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mb93493-regs.h File Reference
#include <asm/mb-regs.h>
#include <asm/mb93493-irqs.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define __addr_MB93493(X)   ((volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + (X)))
#define __get_MB93493(X)   ({ *(volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + (X)); })
#define __set_MB93493(X, V)
#define __get_MB93493_STSR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x3c0 + (X) * 4)
#define __set_MB93493_STSR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x3c0 + (X) * 4, (V))
#define MB93493_STSR_EN
#define __addr_MB93493_IQSR(X)   __addr_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4)
#define __get_MB93493_IQSR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4)
#define __set_MB93493_IQSR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_DQSR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x3e0 + (X) * 4)
#define __set_MB93493_DQSR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x3e0 + (X) * 4, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_LBSER()   __get_MB93493(0x3f0)
#define __set_MB93493_LBSER(V)   __set_MB93493(0x3f0, (V))
#define MB93493_LBSER_VDC   0x00010000
#define MB93493_LBSER_VCC   0x00020000
#define MB93493_LBSER_AUDIO   0x00040000
#define MB93493_LBSER_I2C_0   0x00080000
#define MB93493_LBSER_I2C_1   0x00100000
#define MB93493_LBSER_USB   0x00200000
#define MB93493_LBSER_GPIO   0x00800000
#define MB93493_LBSER_PCMCIA   0x01000000
#define __get_MB93493_LBSR()   __get_MB93493(0x3fc)
#define __set_MB93493_LBSR(V)   __set_MB93493(0x3fc, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_VDC(X)   __get_MB93493(MB93493_VDC_##X)
#define __set_MB93493_VDC(X, V)   __set_MB93493(MB93493_VDC_##X, (V))
#define MB93493_VDC_RCURSOR   0x140 /* cursor position */
#define MB93493_VDC_RCT1   0x144 /* cursor colour 1 */
#define MB93493_VDC_RCT2   0x148 /* cursor colour 2 */
#define MB93493_VDC_RHDC   0x150 /* horizontal display period */
#define MB93493_VDC_RH_MARGINS   0x154 /* horizontal margin sizes */
#define MB93493_VDC_RVDC   0x158 /* vertical display period */
#define MB93493_VDC_RV_MARGINS   0x15c /* vertical margin sizes */
#define MB93493_VDC_RC   0x170 /* VDC control */
#define MB93493_VDC_RCLOCK   0x174 /* clock divider, DMA req delay */
#define MB93493_VDC_RBLACK   0x178 /* black insert sizes */
#define MB93493_VDC_RS   0x17c /* VDC status */
#define __addr_MB93493_VDC_BCI(X)   ({ (volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + 0x000 + (X)); })
#define __addr_MB93493_VDC_TPO(X)   (__region_CS3 + 0x1c0 + (X))
#define VDC_TPO_WIDTH   32
#define VDC_RC_DSR   0x00000080 /* VDC master reset */
#define VDC_RS_IT   0x00060000 /* interrupt indicators */
#define VDC_RS_IT_UNDERFLOW   0x00040000 /* - underflow event */
#define VDC_RS_IT_VSYNC   0x00020000 /* - VSYNC event */
#define VDC_RS_DFI   0x00010000 /* current interlace field number */
#define VDC_RS_DFI_TOP   0x00000000 /* - top field */
#define VDC_RS_DFI_BOTTOM   0x00010000 /* - bottom field */
#define VDC_RS_DCSR   0x00000010 /* cursor state */
#define VDC_RS_DCM   0x00000003 /* display mode */
#define VDC_RS_DCM_DISABLED   0x00000000 /* - display disabled */
#define VDC_RS_DCM_STOPPED   0x00000001 /* - VDC stopped */
#define VDC_RS_DCM_FREERUNNING   0x00000002 /* - VDC free-running */
#define VDC_RS_DCM_TRANSFERRING   0x00000003 /* - data being transferred to VDC */
#define __get_MB93493_VCC(X)   __get_MB93493(MB93493_VCC_##X)
#define __set_MB93493_VCC(X, V)   __set_MB93493(MB93493_VCC_##X, (V))
#define MB93493_VCC_RREDUCT   0x104 /* reduction rate */
#define MB93493_VCC_RHY   0x108 /* horizontal brightness filter coefficients */
#define MB93493_VCC_RHC   0x10c /* horizontal colour-difference filter coefficients */
#define MB93493_VCC_RHSIZE   0x110 /* horizontal cycle sizes */
#define MB93493_VCC_RHBC   0x114 /* horizontal back porch size */
#define MB93493_VCC_RVCC   0x118 /* vertical capture period */
#define MB93493_VCC_RVBC   0x11c /* vertical back porch period */
#define MB93493_VCC_RV   0x120 /* vertical filter coefficients */
#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS   0x128 /* DMA transfer size */
#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_4B   0x01000000 /* 4-byte transfer */
#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_32B   0x03000000 /* 32-byte transfer */
#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_SHIFT   24
#define MB93493_VCC_RCC   0x130 /* VCC control */
#define MB93493_VCC_RIS   0x134 /* VCC interrupt status */
#define __addr_MB93493_VCC_TPI(X)   (__region_CS3 + 0x180 + (X))
