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wireless.h File Reference
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/socket.h>
#include <linux/if.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  iw_param
struct  iw_point
struct  iw_freq
struct  iw_quality
struct  iw_discarded
struct  iw_missed
struct  iw_thrspy
struct  iw_scan_req
struct  iw_encode_ext
struct  iw_mlme
struct  iw_pmksa
struct  iw_michaelmicfailure
struct  iw_pmkid_cand
struct  iw_statistics
union  iwreq_data
struct  iwreq
struct  iw_range
struct  iw_priv_args
struct  iw_event


#define WIRELESS_EXT   22
#define SIOCSIWCOMMIT   0x8B00 /* Commit pending changes to driver */
#define SIOCGIWNAME   0x8B01 /* get name == wireless protocol */
#define SIOCSIWNWID   0x8B02 /* set network id (pre-802.11) */
#define SIOCGIWNWID   0x8B03 /* get network id (the cell) */
#define SIOCSIWFREQ   0x8B04 /* set channel/frequency (Hz) */
#define SIOCGIWFREQ   0x8B05 /* get channel/frequency (Hz) */
#define SIOCSIWMODE   0x8B06 /* set operation mode */
#define SIOCGIWMODE   0x8B07 /* get operation mode */
#define SIOCSIWSENS   0x8B08 /* set sensitivity (dBm) */
#define SIOCGIWSENS   0x8B09 /* get sensitivity (dBm) */
#define SIOCSIWRANGE   0x8B0A /* Unused */
#define SIOCGIWRANGE   0x8B0B /* Get range of parameters */
#define SIOCSIWPRIV   0x8B0C /* Unused */
#define SIOCGIWPRIV   0x8B0D /* get private ioctl interface info */
#define SIOCSIWSTATS   0x8B0E /* Unused */
#define SIOCGIWSTATS   0x8B0F /* Get /proc/net/wireless stats */
#define SIOCSIWSPY   0x8B10 /* set spy addresses */
#define SIOCGIWSPY   0x8B11 /* get spy info (quality of link) */
#define SIOCSIWTHRSPY   0x8B12 /* set spy threshold (spy event) */
#define SIOCGIWTHRSPY   0x8B13 /* get spy threshold */
#define SIOCSIWAP   0x8B14 /* set access point MAC addresses */
#define SIOCGIWAP   0x8B15 /* get access point MAC addresses */
#define SIOCGIWAPLIST   0x8B17 /* Deprecated in favor of scanning */
#define SIOCSIWSCAN   0x8B18 /* trigger scanning (list cells) */
#define SIOCGIWSCAN   0x8B19 /* get scanning results */
#define SIOCSIWESSID   0x8B1A /* set ESSID (network name) */
#define SIOCGIWESSID   0x8B1B /* get ESSID */
#define SIOCSIWNICKN   0x8B1C /* set node name/nickname */
#define SIOCGIWNICKN   0x8B1D /* get node name/nickname */
#define SIOCSIWRATE   0x8B20 /* set default bit rate (bps) */
#define SIOCGIWRATE   0x8B21 /* get default bit rate (bps) */
#define SIOCSIWRTS   0x8B22 /* set RTS/CTS threshold (bytes) */
#define SIOCGIWRTS   0x8B23 /* get RTS/CTS threshold (bytes) */
#define SIOCSIWFRAG   0x8B24 /* set fragmentation thr (bytes) */
#define SIOCGIWFRAG   0x8B25 /* get fragmentation thr (bytes) */
#define SIOCSIWTXPOW   0x8B26 /* set transmit power (dBm) */
#define SIOCGIWTXPOW   0x8B27 /* get transmit power (dBm) */
#define SIOCSIWRETRY   0x8B28 /* set retry limits and lifetime */
#define SIOCGIWRETRY   0x8B29 /* get retry limits and lifetime */
#define SIOCSIWENCODE   0x8B2A /* set encoding token & mode */
#define SIOCGIWENCODE   0x8B2B /* get encoding token & mode */
#define SIOCSIWPOWER   0x8B2C /* set Power Management settings */
#define SIOCGIWPOWER   0x8B2D /* get Power Management settings */
#define SIOCSIWGENIE   0x8B30 /* set generic IE */
#define SIOCGIWGENIE   0x8B31 /* get generic IE */
#define SIOCSIWAUTH   0x8B32 /* set authentication mode params */
#define SIOCGIWAUTH   0x8B33 /* get authentication mode params */
#define SIOCSIWENCODEEXT   0x8B34 /* set encoding token & mode */
#define SIOCGIWENCODEEXT   0x8B35 /* get encoding token & mode */
#define SIOCSIWPMKSA   0x8B36 /* PMKSA cache operation */
#define SIOCIWFIRST   0x8B00
#define IW_IOCTL_IDX(cmd)   ((cmd) - SIOCIWFIRST)
#define IW_HANDLER(id, func)   [IW_IOCTL_IDX(id)] = func
#define IW_IS_SET(cmd)   (!((cmd) & 0x1))
#define IW_IS_GET(cmd)   ((cmd) & 0x1)
#define IWEVTXDROP   0x8C00 /* Packet dropped to excessive retry */
#define IWEVQUAL   0x8C01 /* Quality part of statistics (scan) */
#define IWEVCUSTOM   0x8C02 /* Driver specific ascii string */
#define IWEVREGISTERED   0x8C03 /* Discovered a new node (AP mode) */
#define IWEVEXPIRED   0x8C04 /* Expired a node (AP mode) */
#define IWEVFIRST   0x8C00
#define IW_EVENT_IDX(cmd)   ((cmd) - IWEVFIRST)
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_MASK   0x7000 /* Type of arguments */
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_NONE   0x0000
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_BYTE   0x1000 /* Char as number */
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_CHAR   0x2000 /* Char as character */
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT   0x4000 /* 32 bits int */
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_FLOAT   0x5000 /* struct iw_freq */
#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_ADDR   0x6000 /* struct sockaddr */
#define IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED   0x0800 /* Variable or fixed number of args */
