifFrequency1)

Definition at line 353 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequencyMask   (HDSP_spdifFrequency0|HDSP_spdifFrequency1|HDSP_spdifFrequency2)

Definition at line 341 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_spdifFrequencyMask_9632

Definition at line 342 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_AES   3 /* xlr for H9632 (AES)*/

Definition at line 290 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_COAXIAL   1 /* coaxial (RCA) */

Definition at line 288 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_INTERNAL   2 /* internal (CDROM) */

Definition at line 289 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFIN_OPTICAL   0 /* optical (ADAT1) */

Definition at line 287 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputADAT1   0

Definition at line 234 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputAES   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0|HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)

Definition at line 237 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputCdrom   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)

Definition at line 236 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputCoaxial   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0)

Definition at line 235 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputMask   (HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0|HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1)

Definition at line 233 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect0   (1<<14)

Definition at line 179 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFInputSelect1   (1<<15)

Definition at line 180 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFNonAudio   (1<<11) /* 0=off, 1=on */

Definition at line 176 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFOpticalOut   (1<<12) /* 1=use 1st ADAT connector for SPDIF, 0=do not */

Definition at line 177 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFProfessional   (1<<9) /* 0=consumer, 1=professional */

Definition at line 174 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SPDIFSync   (1<<4)

Definition at line 321 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Start   (1<<0) /* start engine */

Definition at line 165 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_status2Register   192

Definition at line 107 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_statusRegister   0

Definition at line 105 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Sync0   (1<<18)

Definition at line 326 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Sync1   (1<<17)

Definition at line 325 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_Sync2   (1<<16)

Definition at line 324 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 272 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 271 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 273 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT1   2

Definition at line 264 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT2   4

Definition at line 266 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SYNC_FROM_ADAT3   5

Definition at line 267 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 265 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 263 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 262 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef0   (1<<16)

Definition at line 181 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef1   (1<<17)

Definition at line 182 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef2   (1<<13)

Definition at line 178 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT1   0

Definition at line 240 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT2   (HDSP_SyncRef0)

Definition at line 241 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT3   (HDSP_SyncRef1)

Definition at line 242 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_ADAT_SYNC   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef2)

Definition at line 245 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_SPDIF   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef1)

Definition at line 243 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRef_WORD   (HDSP_SyncRef2)

Definition at line 244 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SyncRefMask   (HDSP_SyncRef0|HDSP_SyncRef1|HDSP_SyncRef2)

Definition at line 239 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SYSTEM_CLOCK_MODE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_system_clock_mode, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_system_clock_mode \

Definition at line 1998 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_SYSTEM_SAMPLE_RATE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_system_sample_rate, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_system_sample_rate \

Definition at line 1914 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency32   (HDSP_inp_freq0)

Definition at line 379 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency44_1   (HDSP_inp_freq1)

Definition at line 380 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency48   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq1)

Definition at line 381 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency64   (HDSP_inp_freq2)

Definition at line 382 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency88_2   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq2)

Definition at line 383 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequency96   (HDSP_inp_freq1|HDSP_inp_freq2)

Definition at line 384 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_systemFrequencyMask   (HDSP_inp_freq0|HDSP_inp_freq1|HDSP_inp_freq2)

Definition at line 378 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TCK   0x02

Definition at line 147 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TDI   0x04

Definition at line 148 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TDO   0x10000000

Definition at line 158 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_timecode   128

Definition at line 106 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TimecodeLock   (1<<5)

Definition at line 322 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TimecodeSync   (1<<27)

Definition at line 335 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_TMS   0x01

Definition at line 146 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_USE_MIDI_TASKLET (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_use_midi_tasklet, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_use_midi_tasklet \

Definition at line 2846 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_version0   (1<<0)

Definition at line 364 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_version1   (1<<1)

Definition at line 365 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_version2   (1<<2)

Definition at line 366 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_VERSION_BIT   (0x100 | HDSP_S_LOAD)

Definition at line 154 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_wc_lock   (1<<3)

Definition at line 367 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_wc_sync   (1<<4)

Definition at line 368 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_WC_SYNC_CHECK (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.info = snd_hdsp_info_sync_check, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_wc_sync_check \

Definition at line 2965 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_wc_valid   (HDSP_wc_lock|HDSP_wc_sync)

Definition at line 376 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_XLR_BREAKOUT_CABLE (   xname,
.name = xname, \
.index = xindex, \
.get = snd_hdsp_get_xlr_breakout_cable, \
.put = snd_hdsp_put_xlr_breakout_cable \

Definition at line 2452 of file hdsp.c.

#define HDSP_XLRBreakoutCable   (1<<20) /* For H9632 cards */

Definition at line 184 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 407 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 76 of file hdsp.c.


Definition at line 75 of file hdsp.c.

#define RPM_CHANNELS   6

Definition at line 85 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_aeb   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2534 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_clock_source_lock   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2176 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_line_out   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2772 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_precise_pointer   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2818 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_spdif_bits   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 1695 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_use_midi_tasklet   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2864 of file hdsp.c.

#define snd_hdsp_info_xlr_breakout_cable   snd_ctl_boolean_mono_info

Definition at line 2478 of file hdsp.c.

#define UNITY_GAIN   32768

Definition at line 406 of file hdsp.c.

Function Documentation

MODULE_AUTHOR ( "Paul Davis <[email protected] ,
Marcus  Andersson,
Thomas Charbonnel< thomas >"   
module_param_array ( index  ,
int  ,
module_param_array ( id  ,
charp  ,
module_param_array ( enable  ,
bool  ,
"Index value for RME Hammerfall DSP interface."   
"ID string for RME Hammerfall DSP interface."   
MODULE_PARM_DESC ( enable  ,
"Enable/disable specific Hammerfall DSP soundcards."   
module_pci_driver ( hdsp_driver  )
MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE ( "{{RME Hammerfall-DSP},""{RME HDSP-9652},""{RME HDSP-9632}}"  )