#define VCC_RHSIZE_RHCC   0x000007ff
#define VCC_RHSIZE_RHTCC   0x0fff0000
#define VCC_RVBC_RVBC   0x00003f00
#define VCC_RREDUCT_RHR   0x07ff0000
#define VCC_RREDUCT_RVR   0x000007ff
#define VCC_RCC_CE   0x00000001 /* VCC enable */
#define VCC_RCC_CS   0x00000002 /* request video capture start */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF   0x0000000c /* pixel format */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF_YCBCR_16   0x00000000 /* - YCbCr 4:2:2 16-bit format */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF_RGB   0x00000004 /* - RGB 4:4:4 format */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF_YCBCR_24   0x00000008 /* - YCbCr 4:2:2 24-bit format */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF_BT656   0x0000000c /* - ITU R-BT.656 format */
#define VCC_RCC_CPF_SHIFT   2
#define VCC_RCC_CSR   0x00000080 /* request reset */
#define VCC_RCC_HSIP   0x00000100 /* HSYNC polarity */
#define VCC_RCC_HSIP_LOACT   0x00000000 /* - low active */
#define VCC_RCC_HSIP_HIACT   0x00000100 /* - high active */
#define VCC_RCC_VSIP   0x00000200 /* VSYNC polarity */
#define VCC_RCC_VSIP_LOACT   0x00000000 /* - low active */
#define VCC_RCC_VSIP_HIACT   0x00000200 /* - high active */
#define VCC_RCC_CIE   0x00000800 /* interrupt enable */
#define VCC_RCC_CFP   0x00001000 /* RGB pixel packing */
#define VCC_RCC_CFP_4TO3   0x00000000 /* - pack 4 pixels into 3 words */
#define VCC_RCC_CFP_1TO1   0x00001000 /* - pack 1 pixel into 1 words */
#define VCC_RCC_CSM   0x00006000 /* interlace specification */
#define VCC_RCC_CSM_ONEPASS   0x00002000 /* - non-interlaced */
#define VCC_RCC_CSM_INTERLACE   0x00004000 /* - interlaced */
#define VCC_RCC_CSM_SHIFT   13
#define VCC_RCC_ES   0x00008000 /* capture start polarity */
#define VCC_RCC_ES_NEG   0x00000000 /* - negative edge */
#define VCC_RCC_ES_POS   0x00008000 /* - positive edge */
#define VCC_RCC_IFI   0x00080000 /* inferlace field evaluation reverse */
#define VCC_RCC_FDTS   0x00300000 /* interlace field start */
#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_3_8   0x00000000 /* - 3/8 of horizontal entire cycle */
#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_1_4   0x00100000 /* - 1/4 of horizontal entire cycle */
#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_7_16   0x00200000 /* - 7/16 of horizontal entire cycle */
#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_SHIFT   20
#define VCC_RCC_MOV   0x00400000 /* test bit - always set to 1 */
#define VCC_RCC_STP   0x00800000 /* request video capture stop */
#define VCC_RCC_TO   0x01000000 /* input during top-field only */
#define VCC_RIS_VSYNC   0x01000000 /* VSYNC interrupt */
#define VCC_RIS_OV   0x02000000 /* overflow interrupt */
#define VCC_RIS_BOTTOM   0x08000000 /* interlace bottom field */
#define VCC_RIS_STARTED   0x10000000 /* capture started */
#define MB93493_I2C_BSR   0x340 /* bus status */
#define MB93493_I2C_BCR   0x344 /* bus control */
#define MB93493_I2C_CCR   0x348 /* clock control */
#define MB93493_I2C_ADR   0x34c /* address */
#define MB93493_I2C_DTR   0x350 /* data */
#define MB93493_I2C_BC2R   0x35c /* bus control 2 */
#define __addr_MB93493_I2C(port, X)   (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20))
#define __get_MB93493_I2C(port, X)   __get_MB93493(MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20))
#define __set_MB93493_I2C(port, X, V)   __set_MB93493(MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20), (V))
#define I2C_BSR_BB   (1 << 7)
#define __get_MB93493_I2S(X)   __get_MB93493(MB93493_I2S_##X)
#define __set_MB93493_I2S(X, V)   __set_MB93493(MB93493_I2S_##X, (V))
#define MB93493_I2S_ALDR   0x300 /* L-channel data */
#define MB93493_I2S_ARDR   0x304 /* R-channel data */
#define MB93493_I2S_APDR   0x308 /* 16-bit packed data */
#define MB93493_I2S_AISTR   0x310 /* status */
#define MB93493_I2S_AICR   0x314 /* control */
#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ALDR(X)   (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_ALDR + (X))
#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ARDR(X)   (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_ARDR + (X))
#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_APDR(X)   (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_APDR + (X))
#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ADR(X)   (__region_CS3 + 0x320 + (X))
#define I2S_AISTR_OTST   0x00000003 /* status of output data transfer */
#define I2S_AISTR_OTR   0x00000010 /* output transfer request pending */
#define I2S_AISTR_OUR   0x00000020 /* output FIFO underrun detected */
#define I2S_AISTR_OOR   0x00000040 /* output FIFO overrun detected */