#define IW_PRIV_SIZE_MASK   0x07FF /* Max number of those args */
#define IW_MAX_BITRATES   32
#define IW_MAX_TXPOWER   8
#define IW_MAX_SPY   8
#define IW_MAX_AP   64
#define IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE   32
#define IW_MODE_AUTO   0 /* Let the driver decides */
#define IW_MODE_ADHOC   1 /* Single cell network */
#define IW_MODE_INFRA   2 /* Multi cell network, roaming, ... */
#define IW_MODE_MASTER   3 /* Synchronisation master or Access Point */
#define IW_MODE_REPEAT   4 /* Wireless Repeater (forwarder) */
#define IW_MODE_SECOND   5 /* Secondary master/repeater (backup) */
#define IW_MODE_MONITOR   6 /* Passive monitor (listen only) */
#define IW_MODE_MESH   7 /* Mesh (IEEE 802.11s) network */
#define IW_QUAL_QUAL_UPDATED   0x01 /* Value was updated since last read */
#define IW_QUAL_LEVEL_UPDATED   0x02
#define IW_QUAL_NOISE_UPDATED   0x04
#define IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED   0x07
#define IW_QUAL_DBM   0x08 /* Level + Noise are dBm */
#define IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID   0x10 /* Driver doesn't provide value */
#define IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID   0x20
#define IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID   0x40
#define IW_QUAL_RCPI   0x80 /* Level + Noise are 802.11k RCPI */
#define IW_QUAL_ALL_INVALID   0x70
#define IW_FREQ_AUTO   0x00 /* Let the driver decides */
#define IW_FREQ_FIXED   0x01 /* Force a specific value */
#define IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX   64 /* 512 bits (for now) */
#define IW_ENCODE_INDEX   0x00FF /* Token index (if needed) */
#define IW_ENCODE_FLAGS   0xFF00 /* Flags defined below */
#define IW_ENCODE_MODE   0xF000 /* Modes defined below */
#define IW_ENCODE_DISABLED   0x8000 /* Encoding disabled */
#define IW_ENCODE_ENABLED   0x0000 /* Encoding enabled */
#define IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED   0x4000 /* Refuse non-encoded packets */
#define IW_ENCODE_OPEN   0x2000 /* Accept non-encoded packets */
#define IW_ENCODE_NOKEY   0x0800 /* Key is write only, so not present */
#define IW_ENCODE_TEMP   0x0400 /* Temporary key */
#define IW_POWER_ON   0x0000 /* No details... */
#define IW_POWER_TYPE   0xF000 /* Type of parameter */
#define IW_POWER_PERIOD   0x1000 /* Value is a period/duration of */
#define IW_POWER_TIMEOUT   0x2000 /* Value is a timeout (to go asleep) */
#define IW_POWER_MODE   0x0F00 /* Power Management mode */
#define IW_POWER_UNICAST_R   0x0100 /* Receive only unicast messages */
#define IW_POWER_MULTICAST_R   0x0200 /* Receive only multicast messages */
#define IW_POWER_ALL_R   0x0300 /* Receive all messages though PM */
#define IW_POWER_FORCE_S   0x0400 /* Force PM procedure for sending unicast */
#define IW_POWER_REPEATER   0x0800 /* Repeat broadcast messages in PM period */
#define IW_POWER_MODIFIER   0x000F /* Modify a parameter */
#define IW_POWER_MIN   0x0001 /* Value is a minimum */
#define IW_POWER_MAX   0x0002 /* Value is a maximum */
#define IW_POWER_RELATIVE   0x0004 /* Value is not in seconds/ms/us */
#define IW_TXPOW_TYPE   0x00FF /* Type of value */
#define IW_TXPOW_DBM   0x0000 /* Value is in dBm */
#define IW_TXPOW_MWATT   0x0001 /* Value is in mW */
#define IW_TXPOW_RELATIVE   0x0002 /* Value is in arbitrary units */
#define IW_TXPOW_RANGE   0x1000 /* Range of value between min/max */
#define IW_RETRY_ON   0x0000 /* No details... */
#define IW_RETRY_TYPE   0xF000 /* Type of parameter */
#define IW_RETRY_LIMIT   0x1000 /* Maximum number of retries*/
#define IW_RETRY_LIFETIME   0x2000 /* Maximum duration of retries in us */
#define IW_RETRY_MODIFIER   0x00FF /* Modify a parameter */
#define IW_RETRY_MIN   0x0001 /* Value is a minimum */
#define IW_RETRY_MAX   0x0002 /* Value is a maximum */
#define IW_RETRY_RELATIVE   0x0004 /* Value is not in seconds/ms/us */
#define IW_RETRY_SHORT   0x0010 /* Value is for short packets */
#define IW_RETRY_LONG   0x0020 /* Value is for long packets */
#define IW_SCAN_DEFAULT   0x0000 /* Default scan of the driver */
#define IW_SCAN_ALL_ESSID   0x0001 /* Scan all ESSIDs */
#define IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID   0x0002 /* Scan only this ESSID */
#define IW_SCAN_ALL_FREQ   0x0004 /* Scan all Frequencies */
#define IW_SCAN_THIS_FREQ   0x0008 /* Scan only this Frequency */
#define IW_SCAN_ALL_MODE   0x0010 /* Scan all Modes */
#define IW_SCAN_THIS_MODE   0x0020 /* Scan only this Mode */
#define IW_SCAN_ALL_RATE   0x0040 /* Scan all Bit-Rates */
#define IW_SCAN_THIS_RATE   0x0080 /* Scan only this Bit-Rate */
#define IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA   4096 /* In bytes */
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_NONE   0x00
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID   0x01
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_BSSID   0x02
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_CHANNEL   0x04
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_MODE   0x08
