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rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h File Reference

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#define iso_LDR2RP_SHT   8 /* EE Loader to Retention Path*/
#define iso_LDR2RP   BIT(iso_LDR2RP_SHT) /* 1:isolation, 0:attach*/
#define FEN_DIO_SDIO_SHT   0
#define FEN_SDIO_SHT   1
#define FEN_USBA_SHT   2
#define FEN_UPLL_SHT   3
#define FEN_USBD_SHT   4
#define FEN_DIO_PCIE_SHT   5
#define FEN_PCIEA_SHT   6
#define FEN_PPLL_SHT   7
#define FEN_PCIED_SHT   8
#define FEN_CPUEN_SHT   10
#define FEN_DCORE_SHT   11
#define FEN_ELDR_SHT   12
#define PWC_DV2LDR_SHT   13
#define PWC_DV2LDR   BIT(PWC_DV2LDR_SHT) /* Loader Power Enable*/
#define SYS_CLKSEL_SHT   0
#define SYS_CLKSEL   BIT(SYS_CLKSEL_SHT) /* System Clock 80MHz*/
#define PS_CLKSEL_SHT   1
#define PS_CLKSEL
#define CPU_CLKSEL_SHT   2
#define CPU_CLKSEL
#define INT32K_EN_SHT   3
#define INT32K_EN   BIT(INT32K_EN_SHT)
#define MACSLP_SHT   4
#define MAC_CLK_EN_SHT   11
#define MAC_CLK_EN   BIT(MAC_CLK_EN_SHT) /* MAC Clock Enable.*/
#define SYS_CLK_EN_SHT   12
#define RING_CLK_EN_SHT   13
#define SWHW_SEL_SHT   14
#define SWHW_SEL
#define FWHW_SEL_SHT   15
#define FWHW_SEL
#define _VPDIDX_MSK   0xFF00
#define _VPDIDX_SHT   8
#define _EEM_MSK   0x00C0
#define _EEM_SHT   6
#define _EEM0   BIT(6)
#define _EEM1   BIT(7)
#define _EEPROM_EN   BIT(5)
#define _9356SEL   BIT(4)
#define _EECS   BIT(3)
#define _EESK   BIT(2)
#define _EEDI   BIT(1)
#define _EEDO   BIT(0)
#define AFE_MISC_LD12_VDAJ_SHT   4
#define AFE_MISC_LD12_VDAJ_MSK   0X0030
#define AFE_MISC_I32_EN_SHT   3
#define AFE_MISC_E32_EN_SHT   2
#define AFE_MISC_MBEN_SHT   1
#define AFE_MISC_BGEN_SHT   0
#define SPS1_SWEN   BIT(1) /* Enable vsps18 SW Macro Block.*/
#define SPS1_LDEN   BIT(0) /* Enable VSPS12 LDO Macro block.*/
#define LDA15_EN   BIT(0) /* Enable LDOA15 Macro Block*/
#define LDV12_EN   BIT(0) /* Enable LDOVD12 Macro Block*/
#define LDV12_SDBY   BIT(1) /* LDOVD12 standby mode*/
#define _CLK_GATE_EN   BIT(0)
#define EF_FLAG
#define EF_PGPD   0x70000000 /* E-fuse Program time*/
#define EF_RDT
#define EF_PDN_EN   BIT(19) /* EFuse Power down enable*/
#define ALD_EN   BIT(18) /* Autoload Enable*/
#define EF_ADDR   0x0003FF00 /* Access Address*/
#define EF_DATA   0x000000FF /* Access Data*/
#define LDOE25_EN   BIT(31) /* Enable LDOE25 Macro Block*/
#define EFUSE_CLK_EN   BIT(1) /* E-Fuse Clock Enable*/

Macro Definition Documentation

#define _9356SEL   BIT(4)

Definition at line 96 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _CLK_GATE_EN   BIT(0)

Definition at line 140 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EECS   BIT(3)

Definition at line 97 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEDI   BIT(1)

Definition at line 99 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEDO   BIT(0)

Definition at line 100 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEM0   BIT(6)

Definition at line 93 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEM1   BIT(7)

Definition at line 94 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEM_MSK   0x00C0

Definition at line 91 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEM_SHT   6

Definition at line 92 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EEPROM_EN   BIT(5)

Definition at line 95 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _EESK   BIT(2)

Definition at line 98 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _VPDIDX_MSK   0xFF00

Definition at line 89 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define _VPDIDX_SHT   8

Definition at line 90 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

* Block's Bandgap.*/

Definition at line 117 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_BGEN_SHT   0

Definition at line 116 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 113 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_E32_EN_SHT   2

Definition at line 112 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 111 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_I32_EN_SHT   3

Definition at line 110 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 109 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_LD12_VDAJ_MSK   0X0030