#define I2S_AISTR_ODS   0x00000100 /* output DMA transfer size */
#define I2S_AISTR_ODE   0x00000400 /* output DMA transfer request enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_OTRIE   0x00001000 /* output transfer request interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_OURIE   0x00002000 /* output FIFO underrun interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_OORIE   0x00004000 /* output FIFO overrun interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR__OUT_MASK   0x00007570
#define I2S_AISTR_ITST   0x00030000 /* status of input data transfer */
#define I2S_AISTR_ITST_SHIFT   16
#define I2S_AISTR_ITR   0x00100000 /* input transfer request pending */
#define I2S_AISTR_IUR   0x00200000 /* input FIFO underrun detected */
#define I2S_AISTR_IOR   0x00400000 /* input FIFO overrun detected */
#define I2S_AISTR_IDS   0x01000000 /* input DMA transfer size */
#define I2S_AISTR_IDE   0x04000000 /* input DMA transfer request enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_ITRIE   0x10000000 /* input transfer request interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_IURIE   0x20000000 /* input FIFO underrun interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR_IORIE   0x40000000 /* input FIFO overrun interrupt enable */
#define I2S_AISTR__IN_MASK   0x75700000
#define I2S_AICR_MI   0x00000001 /* mono input requested */
#define I2S_AICR_AMI   0x00000002 /* relation between LRCKI/FS1 and SDI */
#define I2S_AICR_LRI   0x00000004 /* function of LRCKI pin */
#define I2S_AICR_SDMI   0x00000070 /* format of input audio data */
#define I2S_AICR_SDMI_SHIFT   4
#define I2S_AICR_CLI   0x00000080 /* input FIFO clearing control */
#define I2S_AICR_IM   0x00000300 /* input state control */
#define I2S_AICR_IM_SHIFT   8
#define I2S_AICR__IN_MASK   0x000003f7
#define I2S_AICR_MO   0x00001000 /* mono output requested */
#define I2S_AICR_AMO   0x00002000 /* relation between LRCKO/FS0 and SDO */
#define I2S_AICR_AMO_SHIFT   13
#define I2S_AICR_LRO   0x00004000 /* function of LRCKO pin */
#define I2S_AICR_SDMO   0x00070000 /* format of output audio data */
#define I2S_AICR_SDMO_SHIFT   16
#define I2S_AICR_CLO   0x00080000 /* output FIFO clearing control */
#define I2S_AICR_OM   0x00100000 /* output state control */
#define I2S_AICR__OUT_MASK   0x001f7000
#define I2S_AICR_DIV   0x03000000 /* frequency division rate */
#define I2S_AICR_DIV_SHIFT   24
#define I2S_AICR_FL   0x20000000 /* frame length */
#define I2S_AICR_FS   0x40000000 /* frame sync method */
#define I2S_AICR_ME   0x80000000 /* master enable */
#define __addr_MB93493_PCMCIA(X)   ((volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS5 + (X)))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x380 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x380 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_GPDR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x384 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_GPDR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x384 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_SIR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x388 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_SIR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x388 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_SOR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x38c + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_SOR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x38c + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDSR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x390 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDSR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x390 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDCR(X)   __get_MB93493(0x394 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDCR(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x394 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_INTST(X)   __get_MB93493(0x398 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_INTST(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x398 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_IEHL(X)   __get_MB93493(0x39c + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_IEHL(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x39c + (X) * 0xc0, (V))
#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_IELH(X)   __get_MB93493(0x3a0 + (X) * 0xc0)
#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_IELH(X, V)   __set_MB93493(0x3a0 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __addr_MB93493 (   X)    ((volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + (X)))