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_RATE   0x10
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TYPE   0x20
#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TIME   0x40
#define IW_CUSTOM_MAX   256 /* In bytes */
#define IW_GENERIC_IE_MAX   1024
#define IW_MLME_DEAUTH   0
#define IW_MLME_DISASSOC   1
#define IW_MLME_AUTH   2
#define IW_MLME_ASSOC   3
#define IW_AUTH_INDEX   0x0FFF
#define IW_AUTH_FLAGS   0xF000
#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT   3
#define IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG   6
#define IW_AUTH_MFP   12
#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_DISABLED   0x00000001
#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA   0x00000002
#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA2   0x00000004
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_NONE   0x00000001
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP40   0x00000002
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_TKIP   0x00000004
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_CCMP   0x00000008
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP104   0x00000010
#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_AES_CMAC   0x00000020
#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_802_1X   1
#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK   2
#define IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM   0x00000001
#define IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY   0x00000002
#define IW_AUTH_ALG_LEAP   0x00000004
#define IW_AUTH_ROAMING_ENABLE   0 /* driver/firmware based roaming */
#define IW_AUTH_MFP_DISABLED   0 /* MFP disabled */
#define IW_AUTH_MFP_OPTIONAL   1 /* MFP optional */
#define IW_AUTH_MFP_REQUIRED   2 /* MFP required */
#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_NONE   0
#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_WEP   1
#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_TKIP   2
#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_CCMP   3
#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_PMK   4
#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_TX_SEQ_VALID   0x00000001
#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_RX_SEQ_VALID   0x00000002
#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_GROUP_KEY   0x00000004
#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_SET_TX_KEY   0x00000008
#define IW_MICFAILURE_KEY_ID   0x00000003 /* Key ID 0..3 */
#define IW_MICFAILURE_GROUP   0x00000004
#define IW_MICFAILURE_PAIRWISE   0x00000008
#define IW_MICFAILURE_STAKEY   0x00000010
#define IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA   0x00000001
#define IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA2   0x00000002
#define IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_TKIP   0x00000004
#define IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_CCMP   0x00000008
#define IW_ENC_CAPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE   0x00000010
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE(cmd)
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_INDEX(cmd)   (IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE(cmd) >> 5)
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_MASK(cmd)   (1 << (IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE(cmd) & 0x1F))
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_0
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET(event_capa, cmd)   (event_capa[IW_EVENT_CAPA_INDEX(cmd)] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_MASK(cmd))
#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET_KERNEL(event_capa)   {event_capa[0] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_0; event_capa[1] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_1; }
#define IW_PMKSA_ADD   1
#define IW_PMKSA_REMOVE   2
#define IW_PMKSA_FLUSH   3
#define IW_PMKID_LEN   16
#define IW_PMKID_CAND_PREAUTH   0x00000001 /* RNS pre-authentication enabled */
#define IW_EV_LCP_LEN   (sizeof(struct iw_event) - sizeof(union iwreq_data))
#define IW_EV_UINT_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(__u32))
#define IW_EV_FREQ_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_freq))
#define IW_EV_PARAM_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_param))
#define IW_EV_ADDR_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct sockaddr))
#define IW_EV_QUAL_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_quality))
#define IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN   (4)
#define IW_EV_UINT_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(__u32))
#define IW_EV_FREQ_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_freq))
#define IW_EV_PARAM_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_param))
#define IW_EV_ADDR_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct sockaddr))
#define IW_EV_QUAL_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_quality))