Definition at line 108 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_LD12_VDAJ_SHT   4

Definition at line 107 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

* Block's Mbias.*/

Definition at line 115 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define AFE_MISC_MBEN_SHT   1

Definition at line 114 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 106 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 105 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 104 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 103 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define ALD_EN   BIT(18) /* Autoload Enable*/

Definition at line 148 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define CPU_CLKSEL
BIT(CPU_CLKSEL_SHT) /* System Clock select,
* 1: AFE source,
* 0: System clock(L-Bus)*/

Definition at line 72 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define CPU_CLKSEL_SHT   2

Definition at line 71 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_ADDR   0x0003FF00 /* Access Address*/

Definition at line 149 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_DATA   0x000000FF /* Access Data*/

Definition at line 150 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_FLAG
BIT(31) /* Access Flag, Write:1;
* Read:0*/

Definition at line 144 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_PDN_EN   BIT(19) /* EFuse Power down enable*/

Definition at line 147 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_PGPD   0x70000000 /* E-fuse Program time*/

Definition at line 145 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EF_RDT
0x0F000000 /* E-fuse read time: in the
* unit of cycle time*/

Definition at line 146 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define EFUSE_CLK_EN   BIT(1) /* E-Fuse Clock Enable*/

Definition at line 156 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

BIT(0) /* E-Fuse Clock Select,
* 0:500K, 1:40M*/

Definition at line 157 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 58 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_CPUEN_SHT   10

Definition at line 57 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 60 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_DCORE_SHT   11

Definition at line 59 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 50 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_DIO_PCIE_SHT   5

Definition at line 49 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 40 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_DIO_SDIO_SHT   0

Definition at line 39 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 62 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_ELDR_SHT   12

Definition at line 61 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 52 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_PCIEA_SHT   6

Definition at line 51 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 56 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_PCIED_SHT   8

Definition at line 55 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 54 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_PPLL_SHT   7

Definition at line 53 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 42 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_SDIO_SHT   1

Definition at line 41 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 46 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_UPLL_SHT   3

Definition at line 45 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 44 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_USBA_SHT   2

Definition at line 43 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 48 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FEN_USBD_SHT   4

Definition at line 47 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FWHW_SEL
BIT(FWHW_SEL_SHT) /* Sleep exit,
* control path switch.*/

Definition at line 86 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define FWHW_SEL_SHT   15

Definition at line 85 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define INT32K_EN   BIT(INT32K_EN_SHT)

Definition at line 74 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define INT32K_EN_SHT   3

Definition at line 73 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define iso_LDR2RP   BIT(iso_LDR2RP_SHT) /* 1:isolation, 0:attach*/

Definition at line 36 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define iso_LDR2RP_SHT   8 /* EE Loader to Retention Path*/

Definition at line 35 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define LDA15_EN   BIT(0) /* Enable LDOA15 Macro Block*/

Definition at line 130 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define LDOE25_EN   BIT(31) /* Enable LDOE25 Macro Block*/

Definition at line 153 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define LDV12_EN   BIT(0) /* Enable LDOVD12 Macro Block*/

Definition at line 136 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define LDV12_SDBY   BIT(1) /* LDOVD12 standby mode*/

Definition at line 137 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define MAC_CLK_EN   BIT(MAC_CLK_EN_SHT) /* MAC Clock Enable.*/

Definition at line 78 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define MAC_CLK_EN_SHT   11

Definition at line 77 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 76 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define MACSLP_SHT   4

Definition at line 75 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define PS_CLKSEL
BIT(PS_CLKSEL_SHT) /*System power save
* clock select.*/

Definition at line 70 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define PS_CLKSEL_SHT   1

Definition at line 69 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define PWC_DV2LDR   BIT(PWC_DV2LDR_SHT) /* Loader Power Enable*/

Definition at line 64 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define PWC_DV2LDR_SHT   13

Definition at line 63 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 82 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define RING_CLK_EN_SHT   13

Definition at line 81 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SPS1_LDEN   BIT(0) /* Enable VSPS12 LDO Macro block.*/

Definition at line 124 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SPS1_SWEN   BIT(1) /* Enable vsps18 SW Macro Block.*/

Definition at line 123 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SWHW_SEL
BIT(SWHW_SEL_SHT) /* Load done,
* control path switch.*/

Definition at line 84 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SWHW_SEL_SHT   14

Definition at line 83 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.


Definition at line 80 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SYS_CLK_EN_SHT   12

Definition at line 79 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SYS_CLKSEL   BIT(SYS_CLKSEL_SHT) /* System Clock 80MHz*/

Definition at line 68 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.

#define SYS_CLKSEL_SHT   0

Definition at line 67 of file rtl8712_syscfg_bitdef.h.