Definition at line 18 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_I2C (   port,
)    (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20))

Definition at line 177 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ADR (   X)    (__region_CS3 + 0x320 + (X))

Definition at line 198 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ALDR (   X)    (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_ALDR + (X))

Definition at line 195 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_APDR (   X)    (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_APDR + (X))

Definition at line 197 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_I2S_ARDR (   X)    (__region_CS3 + MB93493_I2S_ARDR + (X))

Definition at line 196 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_IQSR (   X)    __addr_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4)

Definition at line 30 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_PCMCIA (   X)    ((volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS5 + (X)))

Definition at line 249 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_VCC_TPI (   X)    (__region_CS3 + 0x180 + (X))

Definition at line 111 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_VDC_BCI (   X)    ({ (volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + 0x000 + (X)); })

Definition at line 70 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __addr_MB93493_VDC_TPO (   X)    (__region_CS3 + 0x1c0 + (X))

Definition at line 71 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493 (   X)    ({ *(volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + (X)); })

Definition at line 19 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_DQSR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x3e0 + (X) * 4)

Definition at line 34 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_GPDR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x384 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 257 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_IEHL (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x39c + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 275 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_IELH (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x3a0 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 278 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_INTST (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x398 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 272 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDCR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x394 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 269 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x380 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 254 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_PDSR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x390 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 266 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_SIR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x388 + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 260 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_GPIO_SOR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x38c + (X) * 0xc0)

Definition at line 263 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_I2C (   port,
)    __get_MB93493(MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20))

Definition at line 178 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_I2S (   X)    __get_MB93493(MB93493_I2S_##X)

Definition at line 186 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_IQSR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4)

Definition at line 31 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_LBSER ( )    __get_MB93493(0x3f0)

Definition at line 37 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_LBSR ( )    __get_MB93493(0x3fc)

Definition at line 49 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_STSR (   X)    __get_MB93493(0x3c0 + (X) * 4)

Definition at line 26 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_VCC (   X)    __get_MB93493(MB93493_VCC_##X)

Definition at line 93 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __get_MB93493_VDC (   X)    __get_MB93493(MB93493_VDC_##X)

Definition at line 55 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493 (   X,
do { \
*(volatile unsigned long *)(__region_CS3 + (X)) = (V); mb(); \
} while(0)

Definition at line 21 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_DQSR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x3e0 + (X) * 4, (V))

Definition at line 35 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_GPDR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x384 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 258 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_IEHL (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x39c + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 276 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_IELH (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x3a0 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 279 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_INTST (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x398 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 273 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDCR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x394 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 270 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x380 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 255 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_PDSR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x390 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 267 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_SIR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x388 + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 261 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_GPIO_SOR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x38c + (X) * 0xc0, (V))