Macro Definition Documentation

#define IW_AUTH_80211_AUTH_ALG   6

Definition at line 553 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_ALG_LEAP   0x00000004

Definition at line 582 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_ALG_OPEN_SYSTEM   0x00000001

Definition at line 580 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_ALG_SHARED_KEY   0x00000002

Definition at line 581 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_AES_CMAC   0x00000020

Definition at line 573 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_CCMP   0x00000008

Definition at line 571 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 549 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 558 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_NONE   0x00000001

Definition at line 568 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 548 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_TKIP   0x00000004

Definition at line 570 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP104   0x00000010

Definition at line 572 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_CIPHER_WEP40   0x00000002

Definition at line 569 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 552 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_FLAGS   0xF000

Definition at line 542 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_INDEX   0x0FFF

Definition at line 541 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT   3

Definition at line 550 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_802_1X   1

Definition at line 576 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_KEY_MGMT_PSK   2

Definition at line 577 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_MFP   12

Definition at line 559 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_MFP_DISABLED   0 /* MFP disabled */

Definition at line 589 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_MFP_OPTIONAL   1 /* MFP optional */

Definition at line 590 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_MFP_REQUIRED   2 /* MFP required */

Definition at line 591 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 557 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 556 of file wireless.h.

1 /* user space program used for roaming
* control */

Definition at line 586 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_ROAMING_ENABLE   0 /* driver/firmware based roaming */

Definition at line 585 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 555 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 551 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 554 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 547 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_DISABLED   0x00000001

Definition at line 562 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA   0x00000002

Definition at line 563 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_AUTH_WPA_VERSION_WPA2   0x00000004

Definition at line 564 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_CUSTOM_MAX   256 /* In bytes */

Definition at line 529 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENC_CAPA_4WAY_HANDSHAKE   0x00000010

Definition at line 620 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_CCMP   0x00000008

Definition at line 619 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENC_CAPA_CIPHER_TKIP   0x00000004

Definition at line 618 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA   0x00000001

Definition at line 616 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENC_CAPA_WPA2   0x00000002

Definition at line 617 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 601 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_CCMP   3

