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stv06xx_vv6410.h File Reference
#include "stv06xx_sensor.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  stv_init


#define VV6410_COLS   416
#define VV6410_ROWS   320
#define VV6410_DEVICEH   0x00
#define VV6410_DEVICEL   0x01
#define VV6410_STATUS0   0x02
#define VV6410_LINECOUNTH   0x03
#define VV6410_LINECOUNTL   0x04
#define VV6410_XENDH   0x05
#define VV6410_XENDL   0x06
#define VV6410_YENDH   0x07
#define VV6410_YENDL   0x08
#define VV6410_DARKAVGH   0x09
#define VV6410_DARKAVGL   0x0a
#define VV6410_BLACKAVGH   0x0b
#define VV6410_BLACKAVGL   0x0c
#define VV6410_STATUS1   0x0d
#define VV6410_SETUP0   0x10
#define VV6410_SETUP1   0x11
#define VV6410_SYNCVALUE   0x12
#define VV6410_FGMODES   0x14
#define VV6410_PINMAPPING   0x15
#define VV6410_DATAFORMAT   0x16
#define VV6410_OPFORMAT   0x17
#define VV6410_MODESELECT   0x18
#define VV6410_FINEH   0x20
#define VV6410_FINEL   0x21
#define VV6410_COARSEH   0x22
#define VV6410_COARSEL   0x23
#define VV6410_ANALOGGAIN   0x24
#define VV6410_CLKDIV   0x25
#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETH   0x2c
#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETL   0x2d
#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETSETUP   0x2e
#define VV6410_LINELENGTHH   0x52
#define VV6410_LINELENGTHL   0x53
#define VV6410_XOFFSETH   0x57
#define VV6410_XOFFSETL   0x58
#define VV6410_YOFFSETH   0x59
#define VV6410_YOFFSETL   0x5a
#define VV6410_FIELDLENGTHH   0x61
#define VV6410_FIELDLENGTHL   0x62
#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETH   0x70
#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETL   0x71
#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETSETUP   0x72
#define VV6410_CR0   0x75
#define VV6410_CR1   0x76
#define VV6410_AS0   0x77
#define VV6410_AT0   0x78
#define VV6410_AT1   0x79
#define VV6410_HFLIP   (1 << 3)
#define VV6410_VFLIP   (1 << 4)
#define VV6410_LOW_POWER_MODE   (1 << 0)
#define VV6410_SOFT_RESET   (1 << 2)
#define VV6410_PAL_25_FPS   (0 << 3)
#define VV6410_CLK_DIV_2   (1 << 1)
#define VV6410_FINE_EXPOSURE   320
#define VV6410_COARSE_EXPOSURE   192
#define VV6410_DEFAULT_GAIN   5
#define VV6410_SUBSAMPLE   0x01
#define VV6410_CROP_TO_QVGA   0x02
#define VV6410_CIF_LINELENGTH   415


struct stv06xx_sensor stv06xx_sensor_vv6410

Macro Definition Documentation

#define VV6410_ANALOGGAIN   0x24

Definition at line 108 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_AS0   0x77

Definition at line 152 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_AT0   0x78

Definition at line 155 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_AT1   0x79

Definition at line 158 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_BLACKAVGH   0x0b

Definition at line 66 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_BLACKAVGL   0x0c

Definition at line 67 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETH   0x70

Definition at line 139 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETL   0x71

Definition at line 140 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_BLACKOFFSETSETUP   0x72

Definition at line 143 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CIF_LINELENGTH   415

Definition at line 176 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CLK_DIV_2   (1 << 1)

Definition at line 167 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CLKDIV   0x25

Definition at line 111 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_COARSE_EXPOSURE   192

Definition at line 170 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_COARSEH   0x22

Definition at line 104 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_COARSEL   0x23

Definition at line 105 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_COLS   416

Definition at line 35 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CR0   0x75

Definition at line 146 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CR1   0x76

Definition at line 149 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_CROP_TO_QVGA   0x02

Definition at line 174 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DARKAVGH   0x09

Definition at line 61 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DARKAVGL   0x0a

Definition at line 62 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETH   0x2c

Definition at line 114 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETL   0x2d

Definition at line 115 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DARKOFFSETSETUP   0x2e

Definition at line 118 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DATAFORMAT   0x16

Definition at line 90 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DEFAULT_GAIN   5

Definition at line 171 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DEVICEH   0x00

Definition at line 40 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_DEVICEL   0x01

Definition at line 41 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FGMODES   0x14

Definition at line 84 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FIELDLENGTHH   0x61

Definition at line 134 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FIELDLENGTHL   0x62

Definition at line 135 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FINE_EXPOSURE   320

Definition at line 169 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FINEH   0x20

Definition at line 100 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_FINEL   0x21

Definition at line 101 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_HFLIP   (1 << 3)

Definition at line 160 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_LINECOUNTH   0x03

Definition at line 48 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_LINECOUNTL   0x04

Definition at line 49 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_LINELENGTHH   0x52

Definition at line 122 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_LINELENGTHL   0x53

Definition at line 123 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_LOW_POWER_MODE   (1 << 0)

Definition at line 163 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_MODESELECT   0x18

Definition at line 96 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_OPFORMAT   0x17

Definition at line 93 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_PAL_25_FPS   (0 << 3)

Definition at line 165 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_PINMAPPING   0x15

Definition at line 87 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_ROWS   320

Definition at line 36 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_SETUP0   0x10

Definition at line 75 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_SETUP1   0x11

Definition at line 78 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_SOFT_RESET   (1 << 2)

Definition at line 164 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_STATUS0   0x02

Definition at line 45 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_STATUS1   0x0d

Definition at line 70 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_SUBSAMPLE   0x01

Definition at line 173 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_SYNCVALUE   0x12

Definition at line 81 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_VFLIP   (1 << 4)

Definition at line 161 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_XENDH   0x05

Definition at line 52 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_XENDL   0x06

Definition at line 53 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_XOFFSETH   0x57

Definition at line 126 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_XOFFSETL   0x58

Definition at line 127 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_YENDH   0x07

Definition at line 56 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_YENDL   0x08

Definition at line 57 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_YOFFSETH   0x59

Definition at line 130 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

#define VV6410_YOFFSETL   0x5a

Definition at line 131 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.

Variable Documentation

struct stv06xx_sensor stv06xx_sensor_vv6410
Initial value:
= {
.name = "ST VV6410",
.i2c_flush = 5,
.i2c_addr = 0x20,
.i2c_len = 1,
.min_packet_size = { 1023 },
.max_packet_size = { 1023 },
.init = vv6410_init,
.init_controls = vv6410_init_controls,
.probe = vv6410_probe,
.start = vv6410_start,
.stop = vv6410_stop,
.dump = vv6410_dump,

Definition at line 191 of file stv06xx_vv6410.h.