Definition at line 264 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_I2C (   port,
)    __set_MB93493(MB93493_I2C_##X + ((port)*0x20), (V))

Definition at line 179 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_I2S (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(MB93493_I2S_##X, (V))

Definition at line 187 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_IQSR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x3d0 + (X) * 4, (V))

Definition at line 32 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_LBSER (   V)    __set_MB93493(0x3f0, (V))

Definition at line 38 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_LBSR (   V)    __set_MB93493(0x3fc, (V))

Definition at line 50 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_STSR (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(0x3c0 + (X) * 4, (V))

Definition at line 27 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_VCC (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(MB93493_VCC_##X, (V))

Definition at line 94 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define __set_MB93493_VDC (   X,
)    __set_MB93493(MB93493_VDC_##X, (V))

Definition at line 56 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2C_BSR_BB   (1 << 7)

Definition at line 181 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR__IN_MASK   0x000003f7

Definition at line 230 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR__OUT_MASK   0x001f7000

Definition at line 239 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_AMI   0x00000002 /* relation between LRCKI/FS1 and SDI */

Definition at line 223 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_AMO   0x00002000 /* relation between LRCKO/FS0 and SDO */

Definition at line 232 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_AMO_SHIFT   13

Definition at line 233 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_CLI   0x00000080 /* input FIFO clearing control */

Definition at line 227 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_CLO   0x00080000 /* output FIFO clearing control */

Definition at line 237 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_DIV   0x03000000 /* frequency division rate */

Definition at line 240 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_DIV_SHIFT   24

Definition at line 241 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_FL   0x20000000 /* frame length */

Definition at line 242 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_FS   0x40000000 /* frame sync method */

Definition at line 243 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_IM   0x00000300 /* input state control */

Definition at line 228 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_IM_SHIFT   8

Definition at line 229 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_LRI   0x00000004 /* function of LRCKI pin */

Definition at line 224 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_LRO   0x00004000 /* function of LRCKO pin */

Definition at line 234 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_ME   0x80000000 /* master enable */

Definition at line 244 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_MI   0x00000001 /* mono input requested */

Definition at line 222 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_MO   0x00001000 /* mono output requested */

Definition at line 231 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_OM   0x00100000 /* output state control */

Definition at line 238 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_SDMI   0x00000070 /* format of input audio data */

Definition at line 225 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_SDMI_SHIFT   4

Definition at line 226 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_SDMO   0x00070000 /* format of output audio data */

Definition at line 235 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AICR_SDMO_SHIFT   16

Definition at line 236 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR__IN_MASK   0x75700000

Definition at line 220 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR__OUT_MASK   0x00007570

Definition at line 209 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IDE   0x04000000 /* input DMA transfer request enable */

Definition at line 216 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IDS   0x01000000 /* input DMA transfer size */

Definition at line 215 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IOR   0x00400000 /* input FIFO overrun detected */

Definition at line 214 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IORIE   0x40000000 /* input FIFO overrun interrupt enable */

Definition at line 219 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ITR   0x00100000 /* input transfer request pending */

Definition at line 212 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ITRIE   0x10000000 /* input transfer request interrupt enable */

Definition at line 217 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ITST   0x00030000 /* status of input data transfer */

Definition at line 210 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ITST_SHIFT   16

Definition at line 211 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IUR   0x00200000 /* input FIFO underrun detected */

Definition at line 213 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_IURIE   0x20000000 /* input FIFO underrun interrupt enable */

Definition at line 218 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ODE   0x00000400 /* output DMA transfer request enable */

Definition at line 205 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_ODS   0x00000100 /* output DMA transfer size */

Definition at line 204 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OOR   0x00000040 /* output FIFO overrun detected */

Definition at line 203 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OORIE   0x00004000 /* output FIFO overrun interrupt enable */

Definition at line 208 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OTR   0x00000010 /* output transfer request pending */

Definition at line 201 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OTRIE   0x00001000 /* output transfer request interrupt enable */

Definition at line 206 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OTST   0x00000003 /* status of output data transfer */

Definition at line 200 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OUR   0x00000020 /* output FIFO underrun detected */