Definition at line 599 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_NONE   0

Definition at line 596 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_PMK   4

Definition at line 600 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_TKIP   2

Definition at line 598 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ALG_WEP   1

Definition at line 597 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_DISABLED   0x8000 /* Encoding disabled */

Definition at line 460 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_ENABLED   0x0000 /* Encoding enabled */

Definition at line 461 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_GROUP_KEY   0x00000004

Definition at line 605 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_RX_SEQ_VALID   0x00000002

Definition at line 604 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_SET_TX_KEY   0x00000008

Definition at line 606 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_EXT_TX_SEQ_VALID   0x00000001

Definition at line 603 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_FLAGS   0xFF00 /* Flags defined below */

Definition at line 458 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_INDEX   0x00FF /* Token index (if needed) */

Definition at line 457 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_MODE   0xF000 /* Modes defined below */

Definition at line 459 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_NOKEY   0x0800 /* Key is write only, so not present */

Definition at line 464 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_OPEN   0x2000 /* Accept non-encoded packets */

Definition at line 463 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_RESTRICTED   0x4000 /* Refuse non-encoded packets */

Definition at line 462 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 594 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODE_TEMP   0x0400 /* Temporary key */

Definition at line 465 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ENCODING_TOKEN_MAX   64 /* 512 bits (for now) */

Definition at line 454 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_ESSID_MAX_SIZE   32

Definition at line 421 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_ADDR_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct sockaddr))

Definition at line 1079 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_ADDR_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct sockaddr))

Definition at line 1098 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 1075 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 1094 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_FREQ_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_freq))

Definition at line 1077 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_FREQ_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_freq))

Definition at line 1096 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_LCP_LEN   (sizeof(struct iw_event) - sizeof(union iwreq_data))

Definition at line 1073 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN   (4)

Definition at line 1092 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_PARAM_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_param))

Definition at line 1078 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_PARAM_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_param))

Definition at line 1097 of file wireless.h.

(IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_point) - \

Definition at line 1087 of file wireless.h.

(((char *) &(((struct iw_point *) NULL)->length)) - \
(char *) NULL)

Definition at line 1085 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 1100 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_QUAL_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_quality))

Definition at line 1080 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_QUAL_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(struct iw_quality))

Definition at line 1099 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_UINT_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_LEN + sizeof(__u32))

Definition at line 1076 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EV_UINT_PK_LEN   (IW_EV_LCP_PK_LEN + sizeof(__u32))

Definition at line 1095 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE (   cmd)
(cmd - SIOCIWFIRSTPRIV + 0x60) : \

Definition at line 625 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_INDEX (   cmd)    (IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE(cmd) >> 5)

Definition at line 628 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_0

Definition at line 632 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 635 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_MASK (   cmd)    (1 << (IW_EVENT_CAPA_BASE(cmd) & 0x1F))

Definition at line 629 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET (   event_capa,
)    (event_capa[IW_EVENT_CAPA_INDEX(cmd)] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_MASK(cmd))

Definition at line 637 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_CAPA_SET_KERNEL (   event_capa)    {event_capa[0] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_0; event_capa[1] |= IW_EVENT_CAPA_K_1; }

Definition at line 638 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_EVENT_IDX (   cmd)    ((cmd) - IWEVFIRST)

Definition at line 371 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_FREQ_AUTO   0x00 /* Let the driver decides */

Definition at line 446 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_FREQ_FIXED   0x01 /* Force a specific value */

Definition at line 447 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_GENERIC_IE_MAX   1024

Definition at line 532 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_HANDLER (   id,
)    [IW_IOCTL_IDX(id)] = func

Definition at line 348 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_IOCTL_IDX (   cmd)    ((cmd) - SIOCIWFIRST)

Definition at line 347 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_IS_GET (   cmd)    ((cmd) & 0x1)

Definition at line 353 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_IS_SET (   cmd)    (!((cmd) & 0x1))

Definition at line 352 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MAX_AP   64

Definition at line 418 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MAX_BITRATES   32

Definition at line 406 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 451 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 400 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MAX_SPY   8

Definition at line 414 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MAX_TXPOWER   8

Definition at line 409 of file wireless.h.

