Linux Kernel  3.7.1
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1 #include <linux/interrupt.h>
2 #include <linux/ioport.h>
4 #include "spk_types.h"
5 #include "speakup.h"
6 #include "spk_priv.h"
7 #include "serialio.h"
9 static void start_serial_interrupt(int irq);
11 static const struct old_serial_port rs_table[] = {
13 };
14 static const struct old_serial_port *serstate;
15 static int timeouts;
18 {
19  int baud = 9600, quot = 0;
20  unsigned int cval = 0;
21  int cflag = CREAD | HUPCL | CLOCAL | B9600 | CS8;
22  const struct old_serial_port *ser = rs_table + index;
23  int err;
25  /* Divisor, bytesize and parity */
26  quot = ser->baud_base / baud;
27  cval = cflag & (CSIZE | CSTOPB);
28 #if defined(__powerpc__) || defined(__alpha__)
29  cval >>= 8;
30 #else /* !__powerpc__ && !__alpha__ */
31  cval >>= 4;
32 #endif /* !__powerpc__ && !__alpha__ */
33  if (cflag & PARENB)
34  cval |= UART_LCR_PARITY;
35  if (!(cflag & PARODD))
36  cval |= UART_LCR_EPAR;
37  if (synth_request_region(ser->port, 8)) {
38  /* try to take it back. */
39  printk(KERN_INFO "Ports not available, trying to steal them\n");
41  err = synth_request_region(ser->port, 8);
42  if (err) {
43  pr_warn("Unable to allocate port at %x, errno %i",
44  ser->port, err);
45  return NULL;
46  }
47  }
49  /* Disable UART interrupts, set DTR and RTS high
50  * and set speed. */
51  outb(cval | UART_LCR_DLAB, ser->port + UART_LCR); /* set DLAB */
52  outb(quot & 0xff, ser->port + UART_DLL); /* LS of divisor */
53  outb(quot >> 8, ser->port + UART_DLM); /* MS of divisor */
54  outb(cval, ser->port + UART_LCR); /* reset DLAB */
56  /* Turn off Interrupts */
57  outb(0, ser->port + UART_IER);
60  /* If we read 0xff from the LSR, there is no UART here. */
61  if (inb(ser->port + UART_LSR) == 0xff) {
62  synth_release_region(ser->port, 8);
63  serstate = NULL;
64  return NULL;
65  }
67  mdelay(1);
68  speakup_info.port_tts = ser->port;
69  serstate = ser;
71  start_serial_interrupt(ser->irq);
73  return ser;
74 }
76 static irqreturn_t synth_readbuf_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
77 {
78  unsigned long flags;
79 /*printk(KERN_ERR "in irq\n"); */
80 /*pr_warn("in IRQ\n"); */
81  int c;
82  spk_lock(flags);
83  while (inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_DR) {
85  c = inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts+UART_RX);
86  synth->read_buff_add((u_char) c);
87 /*printk(KERN_ERR "c = %d\n", c); */
88 /*pr_warn("C = %d\n", c); */
89  }
90  spk_unlock(flags);
91  return IRQ_HANDLED;
92 }
94 static void start_serial_interrupt(int irq)
95 {
96  int rv;
98  if (synth->read_buff_add == NULL)
99  return;
101  rv = request_irq(irq, synth_readbuf_handler, IRQF_SHARED,
102  "serial", (void *) synth_readbuf_handler);
104  if (rv)
105  printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to request Speakup serial I R Q\n");
106  /* Set MCR */
108  speakup_info.port_tts + UART_MCR);
109  /* Turn on Interrupts */
111  speakup_info.port_tts + UART_IER);
112  inb(speakup_info.port_tts+UART_LSR);
113  inb(speakup_info.port_tts+UART_RX);
114  inb(speakup_info.port_tts+UART_IIR);
115  inb(speakup_info.port_tts+UART_MSR);
116  outb(1, speakup_info.port_tts + UART_FCR); /* Turn FIFO On */
117 }
120 {
121  if (speakup_info.port_tts == 0)
122  return;
124  if (synth->read_buff_add == NULL)
125  return;
127  /* Turn off interrupts */
128  outb(0, speakup_info.port_tts+UART_IER);
129  /* Free IRQ */
130  free_irq(serstate->irq, (void *) synth_readbuf_handler);
131 }
133 int wait_for_xmitr(void)
134 {
135  int tmout = SPK_XMITR_TIMEOUT;
136  if ((synth->alive) && (timeouts >= NUM_DISABLE_TIMEOUTS)) {
137  pr_warn("%s: too many timeouts, deactivating speakup\n",
138  synth->long_name);
139  synth->alive = 0;
140  /* No synth any more, so nobody will restart TTYs, and we thus
141  * need to do it ourselves. Now that there is no synth we can
142  * let application flood anyway */
144  timeouts = 0;
145  return 0;
146  }
147  while (spk_serial_tx_busy()) {
148  if (--tmout == 0) {
149  pr_warn("%s: timed out (tx busy)\n", synth->long_name);
150  timeouts++;
151  return 0;
152  }
153  udelay(1);
154  }
155  tmout = SPK_CTS_TIMEOUT;
156  while (!((inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_MSR)) & UART_MSR_CTS)) {
157  /* CTS */
158  if (--tmout == 0) {
159  /* pr_warn("%s: timed out (cts)\n",
160  * synth->long_name); */
161  timeouts++;
162  return 0;
163  }
164  udelay(1);
165  }
166  timeouts = 0;
167  return 1;
168 }
170 unsigned char spk_serial_in(void)
171 {
172  int tmout = SPK_SERIAL_TIMEOUT;
174  while (!(inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_LSR) & UART_LSR_DR)) {
175  if (--tmout == 0) {
176  pr_warn("time out while waiting for input.\n");
177  return 0xff;
178  }
179  udelay(1);
180  }
181  return inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_RX);
182 }
185 unsigned char spk_serial_in_nowait(void)
186 {
187  unsigned char lsr;
189  lsr = inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_LSR);
190  if (!(lsr & UART_LSR_DR))
191  return 0;
192  return inb_p(speakup_info.port_tts + UART_RX);
193 }
196 int spk_serial_out(const char ch)
197 {
198  if (synth->alive && wait_for_xmitr()) {
199  outb_p(ch, speakup_info.port_tts);
200  return 1;
201  }
202  return 0;
203 }
207 {
208  if (speakup_info.port_tts == 0)
209  return;
210  synth_release_region(speakup_info.port_tts, 8);
211  speakup_info.port_tts = 0;
212 }