Definition at line 202 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define I2S_AISTR_OURIE   0x00002000 /* output FIFO underrun interrupt enable */

Definition at line 207 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_ADR   0x34c /* address */

Definition at line 173 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_BC2R   0x35c /* bus control 2 */

Definition at line 175 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_BCR   0x344 /* bus control */

Definition at line 171 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_BSR   0x340 /* bus status */

Definition at line 170 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_CCR   0x348 /* clock control */

Definition at line 172 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2C_DTR   0x350 /* data */

Definition at line 174 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2S_AICR   0x314 /* control */

Definition at line 193 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2S_AISTR   0x310 /* status */

Definition at line 192 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2S_ALDR   0x300 /* L-channel data */

Definition at line 189 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2S_APDR   0x308 /* 16-bit packed data */

Definition at line 191 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_I2S_ARDR   0x304 /* R-channel data */

Definition at line 190 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_AUDIO   0x00040000

Definition at line 42 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_GPIO   0x00800000

Definition at line 46 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_I2C_0   0x00080000

Definition at line 43 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_I2C_1   0x00100000

Definition at line 44 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_PCMCIA   0x01000000

Definition at line 47 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_USB   0x00200000

Definition at line 45 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_VCC   0x00020000

Definition at line 41 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_LBSER_VDC   0x00010000

Definition at line 40 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_STSR_EN

Definition at line 28 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RCC   0x130 /* VCC control */

Definition at line 108 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS   0x128 /* DMA transfer size */

Definition at line 104 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_32B   0x03000000 /* 32-byte transfer */

Definition at line 106 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_4B   0x01000000 /* 4-byte transfer */

Definition at line 105 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RDTS_SHIFT   24

Definition at line 107 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RHBC   0x114 /* horizontal back porch size */

Definition at line 100 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RHC   0x10c /* horizontal colour-difference filter coefficients */

Definition at line 98 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RHSIZE   0x110 /* horizontal cycle sizes */

Definition at line 99 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RHY   0x108 /* horizontal brightness filter coefficients */

Definition at line 97 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RIS   0x134 /* VCC interrupt status */

Definition at line 109 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RREDUCT   0x104 /* reduction rate */

Definition at line 96 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RV   0x120 /* vertical filter coefficients */

Definition at line 103 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RVBC   0x11c /* vertical back porch period */

Definition at line 102 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VCC_RVCC   0x118 /* vertical capture period */

Definition at line 101 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RBLACK   0x178 /* black insert sizes */

Definition at line 67 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RC   0x170 /* VDC control */

Definition at line 65 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RCLOCK   0x174 /* clock divider, DMA req delay */

Definition at line 66 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RCT1   0x144 /* cursor colour 1 */

Definition at line 59 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RCT2   0x148 /* cursor colour 2 */

Definition at line 60 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RCURSOR   0x140 /* cursor position */

Definition at line 58 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RH_MARGINS   0x154 /* horizontal margin sizes */

Definition at line 62 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RHDC   0x150 /* horizontal display period */

Definition at line 61 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RS   0x17c /* VDC status */

Definition at line 68 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RV_MARGINS   0x15c /* vertical margin sizes */

Definition at line 64 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define MB93493_VDC_RVDC   0x158 /* vertical display period */

Definition at line 63 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CE   0x00000001 /* VCC enable */

Definition at line 126 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CFP   0x00001000 /* RGB pixel packing */

Definition at line 142 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CFP_1TO1   0x00001000 /* - pack 1 pixel into 1 words */

Definition at line 144 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CFP_4TO3   0x00000000 /* - pack 4 pixels into 3 words */

Definition at line 143 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CIE   0x00000800 /* interrupt enable */

Definition at line 141 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF   0x0000000c /* pixel format */

Definition at line 128 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF_BT656   0x0000000c /* - ITU R-BT.656 format */

Definition at line 132 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF_RGB   0x00000004 /* - RGB 4:4:4 format */

Definition at line 130 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF_SHIFT   2

Definition at line 133 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF_YCBCR_16   0x00000000 /* - YCbCr 4:2:2 16-bit format */

Definition at line 129 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CPF_YCBCR_24   0x00000008 /* - YCbCr 4:2:2 24-bit format */