0x00000060 /* 1 or 2 (0 = count not supported)

Definition at line 613 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MICFAILURE_GROUP   0x00000004

Definition at line 610 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MICFAILURE_KEY_ID   0x00000003 /* Key ID 0..3 */

Definition at line 609 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MICFAILURE_PAIRWISE   0x00000008

Definition at line 611 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MICFAILURE_STAKEY   0x00000010

Definition at line 612 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MLME_ASSOC   3

Definition at line 538 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MLME_AUTH   2

Definition at line 537 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MLME_DEAUTH   0

Definition at line 535 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MLME_DISASSOC   1

Definition at line 536 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_ADHOC   1 /* Single cell network */

Definition at line 425 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_AUTO   0 /* Let the driver decides */

Definition at line 424 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_INFRA   2 /* Multi cell network, roaming, ... */

Definition at line 426 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_MASTER   3 /* Synchronisation master or Access Point */

Definition at line 427 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_MESH   7 /* Mesh (IEEE 802.11s) network */

Definition at line 431 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_MONITOR   6 /* Passive monitor (listen only) */

Definition at line 430 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_REPEAT   4 /* Wireless Repeater (forwarder) */

Definition at line 428 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_MODE_SECOND   5 /* Secondary master/repeater (backup) */

Definition at line 429 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PMKID_CAND_PREAUTH   0x00000001 /* RNS pre-authentication enabled */

Definition at line 848 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PMKID_LEN   16

Definition at line 830 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PMKSA_ADD   1

Definition at line 826 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PMKSA_FLUSH   3

Definition at line 828 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PMKSA_REMOVE   2

Definition at line 827 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_ALL_R   0x0300 /* Receive all messages though PM */

Definition at line 475 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_FORCE_S   0x0400 /* Force PM procedure for sending unicast */

Definition at line 476 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_MAX   0x0002 /* Value is a maximum */

Definition at line 480 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_MIN   0x0001 /* Value is a minimum */

Definition at line 479 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_MODE   0x0F00 /* Power Management mode */

Definition at line 472 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_MODIFIER   0x000F /* Modify a parameter */

Definition at line 478 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_MULTICAST_R   0x0200 /* Receive only multicast messages */

Definition at line 474 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_ON   0x0000 /* No details... */

Definition at line 468 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_PERIOD   0x1000 /* Value is a period/duration of */

Definition at line 470 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_RELATIVE   0x0004 /* Value is not in seconds/ms/us */

Definition at line 481 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_REPEATER   0x0800 /* Repeat broadcast messages in PM period */

Definition at line 477 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_TIMEOUT   0x2000 /* Value is a timeout (to go asleep) */

Definition at line 471 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_TYPE   0xF000 /* Type of parameter */

Definition at line 469 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_POWER_UNICAST_R   0x0100 /* Receive only unicast messages */

Definition at line 473 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_SIZE_FIXED   0x0800 /* Variable or fixed number of args */

Definition at line 388 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_SIZE_MASK   0x07FF /* Max number of those args */

Definition at line 390 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_ADDR   0x6000 /* struct sockaddr */

Definition at line 386 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_BYTE   0x1000 /* Char as number */

Definition at line 382 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_CHAR   0x2000 /* Char as character */

Definition at line 383 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_FLOAT   0x5000 /* struct iw_freq */

Definition at line 385 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_INT   0x4000 /* 32 bits int */

Definition at line 384 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_MASK   0x7000 /* Type of arguments */

Definition at line 380 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_PRIV_TYPE_NONE   0x0000

Definition at line 381 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_ALL_INVALID   0x70

Definition at line 443 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_ALL_UPDATED   0x07

Definition at line 437 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_DBM   0x08 /* Level + Noise are dBm */

Definition at line 438 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID   0x20

Definition at line 440 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_LEVEL_UPDATED   0x02

Definition at line 435 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_NOISE_INVALID   0x40

Definition at line 441 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_NOISE_UPDATED   0x04

Definition at line 436 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_QUAL_INVALID   0x10 /* Driver doesn't provide value */

Definition at line 439 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_QUAL_UPDATED   0x01 /* Value was updated since last read */

Definition at line 434 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_QUAL_RCPI   0x80 /* Level + Noise are 802.11k RCPI */

Definition at line 442 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_LIFETIME   0x2000 /* Maximum duration of retries in us */

Definition at line 494 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_LIMIT   0x1000 /* Maximum number of retries*/

Definition at line 493 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_LONG   0x0020 /* Value is for long packets */

Definition at line 500 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_MAX   0x0002 /* Value is a maximum */

Definition at line 497 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_MIN   0x0001 /* Value is a minimum */

Definition at line 496 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_MODIFIER   0x00FF /* Modify a parameter */

Definition at line 495 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_ON   0x0000 /* No details... */

Definition at line 491 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_RELATIVE   0x0004 /* Value is not in seconds/ms/us */

Definition at line 498 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_SHORT   0x0010 /* Value is for short packets */

Definition at line 499 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_RETRY_TYPE   0xF000 /* Type of parameter */

Definition at line 492 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_ALL_ESSID   0x0001 /* Scan all ESSIDs */

Definition at line 504 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_ALL_FREQ   0x0004 /* Scan all Frequencies */

Definition at line 506 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_ALL_MODE   0x0010 /* Scan all Modes */

Definition at line 508 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_ALL_RATE   0x0040 /* Scan all Bit-Rates */

Definition at line 510 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_BSSID   0x02

Definition at line 521 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_CHANNEL   0x04

Definition at line 522 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_ESSID   0x01

Definition at line 520 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_MODE   0x08

Definition at line 523 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_NONE   0x00

Definition at line 519 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_RATE   0x10

Definition at line 524 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TIME   0x40

Definition at line 526 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_CAPA_TYPE   0x20

Definition at line 525 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_DEFAULT   0x0000 /* Default scan of the driver */

Definition at line 503 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA   4096 /* In bytes */

Definition at line 516 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_THIS_ESSID   0x0002 /* Scan only this ESSID */

Definition at line 505 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_THIS_FREQ   0x0008 /* Scan only this Frequency */

Definition at line 507 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_THIS_MODE   0x0020 /* Scan only this Mode */

Definition at line 509 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_SCAN_THIS_RATE   0x0080 /* Scan only this Bit-Rate */

Definition at line 511 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 513 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 514 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_TXPOW_DBM   0x0000 /* Value is in dBm */

Definition at line 485 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_TXPOW_MWATT   0x0001 /* Value is in mW */

Definition at line 486 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_TXPOW_RANGE   0x1000 /* Range of value between min/max */

Definition at line 488 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_TXPOW_RELATIVE   0x0002 /* Value is in arbitrary units */

Definition at line 487 of file wireless.h.

#define IW_TXPOW_TYPE   0x00FF /* Type of value */

Definition at line 484 of file wireless.h.

0x8C07 /* IEs used in (Re)Association Request.
* The data includes id and length
* fields and may contain more than one
* IE. This event is required in
* Managed mode if the driver
* generates its own WPA/RSN IE. This
* should be sent just before
* IWEVREGISTERED event for the
* association. */

Definition at line 366 of file wireless.h.

0x8C08 /* IEs used in (Re)Association
* Response. The data includes id and
* length fields and may contain more
* than one IE. This may be sent
* between IWEVASSOCREQIE and
* IWEVREGISTERED events for the
* association. */

Definition at line 367 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVCUSTOM   0x8C02 /* Driver specific ascii string */

Definition at line 361 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVEXPIRED   0x8C04 /* Expired a node (AP mode) */

Definition at line 363 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVFIRST   0x8C00

Definition at line 370 of file wireless.h.

0x8C05 /* Generic IE (WPA, RSN, WMM, ..)
* (scan results); This includes id and
* length fields. One IWEVGENIE may
* contain more than one IE. Scan
* results may contain one or more
* IWEVGENIE events. */

Definition at line 364 of file wireless.h.

0x8C06 /* Michael MIC failure
* (struct iw_michaelmicfailure)

Definition at line 365 of file wireless.h.

0x8C09 /* PMKID candidate for RSN
* pre-authentication
* (struct iw_pmkid_cand) */

Definition at line 368 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVQUAL   0x8C01 /* Quality part of statistics (scan) */

Definition at line 360 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVREGISTERED   0x8C03 /* Discovered a new node (AP mode) */

Definition at line 362 of file wireless.h.