Definition at line 131 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CS   0x00000002 /* request video capture start */

Definition at line 127 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CSM   0x00006000 /* interlace specification */

Definition at line 145 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CSM_INTERLACE   0x00004000 /* - interlaced */

Definition at line 147 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CSM_ONEPASS   0x00002000 /* - non-interlaced */

Definition at line 146 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CSM_SHIFT   13

Definition at line 148 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_CSR   0x00000080 /* request reset */

Definition at line 134 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_ES   0x00008000 /* capture start polarity */

Definition at line 149 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_ES_NEG   0x00000000 /* - negative edge */

Definition at line 150 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_ES_POS   0x00008000 /* - positive edge */

Definition at line 151 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_FDTS   0x00300000 /* interlace field start */

Definition at line 153 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_1_4   0x00100000 /* - 1/4 of horizontal entire cycle */

Definition at line 155 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_3_8   0x00000000 /* - 3/8 of horizontal entire cycle */

Definition at line 154 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_7_16   0x00200000 /* - 7/16 of horizontal entire cycle */

Definition at line 156 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_FDTS_SHIFT   20

Definition at line 157 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_HSIP   0x00000100 /* HSYNC polarity */

Definition at line 135 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_HSIP_HIACT   0x00000100 /* - high active */

Definition at line 137 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_HSIP_LOACT   0x00000000 /* - low active */

Definition at line 136 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_IFI   0x00080000 /* inferlace field evaluation reverse */

Definition at line 152 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_MOV   0x00400000 /* test bit - always set to 1 */

Definition at line 158 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_STP   0x00800000 /* request video capture stop */

Definition at line 159 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_TO   0x01000000 /* input during top-field only */

Definition at line 160 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_VSIP   0x00000200 /* VSYNC polarity */

Definition at line 138 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_VSIP_HIACT   0x00000200 /* - high active */

Definition at line 140 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RCC_VSIP_LOACT   0x00000000 /* - low active */

Definition at line 139 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RHSIZE_RHCC   0x000007ff

Definition at line 113 of file mb93493-regs.h.


Definition at line 114 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RHSIZE_RHTCC   0x0fff0000

Definition at line 115 of file mb93493-regs.h.


Definition at line 116 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RIS_BOTTOM   0x08000000 /* interlace bottom field */

Definition at line 164 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RIS_OV   0x02000000 /* overflow interrupt */

Definition at line 163 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RIS_STARTED   0x10000000 /* capture started */

Definition at line 165 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RIS_VSYNC   0x01000000 /* VSYNC interrupt */

Definition at line 162 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RREDUCT_RHR   0x07ff0000

Definition at line 121 of file mb93493-regs.h.


Definition at line 122 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RREDUCT_RVR   0x000007ff

Definition at line 123 of file mb93493-regs.h.


Definition at line 124 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VCC_RVBC_RVBC   0x00003f00

Definition at line 118 of file mb93493-regs.h.


Definition at line 119 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RC_DSR   0x00000080 /* VDC master reset */

Definition at line 75 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCM   0x00000003 /* display mode */

Definition at line 84 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCM_DISABLED   0x00000000 /* - display disabled */

Definition at line 85 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCM_FREERUNNING   0x00000002 /* - VDC free-running */

Definition at line 87 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCM_STOPPED   0x00000001 /* - VDC stopped */

Definition at line 86 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCM_TRANSFERRING   0x00000003 /* - data being transferred to VDC */

Definition at line 88 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DCSR   0x00000010 /* cursor state */

Definition at line 83 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DFI   0x00010000 /* current interlace field number */

Definition at line 80 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DFI_BOTTOM   0x00010000 /* - bottom field */

Definition at line 82 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_DFI_TOP   0x00000000 /* - top field */

Definition at line 81 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_IT   0x00060000 /* interrupt indicators */

Definition at line 77 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_IT_UNDERFLOW   0x00040000 /* - underflow event */

Definition at line 78 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_RS_IT_VSYNC   0x00020000 /* - VSYNC event */

Definition at line 79 of file mb93493-regs.h.

#define VDC_TPO_WIDTH   32

Definition at line 73 of file mb93493-regs.h.