#define IWEVTXDROP   0x8C00 /* Packet dropped to excessive retry */

Definition at line 359 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWAP   0x8B15 /* get access point MAC addresses */

Definition at line 264 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWAPLIST   0x8B17 /* Deprecated in favor of scanning */

Definition at line 265 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWAUTH   0x8B33 /* get authentication mode params */

Definition at line 311 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWENCODE   0x8B2B /* get encoding token & mode */

Definition at line 292 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWENCODEEXT   0x8B35 /* get encoding token & mode */

Definition at line 315 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWESSID   0x8B1B /* get ESSID */

Definition at line 271 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWFRAG   0x8B25 /* get fragmentation thr (bytes) */

Definition at line 284 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWFREQ   0x8B05 /* get channel/frequency (Hz) */

Definition at line 240 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWGENIE   0x8B31 /* get generic IE */

Definition at line 305 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWMODE   0x8B07 /* get operation mode */

Definition at line 242 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWNAME   0x8B01 /* get name == wireless protocol */

Definition at line 231 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWNICKN   0x8B1D /* get node name/nickname */

Definition at line 273 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWNWID   0x8B03 /* get network id (the cell) */

Definition at line 238 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWPOWER   0x8B2D /* get Power Management settings */

Definition at line 295 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWPRIV   0x8B0D /* get private ioctl interface info */

Definition at line 250 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWRANGE   0x8B0B /* Get range of parameters */

Definition at line 248 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWRATE   0x8B21 /* get default bit rate (bps) */

Definition at line 280 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWRETRY   0x8B29 /* get retry limits and lifetime */

Definition at line 288 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWRTS   0x8B23 /* get RTS/CTS threshold (bytes) */

Definition at line 282 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWSCAN   0x8B19 /* get scanning results */

Definition at line 267 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWSENS   0x8B09 /* get sensitivity (dBm) */

Definition at line 244 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWSPY   0x8B11 /* get spy info (quality of link) */

Definition at line 258 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWSTATS   0x8B0F /* Get /proc/net/wireless stats */

Definition at line 252 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWTHRSPY   0x8B13 /* get spy threshold */

Definition at line 260 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCGIWTXPOW   0x8B27 /* get transmit power (dBm) */

Definition at line 286 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCIWFIRST   0x8B00

Definition at line 345 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 329 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 346 of file wireless.h.


Definition at line 330 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWAP   0x8B14 /* set access point MAC addresses */

Definition at line 263 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWAUTH   0x8B32 /* set authentication mode params */

Definition at line 310 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWCOMMIT   0x8B00 /* Commit pending changes to driver */

Definition at line 230 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWENCODE   0x8B2A /* set encoding token & mode */

Definition at line 291 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWENCODEEXT   0x8B34 /* set encoding token & mode */

Definition at line 314 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWESSID   0x8B1A /* set ESSID (network name) */

Definition at line 270 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWFRAG   0x8B24 /* set fragmentation thr (bytes) */

Definition at line 283 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWFREQ   0x8B04 /* set channel/frequency (Hz) */

Definition at line 239 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWGENIE   0x8B30 /* set generic IE */

Definition at line 304 of file wireless.h.

0x8B16 /* request MLME operation; uses
* struct iw_mlme */

Definition at line 308 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWMODE   0x8B06 /* set operation mode */

Definition at line 241 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWNICKN   0x8B1C /* set node name/nickname */

Definition at line 272 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWNWID   0x8B02 /* set network id (pre-802.11) */

Definition at line 237 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWPMKSA   0x8B36 /* PMKSA cache operation */

Definition at line 318 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWPOWER   0x8B2C /* set Power Management settings */

Definition at line 294 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWPRIV   0x8B0C /* Unused */

Definition at line 249 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWRANGE   0x8B0A /* Unused */

Definition at line 247 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWRATE   0x8B20 /* set default bit rate (bps) */

Definition at line 279 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWRETRY   0x8B28 /* set retry limits and lifetime */

Definition at line 287 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWRTS   0x8B22 /* set RTS/CTS threshold (bytes) */

Definition at line 281 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWSCAN   0x8B18 /* trigger scanning (list cells) */

Definition at line 266 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWSENS   0x8B08 /* set sensitivity (dBm) */

Definition at line 243 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWSPY   0x8B10 /* set spy addresses */

Definition at line 257 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWSTATS   0x8B0E /* Unused */

Definition at line 251 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWTHRSPY   0x8B12 /* set spy threshold (spy event) */

Definition at line 259 of file wireless.h.

#define SIOCSIWTXPOW   0x8B26 /* set transmit power (dBm) */

Definition at line 285 of file wireless.h.

#define WIRELESS_EXT   22

Definition at line 83 of file wireless.h.